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Changing permissions?

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    Changing permissions?

    In KDE4 how to you change permissions? I've tried though kdesu konqueror and right clicking >action> no choice to edit as root.
    If I need to do this from cml please explain very very clearly, I'm not a geek.
    I.m new to kde4

    Re: Changing permissions?

    Dolphin is the file manger for KDE4.

    Using Dophin, right mouse on the file, choose "properties", in that dialog click on the "Permissions" tab and make your changes there (this is only for files you own).

    Guess what? That is EXACTLY how Konqueror operates, too. (Press F9 to toggle Konq between a browser and a file manager)

    I'd be careful changing permissions on root owned files. You're opening a can of worms if you do. But...

    kdesudo konqueror


    kdesudo dolphin
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Changing permissions?

      Thanks I'll try that. This is a new install and all the folders/files are owned by root.
      Thought I'd better get use to KDE4, right now it's a headache.


        Re: Changing permissions?

        Dolphin and Konqueror are so similar because they are developed by the same people (Konqueror was the default file manager before Dolphin came about). Most of your files should be owned by root, with the exception of those in your home directory, /usr/local (if you use that), and maybe a handful of others depending on your setup. Which files are you having issues with?
        Asus G1S-X3:
        Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


          Re: Changing permissions?

          It looks like the main one being my data partition


            Re: Changing permissions?

            OK, you can probably take ownership of your own data The easiest thing for you would probably be to follow @GreyGeek's advice, with one addition: check the Apply changes to all subfolders and their contents box in the 'Properties -> Permissions' dialog; this will change the permissions of not only the current folder, but all its subfolders and files as well (surprisingly). You can easily take ownership of your entire data partition that way.
            Asus G1S-X3:
            Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )

