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KDE 4.1 and Kontact / Kmail

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    KDE 4.1 and Kontact / Kmail

    (sorry about crossposting - hopefully I am at the correct forum this time)

    Reading Planet KDE, I got the idea that along with KDE4.1 some of the Kubuntu programs will be upgraded as well. Is this assumption correct or is the basic Kubuntu HardyH 8.04 final and the programs not being upgraded along with KDE4.1?

    I wish to understand if the Kubuntu programs will be upgraded with the release of the KDE4.1, for I have tried to use Kontact as my e-mail program in HardyH (instead of using Thunderbird which I have been using in the past). Kontact at the moment is not really working well for me - if Kontact is going to be upgraded along with KDE4.1, then I will try to wait till the release of the new KDE4.1, but if Kontact is not going to be upgraded, then I will revert back to Thunderbird.

    Any info will be appreciated

    Re: KDE 4.1 and Kontact / Kmail

    Updates after K/X/Ubuntu final release date

    > Stable Release Updates:
    Once an Ubuntu release has been completed and published, updates for it are only released under certain circumstances, and must follow a special procedure...
    => that is, there are severe bugs...

    Or as Ubuntu backports says:
    Ubuntu releases a new version of its OS every 6 months. After a release, the version of all packages stays constant for the entire 6 months. For example, if Ubuntu ships with 2.0.x, it will remain at 2.0.x for the entire 6-month release cycle, even if a later version gets released during this time. The Ubuntu team may apply important security fixes to 2.0.x, but any new features or non-security bugfixes will not be made available.
    BUT as Ubuntu backports tells:
    This is where Ubuntu Backports comes in. The Backports team believes that the best update policy is a mix of Ubuntu's security-only policy AND providing new versions of some programs. Candidates for version updates are primarily desktop applications, such as your web browser, word processor, IRC client, or IM client. These programs can be updated without replacing a large part of the operating system that would affect stability of the whole system.

    Backports is an official Ubuntu repository and maintained by knowledgeable Ubuntu developers who are often present on IRC and other communications media. But note that software in backports will not receive review or updates from the Ubuntu security team itself. ....

    How to request new packages

    When you need a package backported which is not currently available, create a new bug report in the Backports Product of Launchpad...

    New packages are going to the new release. There can be backporting but...

    KDE 4.1 Beta 1, for Kubuntu 8.04, is released through PPA repositories.

    > KDE 4.1 Beta 1 Released
    The updated packages for Kubuntu 8.04 are located in the Kubuntu Member's KDE 4 Personal Package Archive (PPA) repositories
    > Canonical Announces Launch of Launchpad 'Personal Package Archive' Service For Developers
    Canonical today announced the general availability of the Launchpad Personal Package Archive (PPA) service, a new way for developers to build and publish packages of their code, documentation, artwork, themes and other additions to the Ubuntu environment on desktop, server and now mobile platforms...

    Developers can use PPAs to publish their own versions of popular free software, or to create packages for software they produce...

    Under work:

    Hardy Heron 8.04.1. Probably soon

    > Kubuntu / Ubuntu Hardy Release Schedule : July 3rd - Ubuntu 8.04.1
    > Kubuntu / Ubuntu Intrepid Release Schedule: July 10th - Ubuntu 8.04.1 (proposed)

    Intrepid Ibex 8.10

    > Intrepid Release Schedule, Plans, KDE 4.1
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: KDE 4.1 and Kontact / Kmail

      Hi, thanx for the info provided
      this helped me understand my issue better

      may I sum up the answer up to this point - for clarity sake -
      * ubuntu/kubuntu comes out every +- 6 months and is only upgraded at the 6 month release

      * Question: is there no release in between?'
      e.g., ubuntu 8.04 was released about 24 April 2008. My question: has there not been an upgrade of HardyH 8.04 since then called HardyH 8.04, release 8.04.01; which fixed some of the bugs which had come out since 24 April?
      I am wolking in the dark here, but wish to understand how the system works - therefor the question

      I realise that HardyH had updates since 24 April, to fix the bugs which came forward - but what I was wondering was the following: if I were to download HardyH now for the first time, at this point (end of June) , would I still be downloading the version of HardyH of 24 April, with all the origional bugs of 24 April, (and then with the updating the bugs would be sorted out so that I would have the latest copy)?

      Or would I have updated a later version of hardyH with all the bug-fixes already sorted out?

      The implication would be that I would have received * 1st instance: HardyH +- 800Meg copy with updates +- 300 Meg updates or * 2nd instance HardyH +- 800 Meg all inclusive with bug fixes included.

      with my amount of data which I have access to, this makes a big difference to me which scenario is correct and I need to understand it.


        Re: KDE 4.1 and Kontact / Kmail

        2nd issue re KONTACT / KMAIL

        it seems to me that there are 2 other clusters to this equation which is also important to know about
        * KDE is a grouping within the linux community which works on a different timescale than kubuntu
        * there are various projects (packets?) which is being worked on, e.g., kmail,and kontact

        KDE4.1 will now be released soon - if I understand it correctly, the people working on Kmail and Kontact had been working to make sure that Kmail and Kontact would work with KDE4.1, which means that with the advent of KDE4.1, there would be a better version of kmail and Kontact than previously.

        Kubuntu would only benefit from this in October when Kubuntu 8.10 will be released.
        But in the meantime, anyone updating to KDE4.1 and getting the latest Kmail would have benefitted already in July? - or not?

        this is speculation on my part - I am writing this to make sure if I understand the situation correctly
        * can anyone confirm this or clarify it?


          Re: KDE 4.1 and Kontact / Kmail

          1st Issue: I'm not entirely certain but I'm pretty sure you still need to do all the updates and the iso remains as it was when first released (so the 800mb iso + 300mb upgrades case would apply).

          2nd Issue: Kontakt/Kmail updates will be available with the full 4.1. If you are using the KDE4 version of 8.04 then you will likely be able to get them soon after their release (some people are already using the kde4.1 beta 2 which was recently released [some kde4.1 experiences]). So you don't have to wait till october. (Note: this does require adding extra repositories)

