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need speech to text (dictation software)

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    need speech to text (dictation software)

    I am in the post-operation phase of healing up from a badly (oddly) broken collar bone. Unfortunately, the doc says "no use of the right hand for 6 weeks." The problem is I need to do a lot of email communications for my work.

    Does anyone have experience with a good speech to text (dictation) software package for Linux? ...preferably something not too elaborate to set up since I am sore and tired.


    Re: need speech to text (dictation software)

    This is of no help to you but just wanted to say Im looking for the same thing, just not for the same reason.


      Re: need speech to text (dictation software)

      Unfortunately there aren't any, although this is under consideration

      I run Dragon Naturally Speaking 9 through a Windows VMWare virtual machine.

      A couple of years back I did get some basic functionality running an old version (3 IIRC) with wine, but it was patchy. Some claim to have got recent versions running under wine - I haven't I'm afraid. If I could, I would do so.


        Re: need speech to text (dictation software)

        Thanks... I was afraid that would be the answer. I thought I'd give it a shot in case there was something I've missed. I don't think I want to go the Dragon on VM route at this point... I'll just rough it out with the one-hand typing for the next 6 weeks.

        Appreciate the input,


          Re: need speech to text (dictation software)

          I'll heve a play with my copy of Dragon over the weekend and see if it I can get it working with the current version of Wine and will let you know.



            Re: need speech to text (dictation software)

            I'd recommend dasher. It is just like driving a car through a massive dictionary with your mouse. Granted, you'd have to get used to a left handed mouse but that is no problem.

            Dasher is a computer accessibility tool which enables users to write without using a keyboard, by entering text on a screen using a pointing device such as a mouse, a touchpad, a touch screen, a roller ball, a joystick, a Wii Remote, or even mouses operated by the foot or head.
            Taken from

            Here is the vid:


            Not sure in which repo it is, but it is in there
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              Re: need speech to text (dictation software)

              > I'd recommend dasher. ...

              Hi, I am writing this with dasher. It is a pretty slick piece of software. I can see getting pretty proficient with it. I will practice and see how I progress.

              Still, if anyone else has any other options, I'd like to hear...

              Thanks toad


                Re: need speech to text (dictation software)

                Well, you certainly managed to avoid any silly tyipping miatakes It simply is impossible with dasher, innit!

                Please do let the great developers know of your experiences with it! I'd also be very grateful for any feedback!


                Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                  Re: need speech to text (dictation software)

                  FWIW I now have Dragon 9 Standard running under wine v 1.1.15 in Kubuntu 8.10

                  Installation was fine - product activation was not a problem either.

                  The only problem was my sound card. During the setup, sound quality was dreadful as my intel hda performed dismally. However, once I was able to tell the program to use my c-media USB Headset (which incidentally I can't get to work much at all i.e I can get system sounds through it but that is the lot) then things worked well.

                  Dragon Pad runs at about 85-90 Native speed. Certainly it seems as quick as running through a Windows VM. I don't think I have done enough to comment on stability though, so if you buy it (it's not the latest so it might be cheap) do so at your own risk.

                  Using dragonpad, most functions work as in windows (correct that/select that select <word>. Interestingly "copy all to clipboard" copies to the kde clipboard and you can verbally put the Mic to sleep. Note, however, you cannot dictate into (say) Linux OOo like you can with Windows. However, I run Quicken Standard 2002 in Wine and could dictate into that. So if it was important to you to dictate into a word processor you could try installing the Windows OOo, and run it in Wine. My view is that would be overkill, as after the "copy all to clipboard command" you simply paste special into OOo writer and it's there.

                  Hope these notes are of some help.



                    Re: need speech to text (dictation software)

                    > FWIW I now have Dragon 9 Standard running under wine v 1.1.15 in Kubuntu 8.10

                    Thanks for testing that.... I found a reasonably priced copy ($52 for v9) ... but I am reading some bad reviews which makes me hesitant--not sure if I want to take the plunge at this point... but wanted to say thanks.


                      Re: need speech to text (dictation software)

                      Please consider giving a sample of your voice to this opensource speech recognition project


                      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

