i am running trusty, and i have a 3TB external (USB) hard disk that i have partitioned into 2 partitions, one 1TB and one 2TB (approximately). i have them mounted at /media/home and /media/backup, they mount at startup, and everything works the way i would expect it to.
until i decide to upgrade my box (the old box didn't have as much memory, and one of the two internal hard disks was dying).
when i got the new box up and running, even with the USB drive plugged in, it doesn't mount, and it doesn't even show up in /dev that i can see...
i had a similar problem a while ago, which i fixed using the instructions found here -- https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showth...-my-USB-drives -- but when i tried that, it didn't make any obvious difference.
any clues?
until i decide to upgrade my box (the old box didn't have as much memory, and one of the two internal hard disks was dying).
when i got the new box up and running, even with the USB drive plugged in, it doesn't mount, and it doesn't even show up in /dev that i can see...
i had a similar problem a while ago, which i fixed using the instructions found here -- https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showth...-my-USB-drives -- but when i tried that, it didn't make any obvious difference.
any clues?