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Urgent/emergency type board

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    Urgent/emergency type board

    How about adding a board for questions that are truly urgent? Wouldn't matter which version of whatever you're using, as long as it's Kubuntu (or even just Linux in general), you could post emergency type questions. With such a board, members who can help with stuff like that would get used to checking it and, hopefully, providing helpful replies ASAP.
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

    Re: Urgent/emergency type board

    Problem is, simply, that when YOU have a question, it is always most urgent! True for most people.
    We need a professional to triage the calls for help (as in a hospital ER), and that's out of the question here.
    Best for a user to simply start her post as:
    URGENT help needed: etc.
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: Urgent/emergency type board

      Originally posted by Qqmike
      Problem is, simply, that when YOU have a question, it is always most urgent! True for most people.
      We need a professional to triage the calls for help (as in a hospital ER), and that's out of the question here.
      Not really--mods can always move a non-urgent post that was put on that board.

      Best for a user to simply start her post as:
      URGENT help needed: etc.
      Right, but those are scattered all over the place. Personally, I almost never check boards for things I don't use, like 8.04 or 12.04, so I'd never see an urgent post there, even if the question is generic enough that I might be able to help. I'm sure many others are in the same habit.
      Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


        Re: Re: Urgent/emergency type board

        For urgent help irc may be the better choice

        Sent from my Android phone using Tapatalk


          Re: Urgent/emergency type board

          I usually start with the "most recent posts" in the mane window (forums/index.php) then move on to "show unread post since last visit" (top right under my name) .

          I read almost all I find BUT only put in my 2 cents worth if I think I have something helpful to say/add and have the time (if the advice would be LONG and time consuming)

          I do agry that if some one is looking to get their question answered it most defiantly is URGENT to THEM at the time even if it's just how to get a different wallpaper on each desktop LOL

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            Re: Urgent/emergency type board

            I knew the IRC suggestion would come up, but not everybody uses IRC--especially people who aren't terribly techno savvy, you know? So if someone has a newbie-ish yet critically important question, what are the odds that they'd even know about IRC, let alone how to use it? On the other hand, if they're members here they *do* know about KFN.
            Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


              Re: Urgent/emergency type board

              The issue is what someone considers urgent. The 911 system gets tons of urgent calls. Examples are "I lost my purse". Then the same woman, "I found it, never mind". I would be sure that users here would be more intelligent in the use of a proposed emergency board. But it does open up to that type of post. Certainly mods can move those type of posts but do they need the extra workload?
              Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
              Always consider Occam's Razor


                Re: Urgent/emergency type board

                I, personally, was going to post a suggestion a few days ago when I searched in vain for a post to provide a reply.

                I will now state the suggestion.

                The huge subforums about ..... Anything Else, for example are a massive melange of many messages that are so poorly titled and there are so MANY posts that have the SAME terms in them that there are many topics which will never come to light of day in a search because there are ten pages of them.

                I would suggest that the really big subfora be searched by a knowledgeable person who has the ability to create smaller subfora and move threads to those smaller subfora.

                In that way.......when a person has an "emergency" they MIGHT actually try to use the search function, limiting the search to that subfora or just plain look manually through the subfora

                And then many of the "emergency" questions might never be asked.

                However, at RevLinuxOS I was specifically tasked with making subfora that would allow the questioner to ask in a pointed way a question because they KNEW that they had, indeed, been able to do a thorough search.

                And guess what the comments were by the "usuals".

                "I don't like the cluttered look of the place....we just need a few forums...."

                just my thoughts....

                of little worth.


