About a week ago I decided that I was tired of taking @ and @home snapshots in pairs.
Why pairs? Because some apps install files in both root and /home and snapshotting @ without snapshotting the corresponding @home can result in a restoration with broken applications.
I devised one method and Oshunluver devised another. They are given in another post.
The result? Excellent. As expected, one snapshot of @ archived to a remote storage device takes only one snapshot command and only one "send -p" command, and is very quick. Rolling back is a snap as well.
The Documents, Downloads, Pictures and Videos folders are ones that can be moved to a @data subvolume and mounted under /home/acct/Data in fstab. Data can be snapshotted and backed up separately and on a different time schedule than @. I tried that and it works nicely, but my data requirements aren't as great as many of yours so I decided to revert.
I also found that while one may instruct TimeShift to remove all of its snapshots it will remove them from its GUI but not from your system. It also binds @ and your other snapshots to its folder, resulting in forcing you to delete TimeShift's debris and finally delete @ from the TimeShift folder, crashing your system. One has to boot a LiveUSB and restore @ from an archival backup.
I didn't see any point in running Snapper since I can do anything it does from the CLI without saving snapshots under /.
So, from now on, I am going to install only @ when I install the next LTS of Kubuntu.
Why pairs? Because some apps install files in both root and /home and snapshotting @ without snapshotting the corresponding @home can result in a restoration with broken applications.
I devised one method and Oshunluver devised another. They are given in another post.
The result? Excellent. As expected, one snapshot of @ archived to a remote storage device takes only one snapshot command and only one "send -p" command, and is very quick. Rolling back is a snap as well.
The Documents, Downloads, Pictures and Videos folders are ones that can be moved to a @data subvolume and mounted under /home/acct/Data in fstab. Data can be snapshotted and backed up separately and on a different time schedule than @. I tried that and it works nicely, but my data requirements aren't as great as many of yours so I decided to revert.
I also found that while one may instruct TimeShift to remove all of its snapshots it will remove them from its GUI but not from your system. It also binds @ and your other snapshots to its folder, resulting in forcing you to delete TimeShift's debris and finally delete @ from the TimeShift folder, crashing your system. One has to boot a LiveUSB and restore @ from an archival backup.
I didn't see any point in running Snapper since I can do anything it does from the CLI without saving snapshots under /.
So, from now on, I am going to install only @ when I install the next LTS of Kubuntu.
