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KSmoothDock and Glibc

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    KSmoothDock and Glibc


    I have just recently installed KSmoothDock. Tho, when I go to start it the icon will bounce forever then go away...without ksmoothdock starting. So, I went to konsole and tried to start it there. (Hoping some error would come up to explain the problem) Well this came up.

    ksmoothdock: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by ksmoothdock)

    I went googling but only stuff from the German Kubuntu and the Italian Ubuntu forum came up...So this seems to be a (K)ubuntu problem.
    I found the glibc site with version 2.4 here.

    It is just a tarball so would I just untar and compile this and kxdocker should work? I want to try avoiding using this tarball (I thought I had glibc 2.4) for now until I know for sure I need it.
    If there is another solution that would be great.

    I am running on Dapper Drake if that helps any.

    Thank you

    Re: KSmoothDock and Glibc

    From the author in

    It seems that KDE 3.5.5 breaks KSmoothDock, so if you really like KSmoothDock, do not upgrade to KDE 3.5.5 (even KDE 3.5.1 on my machine works very well with KSmoothDock).

    Maybe it is the problem.



      Kxdocker Problems

      I found Kxdocker on my comp and got it working. But there was a problem. I slept on it and woke up with the solution. I needed a few packages on the kxdocker site I had forgotten to compile...I'm such a dunce. Ok, now that I have it up and running 2 things are happening I don't like.
      One is that when ever I clicked an icon on kxdocker it wouldn't come up. Well I fooled around with it and found out that if I take the %u command off, the app comes up fine. The only problem now is the icon will sit there with the dial going round and round like it's still do I get this off? do I stop it from doing that annoying red highlight when I hold my mouse over an icon? I would be fine with a white highlight or just nothing...just not a red.

      Thank you


        Re: KSmoothDock and Glibc

        The only problem now is the icon will sit there with the dial going round and round like it's still do I get this off?
        Right click on ant desktop. Click "Run Command". Enter the command "kdesu kcontrol". Enter your password when requested. In Kcontrol, expand "Appearance & Themes". Click on"Launch Feedback". Adjust to taste.

        Sorry, I don't do desktop icons, so I don't know what's turning red.

