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Script to install traditional Thunderbird

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    Script to install traditional Thunderbird

    Purpose of this script

    This is a little helper script for Kubuntu™ 24.04 users who want to install the traditional Thunderbird from and use it complementary to or instead of the Thunderbird Snap​.
    It can also remove the traditional Thunderbird, if it has been installed by this script before, and has been tested many times with Kubuntu™ 24.04 LTS​.

    I hope you find the script useful! Yours respectfully, Schwarzer Kater

    Installation and usage of this script
    1. You can download the script from here:
      Click on its name in the file list and on the next page use the download button on the far right side of the script name.​
      Copy and paste the code of the script into a blank Kate text editor document and save it as "" to e.g. your home directory.
    2. Make the file executable in the Dolphin file manager:
      go to the directory you downloaded/saved the script to, right-click on the file and choose Properties --> Permissions --> enable Is executable --> choose OK.
      Make the file executable in the Konsole terminal emulator:
      go to the directory you downloaded/saved the script to (cd [path to]/[name of directory], e.g. cd ~/Downloads) and enter:
      chmod +x
    3. To run the script in the Konsole terminal emulator go to the directory you downloaded/saved the script to and enter:

    • It is advised to run this script after a full upgrade of the system (either with Discover or in Konsole with sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade) AND a reboot.
    • Thunderbird from can simply be used alternatively with or without the Thunderbird Snap and no further actions are to be taken.
      It will remain installed when release-upgrading (e.g. from 24.04 LTS to 24.10) and causes no conflicts during the upgrade process​​.
      This version of Thunderbird behaves roughly like the ones for macOS™ or Windows™ do and updates itself independently from Discover or APT package management (and can ask you before updating - if you would prefer being asked see the Thunderbird settings).​

    You will be asked if you want [1] to download and install Thunderbird from OR [2] to remove a previously installed Thunderbird, but if you choose [3] to cancel, no changes at all are made to your system.
    After you chose [1] to install Thunderbird from, you will be asked to select your preferred language next​.

    For some more information about what is done in detail see the comments within the script itself.

    Known issues / bugs
    • Don't start and use both the traditional Thunderbird and the Thunderbird Snap simultaneously - this can lead to problems!​​
    • In very rare cases the compressed binary from Mozilla's server was either temporarily not available in a particular language or was corrupted (it once happened with "English (South African) lang=en-ZA" for example).
      The script will inform you about this and suggest the following solution.
      --> The solution is to run the script again, choosing a more "common" (but nonetheless fitting) language version like "English (US) lang=en-US" instead - which then has always worked fine.
      After the installation you can change to your preferred language in the Thunderbird settings​.

    Other Ubuntu™-based distributions

    No other Ubuntu™-based distributions/flavours but Kubuntu™ 24.04 LTS are officially supported.

    Due to the amount of time it would take to thoroughly test this script with other distributions/flavours I will probably also not support them in the future.

    That said the script should work with other official flavours of Ubuntu™ so far.
    Last edited by Schwarzer Kater; May 01, 2024, 09:55 PM.
    Debian KDE & LXQt • Kubuntu & Lubuntu • openSUSE KDE • Windows • macOS X
    Desktop: Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s • Laptop: Apple MacBook Pro 13" • and others

    get rid of Snap script (20.04 +)reinstall Snap for release-upgrade script (20.04 +)
    install traditional Firefox script (22.04 +)​ • install traditional Thunderbird script (24.04)

    • Version 1.0.2, released 2024-05-12
      - improved code (now the script tests first if the computer has established an
      internet connection)​
    • Version 1.0.1, released 2024-05-02
      - improved code (and added link to /usr/local/bin for CLI usage)
      - improved summary regarding the Thunderbird Snap​
    • Version 1.0.0, released 2024-04-25
      - improved summary regarding removal
      - initial public release​
    • Version 1.0.0-Beta2, released 2024-04-17
      - ADDED FEATURE to offer removing traditional Thunderbird from /opt if it has
      been installed by this script before
      - improved code (now the script exits and tells the user when the Thunderbird
      .tar in the chosen language was e.g temporarily not available or was corrupt)​
    • Version 1.0.0-Beta, uploaded 2024-04-05
      - (public) Beta release​

    The script has been tested extensively, but I appreciate it if you report any errors you come across (concerning the coding or the English language).

    Thank you very much!​

    #                                                                              #
    #                                                                              #
    #         $$     $$                                                $$          #
    #         $$     $$  $$$$$$$$$  $$         $$          $$$$$$$     $$          #
    #         $$     $$  $$         $$         $$         $$     $$    $$          #
    #         $$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$   $$         $$         $$     $$    $$          #
    #         $$     $$  $$         $$         $$         $$     $$    $$          #
    #         $$     $$  $$         $$         $$         $$     $$                #
    #         $$     $$  $$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$   $$$$$$$     $$          #
    #                                                                              #
    #                                                                              #
    # This is a little helper script for Kubuntu™ 24.04 users who want to install  #
    # the traditional Thunderbird from and use it complementary to or  #
    # instead of the Thunderbird Snap.                                             #
    # It can also remove Thunderbird, if it has been installed by this script      #
    # before, and has been tested many times with Kubuntu™ 24.04 LTS.              #
    #                                                                              #
    # -> IMPORTANT:                                                                #
    #    It is advised to run this script after a full upgrade of the system       #
    #    (either with Discover or in Konsole with "sudo apt update && sudo apt     #
    #    full-upgrade") AND a reboot.                                              #
    #                                                                              #
    # -> Thunderbird from can simply be used alternatively with or     #
    #    without the Thunderbird Snap and no further actions are to be taken.      #
    #    It will remain installed when release-upgrading (e.g. from 24.04 LTS to   #
    #    24.10) and causes no conflicts during the upgrade process.                #
    #    This version of Thunderbird behaves roughly like the ones for macOS™ or   #
    #    Windows™ do and updates itself independently from Discover or APT package #
    #    management (and can ask you before updating - if you would prefer being   #
    #    asked see the Thunderbird settings).                                      #
    #                                                                              #
    # You will be asked if you want [1] to download and install Thunderbird from   #
    # OR [2] to remove a previously installed Thunderbird, but if you  #
    # choose [3] to cancel, no changes at all are made to your system.             #
    # After you chose [1] to install Thunderbird from, you will be     #
    # asked to select your preferred language next.                                #
    #                                                                              #
    # For some more information about what is done in detail see the comments      #
    # within this script.                                                          #
    #                                                                              #
    # My scripts are in no way associated with Canonical™, Ubuntu™ or Kubuntu™.    #
    # This script comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.                   #
    # It may be used, shared, copied and modified freely.                          #
    #                                                                              #
    # You can download my scripts from here:          #
    #                                                                              #
    # I hope you find the script useful! Yours respectfully, Schwarzer Kater       #
    #                                                                              #
    ## During this session let's make sure no "exotic" or interfering aliases can be
    ## used in this script
    shopt -u expand_aliases
    ## Display purpose of this script
    echo -e "########"
    echo -e "## This is a little helper script for Kubuntu™ 24.04 users who want to install"
    echo -e "## the traditional Thunderbird from and use it complementary to or"
    echo -e "## instead of the Thunderbird Snap."
    echo -e "## It can also remove Thunderbird, if it has been installed by this script"
    echo -e "## before, and has been tested many times with Kubuntu™ 24.04 LTS."
    echo -e "##"
    echo -e "## -> IMPORTANT:"
    echo -e "##    It is advised to run this script after a full upgrade of the system"
    echo -e "##    (either with Discover or in Konsole with \"sudo apt update && sudo apt"
    echo -e "##    full-upgrade\") AND a reboot."
    echo -e "## -> Thunderbird from can simply be used alternatively with or"
    echo -e "##    without the Thunderbird Snap and no further actions are to be taken."
    echo -e "##    It will remain installed when release-upgrading (e.g. from 24.04 LTS to"
    echo -e "##    24.10) and causes no conflicts during the upgrade process."
    echo -e "##    This version of Thunderbird behaves roughly like the ones for macOS™ or"
    echo -e "##    Windows™ do and updates itself independently from Discover or APT package"
    echo -e "##    management (and can ask you before updating - if you would prefer being"
    echo -e "##    asked see the Thunderbird settings)."
    echo -e "##"
    echo -e "## You will be asked if you want [1] to download and install Thunderbird from"
    echo -e "## OR [2] to remove a previously installed Thunderbird, but if you"
    echo -e "## choose [3] to cancel, no changes at all are made to your system."
    echo -e "## After you chose [1] to install Thunderbird from, you will be"
    echo -e "## asked to select your preferred language next."
    echo -e "##"
    echo -e "## For some more information about what is done in detail see the comments"
    echo -e "## within the script itself."
    echo -e "##"
    echo -e "## This script comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND."
    echo -e "## It may be used, shared, copied and modified freely."
    echo -e "##"
    echo -e "## I hope you find the script useful! Yours respectfully, Schwarzer Kater"
    echo -e "########\n"
    read -p "Press [Enter] to continue, press [Ctrl] [c] to exit. "
    ## Make sure the computer has established an internet connection with IP and DNS
    ## before running the rest of the script
    if ! ping -c1 -W1 &> /dev/null && ! ping -c1 -W1 &> /dev/null && ! ping -c1 -W1 &> /dev/null
        echo -e "\n###############################################################################\n## -> AN ERROR OCCURED! <-                                                   ##\n## An Internet connection is required to run this script.                    ##\n## -> Please connect your Kubuntu™ to the Internet and run the script again! ##\n###############################################################################\n"
        exit 1
    ## Install or remove the traditional Thunderbird from
    # Test if the operating system is Kubuntu 24.04 LTS or Ubuntu 24.04-based with
    # KDE Plasma
    if ! cat /etc/os-release | grep -Ei "(^|\s)VERSION=(|\s|\"|\s\")24.04" &> /dev/null || ! echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" | grep -i KDE &> /dev/null
        echo -e "\n#############################################################\n## This script is meant to be used with Kubuntu™ 24.04 LTS ##\n## -> PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!                            ##\n#############################################################"
    echo -e "\n########\n## Do you want to:\n## [1] DOWNLOAD and INSTALL the latest stable Thunderbird from"
    echo -e "##     or\n## [2] REMOVE Thunderbird from /opt if it has been installed by this script\n##     before?"
    if test -d "$HOME/.thunderbird" ; then echo -e "##     (Your user data e.g. in \".thunderbird\" within your $HOME" ; fi
    if test -d "$HOME/.thunderbird" ; then echo -e '##     directory will NOT be touched!)' ; fi
    echo -e "##     or\n## [3] CANCEL the download and installation?\n########"
    # Give option to cancel the installation
    while true
        read -p "[1], [2] or [3] " choice
        if [[ "${choice}" = "1" ]]
            # Test if traditional Thunderbird is installed conventionally/from a PPA
            # or to /opt
            if [[ -d "/usr/lib/thunderbird" && $(command -v thunderbird) ]] || test -x "/opt/thunderbird/thunderbird"
                echo -e "\n########\n## Traditional Thunderbird seems to already be installed\n## -> not changing anything …\n########"
                # Choose from a list of languages and download latest stable
                # Thunderbird in the chosen language to $HOME - see:
                PS3="$(printf '\nChoose your preferred language for Thunderbird: ')"
                select languagesel in "Albanian lang=sq" "Arabic lang=ar" "Armenian lang=hy-AM" "Asturian lang=ast" "Basque lang=eu" "Belarusian lang=be" "Bengali (Bangladesh) lang=bn-BD" "Breton lang=br" "Bulgarian lang=bg" "Catalan lang=ca" "Chinese (Simplified) lang=zh-CN" "Chinese (Traditional) lang=zh-TW" "Croatian lang=hr" "Czech lang=cs" "Danish lang=da" "Dutch lang=nl" "English (British) lang=en-GB" "English (US) lang=en-US" "Estonian lang=et" "Finnish lang=fi" "French lang=fr" "Frisian lang=fy-NL" "Gaelic (Scotland) lang=gd" "Galician lang=gl" "German lang=de" "Greek lang=el" "Hebrew lang=he" "Hungarian lang=hu" "Icelandic lang=is" "Indonesian lang=id" "Irish lang=ga-IE" "Italian lang=it" "Korean lang=ko" "Lithuanian lang=lt" "Lower Sorbian lang=dsb" "Norwegian (Bokmål) lang=nb-NO" "Norwegian (Nynorsk) lang=nn-NO" "Polish lang=pl" "Portuguese (Brazilian) lang=pt-BR" "Portuguese (Portugal) lang=pt-PT" "Punjabi (India) lang=pa-IN" "Romanian lang=ro" "Romansh lang=rm" "Russian lang=ru" "Serbian lang=sr" "Sinhala lang=si" "Slovak lang=sk" "Slovenian lang=sl" "Spanish (Argentina) lang=es-AR" "Spanish (Spain) lang=es-ES" "Swedish lang=sv-SE" "Tamil (Sri Lanka) lang=ta-LK" "Turkish lang=tr" "Ukrainian lang=uk" "Upper Sorbian lang=hsb" "Vietnamese lang=vi" "Welsh lang=cy"
                    if [[ $REPLY -ge 1 && $REPLY -le 57 ]]
                        languagename="$(echo "${languagesel}" | sed 's/ lang.*$//')"
                        languagecode="$(echo "${languagesel}" | sed 's/^.* //')"
                        echo -e "\n########\n## -> Downloading ${languagename} version of Thunderbird from …\n########\n" && wget -O "$HOME/thunderbird-latest-stable.tar.bz2" "${languagecode}"
                        # Test if archive was e.g. not available at all
                        if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
                            echo -e '\n################################################################################\n## -> AN ERROR OCCURED! <-                                                    ##'
                            echo -e "## Thunderbird seems not to be available in the chosen language at the moment ##\n## -> not changing anything …                                                 ##\n################################################################################"
                            break 2
                        echo -e "\n-> Please enter a valid number [1-57]!"
                # Decompress the downloaded Thunderbird archive
                echo -e "########\n## -> Decompressing the Thunderbird archive …\n########\n" && tar xjf "$HOME/thunderbird-latest-stable.tar.bz2" -C "$HOME"
                # Test if archive was e.g. corrupt
                if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
                    echo -e '\n##################################################\n## -> AN ERROR OCCURED! <-                      ##'
                    echo -e "## This Thunderbird archive seems to be corrupt ##\n## -> not changing anything …                   ##\n##################################################"
                # Install Thunderbird to /opt
                echo -e "########\n## -> Installing Thunderbird from to /opt …\n########\n" && sudo mv "$HOME/thunderbird" /opt
                # Clean up: remove the dowloaded Thunderbid archive from $HOME
                if test -e "$HOME/thunderbird-latest-stable.tar.bz2" ; then echo -e "\n########\n## -> Cleaning up …\n########\n" && rm -f "$HOME/thunderbird-latest-stable.tar.bz2" ; fi
                # Make the new Thunderbird accessible from CLI (don't use /usr/bin -
                # otherwise the link could be removed when release-upgrading /
                # (re)installing the Thunderbird Snap)
                # Create /usr/local/bin before, if it doesn't exit
                sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin && sudo ln -s /opt/thunderbird/thunderbird /usr/local/bin/thunderbird
                # Create thunderbird.desktop in /usr/local/share/applications to give
                # all users access to the new Thunderbird via application menu (don't
                # use /usr/share/applications - otherwise the .desktop file could be
                # removed when release-upgrading / (re)installing the Thunderbird
                # Snap)
                echo -e "########\n## -> Writing thunderbird.desktop file to /usr/local/share/applications/ :\n########\n"
                # Create /usr/local/share/applications before, if it doesn't exit
                sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/applications
                echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nEncoding=UTF-8\nName=Thunderbird Mail from\nComment=Send and receive mail with Thunderbird\nGenericName=Mail Client\nKeywords=Email;E-mail;Newsgroup;Feed;RSS\nExec=/opt/thunderbird/thunderbird %u\nTerminal=false\nX-MultipleArgs=false\nType=Application\nIcon=/opt/thunderbird/chrome/icons/default/default128.png\nCategories=Application;Network;Email;\nMimeType=x-scheme-handler/mailto;application/x-xpinstall;x-scheme-handler/webcal;x-scheme-handler/mid;message/rfc822;\nStartupNotify=true\nActions=Compose;Contacts;\n\n[Desktop Action Compose]\nName=Compose New Message\nExec=/opt/thunderbird/thunderbird -compose\n\n[Desktop Action Contacts]\nName=Contacts\nExec=/opt/thunderbird/thunderbird -addressbook\n" | sudo tee /usr/local/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop
                # Rebuild the KDE Plasma application menu index as sometimes this
                # helps when the new Thunderbird does not show properly (especially
                # if the Thunderbird Snap is additionally installed)
                if command -v kbuildsycoca5 &> /dev/null ; then kbuildsycoca5 &> /dev/null ; fi
        elif [[ "${choice}" = "2" ]]
            # Test if traditional Thunderbird has been installed to /opt by this
            # script
            if ! [[ -x "/opt/thunderbird/thunderbird" && -r "/usr/local/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop" ]]
                echo -e "\n########\n## Traditional Thunderbird does not seem to have been installed from\n## to /opt by this script before -> not changing anything …\n########"
                # Give option to cancel
                echo -e "\n########\n## Are you sure you want to UNINSTALL traditional Thunderbird from /opt ?\n########"
                while true
                    read -p "[y/n] " removetb
                    if [[ "${removetb}" = [Yy] ]]
                        # Remove Thunderbird from /opt, the link from /usr/local/bin
                        # and the .desktop file from /usr/local/share/applications
                        echo -e "\n########\n## -> Removing traditional Thunderbird from /opt …\n########\n"
                        sudo rm -rf /opt/thunderbird && sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/thunderbird && sudo rm -f /usr/local/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop
                        # Rebuild the KDE Plasma application menu index
                        if command -v kbuildsycoca5 &> /dev/null ; then kbuildsycoca5 &> /dev/null ; fi
                        break 2
                    elif [[ "${removetb}" = [Nn] ]]
                        echo -e "\n########\n## You have canceled the removal of traditional Thunderbird from /opt\n## -> not changing anything …\n########"
                        break 2
        elif [[ "${choice}" = "3" ]]
            echo -e "\n########\n## You have canceled the download & installation or removal of the traditional\n## Thunderbird -> not changing anything …\n########"
    ## Report what has been done
    summary_first="\n########\n## -> SUMMARY:"
    summary_what="## Thunderbird has been successfully installed from to /opt ."
    summary_where="## -> You can find it in your application menu under \"Internet\"."
    summary_snap="## -> Be aware that the Thunderbird Snap is still additionally installed.\n##    DON'T START AND USE BOTH the traditional Thunderbird AND the Thunderbird\n##    Snap SIMULTANEOUSLY - this can lead to problems!"
    summary_snapremove="##    You can remove and block Snaps entirely with the \"get_rid_of_Snap\" script."
    summary_nochange="## The script has made no changes at all to your system!"
    summary_last="## Have a nice day and enjoy Kubuntu™.\n########\n"
    summary_lasttb="## Have a nice day and enjoy your new Thunderbird and Kubuntu™.\n########\n"
    if [[ ${intb} = 1 ]]
        # Tell that Thunderbird has been installed from
        echo -e "${summary_first}"
        echo -e "${summary_what}"
        echo -e "${summary_where}"
        if snap list thunderbird &> /dev/null ; then echo -e "${summary_snap}" ; fi
        if snap list thunderbird &> /dev/null ; then echo -e "${summary_snapremove}" ; fi
        echo -e "${summary_lasttb}"
    elif [[ ${rmtb} = 1 ]]
        # Tell that Thunderbird has been removed from /opt
        echo -e "${summary_first}"
        echo -e "## Thunderbird has been successfully removed from /opt ."
        if test -d "$HOME/.thunderbird" ; then echo -e "## -> Your user data in \".thunderbird\" within your $HOME" ; fi
        if test -d "$HOME/.thunderbird" ; then echo -e '##    directory has NOT been touched!' ; fi
        echo -e "${summary_last}"
    elif [[ ${intb} = 0 ]] && [[ ${tberror} = 1 ]]
        # Tell that an error has occured and nothing has been changed
        echo -e "${summary_first}"
        echo -e '## Thunderbird could NOT be installed from to /opt !'
        echo -e "## It was either not available in your chosen language at the moment or this\n## archive was corrupt…"
        echo -e "## -> Please run the script again and choose a more \"common\" (but nonetheless\n##    fitting) language version instead."
        echo -e "##    After the installation you can change to your preferred language in the\n##    Thunderbird settings."
        echo -e "${summary_nochange}"
        echo -e "${summary_last}"
        # Tell that nothing has changed
        echo -e "${summary_first}"
        echo -e "${summary_nochange}"
        echo -e "${summary_last}"
    ## Give option to save the summary, if the script has changed anything
    appendix="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M")"
    if [[ ${savesummary} = 1 ]]
        echo -e "########\n## -> Do you want to save this summary for future reference?\n########"
        while true
            read -p "[y/n] " wantsave
            if [[ "${wantsave}" = [Yy] ]] && [[ ${intb} = 1 ]]
                # Save to text file that Thunderbird has been installed from
                echo -e "${summary_first}" > "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt"
                echo -e "${summary_what}" >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt"
                echo -e "${summary_where}" >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt"
                if snap list thunderbird &> /dev/null ; then echo -e "${summary_snap}" >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt" ; fi
                if snap list thunderbird &> /dev/null ; then echo -e "${summary_snapremove}" >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt" ; fi
                echo -e "${summary_lasttb}" >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt"
                echo -e "Script version used: ${versionnr}" >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt"
                echo -e "\n########\n## -> The summary of what has been done by this script was saved to:\n##    $HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}\n########\n"
            elif [[ "${wantsave}" = [Yy] ]] &&  [[ ${rmtb} = 1 ]]
                # Save to text file that Thunderbird has been removed from /opt
                echo -e "${summary_first}" > "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt"
                echo -e "## Thunderbird has been successfully removed from /opt ." >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt"
                if test -d "$HOME/.thunderbird" ; then echo -e "## -> Your user data in \".thunderbird\" within your $HOME" >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt" ; fi
                if test -d "$HOME/.thunderbird" ; then echo -e '##    directory has NOT been touched!' >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt" ; fi
                echo -e "${summary_last}" >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt"
                echo -e "Script version used: ${versionnr}" >> "$HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}.txt"
                echo -e "\n########\n## -> The summary of what has been done by this script was saved to:\n##    $HOME/install_traditional_Thunderbird-SUMMARY_${appendix}\n########\n"
            elif [[ "${wantsave}" = [Nn] ]]
    Last edited by Schwarzer Kater; May 12, 2024, 10:43 AM. Reason: update to version 1.0.2
    Debian KDE & LXQt • Kubuntu & Lubuntu • openSUSE KDE • Windows • macOS X
    Desktop: Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s • Laptop: Apple MacBook Pro 13" • and others

    get rid of Snap script (20.04 +)reinstall Snap for release-upgrade script (20.04 +)
    install traditional Firefox script (22.04 +)​ • install traditional Thunderbird script (24.04)


      The same additions as for the install traditional Firefox script:
      ​Now the script can remove the traditional Thunderbird from /opt, if it has been installed by this script before​.
      Plain error handling for e.g. a bad connection or a missing particular language version has also been added…​​
      Debian KDE & LXQt • Kubuntu & Lubuntu • openSUSE KDE • Windows • macOS X
      Desktop: Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s • Laptop: Apple MacBook Pro 13" • and others

      get rid of Snap script (20.04 +)reinstall Snap for release-upgrade script (20.04 +)
      install traditional Firefox script (22.04 +)​ • install traditional Thunderbird script (24.04)


        Re-tested dozens of times with Kubuntu 24.04 LTS (development branch, Beta and final release): works.
        Debian KDE & LXQt • Kubuntu & Lubuntu • openSUSE KDE • Windows • macOS X
        Desktop: Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s • Laptop: Apple MacBook Pro 13" • and others

        get rid of Snap script (20.04 +)reinstall Snap for release-upgrade script (20.04 +)
        install traditional Firefox script (22.04 +)​ • install traditional Thunderbird script (24.04)


          Update to version 1.0.2:
          better late than never - now all scripts test first if the computer has established an internet connection as this is needed.​​​
          Debian KDE & LXQt • Kubuntu & Lubuntu • openSUSE KDE • Windows • macOS X
          Desktop: Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s • Laptop: Apple MacBook Pro 13" • and others

          get rid of Snap script (20.04 +)reinstall Snap for release-upgrade script (20.04 +)
          install traditional Firefox script (22.04 +)​ • install traditional Thunderbird script (24.04)


            Question, is there a way to copy/move my profile from the snap version across to this version installed? I'm currently "de-snapping" myself as much as I possibly can. I can find the snap installed version. Do I just copy the folders that have the same name across?
            Last edited by Princey; Jul 30, 2024, 11:56 AM.
            Challenges are what that keeps us from the borderline of boredom in life's journey. Linux user no. 419401 currently running Kubuntu 24.04
            Current System: Beelink Mini PC, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 8 Core(Up to 4.4GHz), 32GB DDR4 RAM 1TB NVME M.2 SSD, SER5 MAX Mini Desktop Computer with TCL BeyondTV5 serving as my monitor. ​

