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Shift+Insert behavior

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    Shift+Insert behavior

    Under System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Application Shortcuts

    I have "Paste Selection" set to the default, Ctrl+Shift+Insert and an alternate of Shift+Insert. I would like to be able to highlight some text and enter Shift+Insert and have it paste the text just highlighted (but not necessarily copied with ctrl+c). I am a long time KDE user, but with a newly installed system. I am quite used to have the two buffers and use them both often. The ctrl+shift+insert behaves as expected (pastes recently highlighted text), but the alternate of shift+insert does not. I have saved, applied, restarted system, but still no go. Shift+Insert still behaves like Ctrl+v. I am dying to get this to work as it did before, but something must be overriding the keybinding.

    Not sure if it matters, but here are my specs:
    Kubunty Gutsy AMD 64 install
    kernel version 2.6.22-14-generic

    Thanks for any help or suggestions. (Yes, I have googled this to death and can't find any help on it either).


    Re: Shift+Insert behavior

    Are you trying to paste with shift-insert in konsole? Shift-insert is the default for 'pasting' in konsole, which can override your kde setting for 'paste selection'. Try editing konsole's keyboard shortcuts to mach your kde settings.

    Or are you experiencing the issue with other software than konsole as well?


      Re: Shift+Insert behavior

      To be clear, I am used to having two clipboards. One for copy (right-click, "copy" or ctrl+c) and paste (right-click, "paste" or ctrl+v) ...and another for highlight text with moust (copy) and middle mouse click or shift insert (paste). Right now shift+insert is acting the same as ctrl+v, but middle mouse click works as expected.

      Yes, this does happen with other applications. I've tested with Opera, Pidgin, Kate and Thunderbird.

      I forgot to check Konsole's shortcuts. Setting the shortcut in Konsole does work for that specific application now, just not most other apps yet.


        Re: Shift+Insert behavior

        I might be getting somewhere with this, but not there yet. I found this page that perfectly describes the behavior I want.

        I have now removed all key bindings from "Paste-selection" in System Settings->Keyboard & Mouse->Keyboard Shortcuts->Application Shortucts, restarted, and Shift Insert behaves exactly the same (still the same as

        My guess is that KDE does not override underlying X stuff. If I had a way to alter what X does, I may hit the jackpot. Any ideas?


          Re: Shift+Insert behavior

          Still can't figure this out (and it is still driving me crazy), so any help please. I am sure that reading this forum might be confusing. This might be a better explanation.

          Here is the text:

          my selection

          my clipboard

          The test:

          I will highlight "my clipboard" above, right-click->copy. I then only highlight "my selection".


          The results:

          Ctrl+v result (good):

          my clipboard

          Right+click->choose paste (good):

          my clipboard

          Middle click result (good):

          my selection

          Shift+Insert result (bad):

          my clipboard


          Further details.

          Klipper settings:
          Seperate clipboard action and selection has been chosen. Also tried ignore selection on, off, and with klipper turned off completely.

          KDE settings (system settings->keyboard and mouse->Keyboard shortcuts->Application Shortcuts):

          Have tried with Paste Selection set to Shift Insert and Empty, but with the same results. If I set it to something else, such as Ctrl+Insert, it does work as expected.


          Any help is greatly appreciated.



            Re: Shift+Insert behavior

            bump..anybody have an idea?

