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kubuntu and screenshots

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    kubuntu and screenshots

    Hi everyone, I have a question related with screenshots. I have a non-commercial personal webpage and I plan to give various tips and tricks on using kubuntu linux on my webpage. I would like to use screenshots from various applications in kubuntu to aid in this. My question is, is it legal to use such screenshots?

    Re: kubuntu and screenshots

    The only way to get an answer to that is from a lawyer (barrister?) who practices in your location. There are probably different answers for every country.


      Re: kubuntu and screenshots

      I've never heard of any company dedicated to open source software prosecuting anyone for publishing screenshots in a HowTo.

      I've never even heard rumors of such a thing. Write to the KDE developers if you're really that concerned about it.
      Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


        Re: kubuntu and screenshots

        Um... let me get this straight...

        You are asking if it's okay/legal to make screenshots of what you are using and post them on your guide?

        Or are you asking if it's okay/legal to take already existing screenshots for your guide?

        If it's the latter, I guess the only "legal" way would be to ask the person who owns the screenshots and make some sort of arrangement with him/her.

        If it's the former, I don't think there's any legal issue, as it will be your own screenshots, taken from your own machine. And in fact, that's how good guides are made. Because it would mean that you actually did or used what you are talking about.
        Jucato&#39;s Data Core


          Re: kubuntu and screenshots

          Hello friends, thank you for your replies :-).

          aysiu said:
          >> I've never heard of any company dedicated to open source software prosecuting anyone for publishing screenshots in a HowTo.

          I have never too but was a little paranoid .

          Jucato said:
          >> If it's the former, I don't think there's any legal issue, as it will be your own screenshots, taken from your own machine. And in fact, that's how good guides are made. Because it would mean that you actually did or used what you are talking about.

          Yes I was talking about the former.

          So I guess it is ok to use kubuntu application screenshots for explanatory or guidance purposes.


            Re: kubuntu and screenshots

            There was a fairly comprehensive section about this on the blender (GPL 3D software) website.
            IIRC it boiled down to not making money from the screeshots containing GPL GUI's, I can't find the document right now but it is there.


              Re: kubuntu and screenshots

              Originally posted by Teppic
              There was a fairly comprehensive section about this on the blender (GPL 3D software) website.
              IIRC it boiled down to not making money from the screeshots containing GPL GUI's, I can't find the document right now but it is there.
              Then wouldn't books like Linux for Dummies, or the recent Ubuntu books, be in hot water if that were true? They're not making any money off the screenshots alone, but without those screenshots, they wouldn't be making money at all.

              AFAIK, the GPL itself only applies to the software, and not to the output of the software. The copyright of the output from the software belongs to you. And since the screenshot is an output of a GPL program (ksnapshot, gnome-panel-screenshot, et al.), this would apply.

              Here's the related link, straight from the GNU's website:
              Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                Re: kubuntu and screenshots

                Good point. The article was aimed toward artists worried about the state of their copyright ownership with regard to works produced within Blender, and therefore the above mention situation didn't arrise.

                On the upside, if they [publishers] can get away with it AND make money, you must be able to do it for free, no?


                  Re: kubuntu and screenshots

                  About work/output produced by Blender, I read this FAQ on their site a few months back:

                  This one is about screenshots with the Blender interface:
                  Jucato&#39;s Data Core

