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Add and Remove Programs

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    Add and Remove Programs

    ok, If you guys could help me out it would mean the world to me.
    I removed the "Add & Remove Programs" icon off of the K menu thinking that it was the same as adept. As in 100% as the program that opens when you click the adept icon.

    I'm pretty dumb so if you guys could throw me a bone it would mean alot to me.

    Re: Add and Remove Programs

    I think that adept_installer is frontend for adept.

    D'oh - seems that adept_installer's home ( is down.

    From google: adept installer - A simplistic interface for application management. Part of the adept suite.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Add and Remove Programs

      The "Add/Remove Programs" on the K Menu is actually Adept Installer. It's a slimmed down and customized version of Adept that tries to emulate/imitate the Add/Remove Program of GNOME (which is based on Synaptic).

      So what else do you want to know? If you are planning to put it back on your menu, the command name is adept_installer. Of course, if you're going to make a K Menu entry for it, make sure to put kdesu adept_installer in the command field.

      Like what Rog131 said, it's part of the Adept suite, which I call the Adept Brothers: Adept, Adept Updater, Adept Installer, and Adept Notifier.
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: Add and Remove Programs

        Your a mind reader thank you!
        Yes I did want to re-add it but I had no idea how.
        And Some how I completely forgot to state that I waned it re-added.
        Thanks a bunch.


          Re: Add and Remove Programs

          I have to mention that adept is nothing but a front-end for the apt family of command line applications. So if you really want some nice and clean access to repositories, then you could simply take a look at the apt command line apps.


            Re: Add and Remove Programs

            You have to understand that I am ultra new to Linux. Untell last week I had only tryed a few live cd's and put puppy Linux and damb small Linux on some old crappy computers.

            I got kubuntu a few days ago and at first i tryed resizing my windows partion(spelling) to make room for kubuntu.. I could get it to work so I just got rid of my windows partion all together and make a small partion for kubuntu (I'll reinstall windows some other day and run booth on this system)

            Anyways, so all of this stuff is very new to me. I've hade to learn a butt ton of stuff the hard way. All of the tips and guides on the internet made me want to shoot myself because even the ones that say they are for noobs , didn't help me a bit.
            Things like
            "in order to install this program just type this in:"
            And i'm like, Holy crap where do I type this in at!!!!! AHHHHHH
            Or people would say, just add this to your sources, yet they won't tell me anything about sources.list nor it's location, nor that I would have to right click, go to action, click on edit in root... so on.
            So I know this stuff now, but it kicked my ass for about 4 days.

            Also I messed things up quite a few times learning the hard way. I've had to reinstall 4 times so far.

            AKA: I'm dumb as crap when it comes to Linux and ubuntu and kubuntu.

            #1 What is the differnce between kubuntu and ubuntu?

            #2 Is there a easy way to install this:

            This is really what got me interested in kubuntu to start with ( not that I need that for kubuntu to be awesome.) and I would like to try it but I found a "easy" guide on the internet and it was a never ending page of steps to follow and I jacked up kubuntu and had to reinstall.


              Re: Add and Remove Programs

              #1 What is the differnce between kubuntu and ubuntu?
              kubuntu uses kde-desktop
              kde home:

              ubuntu uses gnome-desktop
              gnome home:

              You can have both. If you have kubuntu just install ubuntu-desktop (there is also edubuntu and xubuntu-desktops)
              In the konsole(1):sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (2). Or use package managers (adept (kubuntu default), synaptic(3)).

              After installation you can choose gnome/kde in the login.

              #2 Is there a easy way to install this:
              Hmm - easy ?: HOWTO: install Xgl with Compiz on kde and gnome! :

              CompositeManager: says:
              Xgl and AIGLX are both VERY alpha software and should not be used on production machines. They do have bugs and do not always play nice with other programs. You have been warned.

              (1) Konsole is the X terminal emulator of KDE with support for several sessions.

              (2) APT HOWTO:

              (3) Synaptic is a graphical package management program for apt. It provides the same features as the apt-get command line utility with a GUI front-end based on Gtk+.
              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information


                Re: Add and Remove Programs

                Originally posted by osc
                "in order to install this program just type this in:"
                And i'm like, Holy crap where do I type this in at!!!!! AHHHHHH
                Or people would say, just add this to your sources, yet they won't tell me anything about sources.list nor it's location, nor that I would have to right click, go to action, click on edit in root... so on.
                So I know this stuff now, but it kicked my ass for about 4 days.
                I suppose you can understand now why Billy won 95% of homeusers market while linux less than 1% .
                Billy understood the meaning of the words 'simplicity' and 'common sense'
                When the developpers and the community of linux will understand these words, we will have linux for all the world. Now you install and then you must read books and spend your time in forums in order to have a system that works as you like it.
                Do you want an exemple? In kmenu (startmenu) of kubuntu there is not the kappfinder (which finds non-kde applications), nor a menu editor (in order to make an entry manually) So it is probable that you install an application and then  you need to hire a detective to search it, if it doesnt appear in the kmenu.
                Happily linux is free and more secure than windows...
                We all have to make an effort as community. Developers by making applications easier and more intuitive, the teams of the distros making the distributions easily understood by a newbie and the participants in forums with a better communication.


                  Re: Add and Remove Programs

                  On the 'Add/Remove programms' subject now...
                  It is an Adept light version for me. Adept manages 18,000 programs (and program components), those installed in your computer and the others in the repositories (storage areas of the distribution on the internet)

                  It is hard for a newbie to search what he/she wants using Adept. while Add\Remove...has a good selection of the most important programs.

                  To put back Add\Remove you must make an entry in the Kmenu and you need a menu editor for that. As there is no entry for a menu editor either and given that a menu editor is useful for making entries for many other applications, you must make an entry for it firstly.

                  Go to Kmenu/Run command and type kmenuedit. When the menu editor is launched choose (on the left side) where you want to make an entry (for exemple System or Utilities). Right-click on it and choose New Item. Give it a name (for exemple Menu Editor ) In the command area type: kmenuedit and you can give it an icon, too. Then save and close.

                  The Menu Editor entry will appear in the Kmenu and by clicking on it you can create an entry for Add/Remove. As name you type Add/Remove or whatever you want and in the command field (as said above) you type: kdesu adept_installer  (You can choose New Item from the toolbar if you want Add/Remove to appear as independent entry in the Kmenu)

                  In order to download unsupported (by the kubuntu team but supported by the community)  and proprietary software you must enable Universe and Multiverse repositories (Adept/View/Manage Repositories) Enabling them in Adept enables them in Add/Remove as well, because they are ...brothers.


                    Re: Add and Remove Programs

                    Just some very minor corrections

                    Originally posted by kbuser
                    It is hard for a newbie to search what he/she wants using Adept. while Add\Remove...has a good selection of the most important programs.
                    Actually, it's easier to find packages in Adept, because Adept's quick filter search combs through package names, package descriptions, and package maintainers. Also, there are many filter options that could help narrow down your search. But Adept, at first sight, is just plain scary. It also gets a bit of getting used to (like almost any other KDE app).

                    Adept Installer (Add/Remove Programs) is much easier on the eyes, and easier for new users. Package/Program names with icons and descriptions make it look very good and very, um..., Windows-like, if you may. However, Adept Installer suffers from one major limitation: you can only install/search (executable) programs. No libraries, no codecs, etc. So you can't use it to install/remove libxine-extracodecs, for example. Other than that, it's a fine app. But since it uses Adept, it still needs a lot of work (in the usability department).

                    In order to download unsupported (by the kubuntu team but supported by the community) and proprietary software you must enable Universe and Multiverse repositories (Adept/View/Manage Repositories) Enabling them in Adept enables them in Add/Remove as well, because they are ...brothers.
                    True... except that, in order to even see those packages that are located in the universe/multiverse repositories from Adept Installer, you have to take 2 extra steps.

                    Once Adept Updater is running, look to the upper right-hand area of the window, the one showing 2 checkboxes:
                    - To be able to see/search packages in the universe repositories, check "unsupported"
                    - to be able to see/search packages in the multiverse repositories, check "proprietary software"

                    I think I said too much...
                    Jucato's Data Core


                      Re: Add and Remove Programs

                      Originally posted by kbuser
                      To put back Add\Remove you must make an entry in the Kmenu and you need a menu editor for that. As there is no entry for a menu editor either and given that a menu editor is useful for making entries for many other applications, you must make an entry for it firstly.
                      You can also start the K-menu editor by right-clicking on the kmenu icon


                        Re: Add and Remove Programs

                        You can also start the K-menu editor by right-clicking on the kmenu icon
                        Thanks, I didnt know. I 'm coming from Mepis where the Menu Editor has an entry in the Kmenu/System.


                          Re: Add and Remove Programs

                          Originally posted by Jucato
                          Adept Installer (Add/Remove Programs) is much easier on the eyes, and easier for new users. Package/Program names with icons and descriptions make it look very good and very, um..., Windows-like, if you may.
                          That's important for new users, the majority of which come from Windows.
                          For an advanced linux user I could say that Adept Installer is useless.

