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Mebbe it is not THAT good an idea to "drop support for FF".

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    Mebbe it is not THAT good an idea to "drop support for FF".

    I have absolutely NO clue about the extent of this situation in other businesses, but..... fundamentally "most" colleges use the same software for things like teachers posting grades and then the grades being forwarded to the students and the grades being automagically entered in a database, etc..

    Anywhoo.... it might be something to think about in terms of at least keeping the FF installer in the menu.

    The college's software for entering grades has a BIG WARNING...very FIRST thing, with a BIG coloured box, dominating the first page of the grading software, that it is recommended to use either IE or FF, and there is SPECIFIC mention that Chrome and Safari users have "experienced problems".

    From what I have heard, visiting with IT people, this is NOT just a local problem to this college.

    What the particular problem is I do not know but one previous problem, going back to several years ago, and which has been resolved by the software conpany(s) is the "print" function.

    Quite simply, when one used FF only the visible portion of the grade entering page would print, basicaly a "screen dump". It took a couple of years for the software company to VERY NICELY get the software to work with FF for the printing function.

    Many/most, colleges actually do require that the teacher not only enter the grades electronically, but also print out a hard copy and that it also be physically handed to a person as a last backup, the paper copies are kept for several education cycles and then destroyed.

    And, the very simple reason for this is that in the crush of entering data at the end of the semester, sometimes the databases are overloaded and stuff, quite literally, looks like it is entered on the user's screen but it didn't "get there".

    I, personally, have not had a problem with FF and the college software for, probably, four or five years now.

    BUT.....Konqueror would NOT work with it up until the last year.

    So..... again, it might be that college types are at least "many" of the users of Linux(whether as student or teacher) and so.... it might be a good idea to not "throw the baby out with the bathwater" and to at least keep the installer button for FF in the menu.

    Just a thought.


    Nobody said anything about dropping Firefox; only dropping some unmaintainable (with current manpower) patches to Firefox that causes it to look a bit nicer in KDE.
    Last edited by JontheEchidna; May 24, 2012, 01:32 PM.


      ok, guess i missed that in the somewhat extended thread! lol
      thanks for the heads up!



        No prob.


          Isn't it OpenSUSE, who make those patches?
          Registered Linux User 545823



            I have no clue since I'm just a hardware and applications sorta guy...

            Could you give the people who are waaay smarter than me a linky of some kind?



              Originally posted by jpenguin View Post
              Isn't it OpenSUSE, who make those patches?
              I thought that, too. Except that the reason it isn't in Kubuntu is that the Ubuntu developer that was responsible for it isn't doing it anymore. I have a feeling it is more involved than just creating a deb of what OpenSuse is doing, but I could be wrong.

