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Ubuntu vs. Kubuntu

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    Ubuntu vs. Kubuntu

    Hello everyone,

    I've been using Ubuntu for about two months now, and it's been my first Linux experience.

    Compared to Windoze, I love Ubuntu.  My notebook runs so much faster, and I love everything I can do with Linux.

    However, now that I've seen what Linux has to offer, I've been exploring the various distributions available, and I'm hoping to install one on my desktop computer.

    Right now, I'm running the Kubuntu 6.06 Dapper Live CD for the first time, and I thought I might post here to see if I can get any feedback.

    What are the pros and cons of KDE vs. GDE?  Would it be odd for me to rune Gnome on my notebook and KDE on my desktop? 

    I want to get away from windoze on my desktop pronto, but I want to install the best distribution out there... if there is such a thing 

    Thanks for any and all comments,


    Re: Ubuntu vs. Kubuntu

    This may not be 100% accurate as of Edgy Eft (which will be released this Thursday), but it will give you a general idea of the differences:

    By the way, you can install both KDE and Gnome together--they are not separate distributions, only different desktop environments:
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Ubuntu vs. Kubuntu

      Wow, those are really, really helpful. Thanks very much!


        Re: Ubuntu vs. Kubuntu

        I got kubuntu 6.06 3 days and at the first time its hard. But i learned now how to work with it 8)

        Dont give up if something isnt working. If u worked with GNOME in the first time its not hard for 2 days

        Have fun with kubuntu!



          Re: Ubuntu vs. Kubuntu

          You can also make KDE share the same layout with Gnome (and vice versa I imagine) if you have become attached like me to the dual panel layout.


            Re: Ubuntu vs. Kubuntu

            Originally posted by bg1256
            What are the pros and cons of KDE vs. GDE?  Would it be odd for me to rune Gnome on my notebook and KDE on my desktop? 

            Thanks for any and all comments,

            I use xubuntu on my laptop, because it only has 128M of RAM, the Xfce file manager is just fantastic. Ubuntu is the first distro of linux I've used (among half a dozen or so) that recognized all my hardware and can use it. I have a Dell Optiplex GXa desktop machine running Kubuntu because I favor KDE over Gnome, but I'd say they are probably about equal in terms of quality and support, and of course there's nothing preventing you from installing Gnome apps on your KDE machine or vice versa.

            I dual-boot Kubuntu and Windows XP on this Dell, the Compaq laptop has only Xubuntu, and I rarely feel the need to boot Windows. In fact the only thing I found I haven't been able to do using linux is Yahoo! voice chat, which I can definitely live without. The linux version of Yahoo! Messenger works fine, though, if they ever add voice chat (or any chat) support for it, then I won't lack anything that I can do using Windows.

