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remote files editing with kate suddenly started to fail

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    remote files editing with kate suddenly started to fail

    Dear all:

    I have always used kate (by browsing with konqueror) for editing files in my remote linux server, usually via sftp. Nevertheless, a week ago it started to fail. If Kate downloads the file, it displays it, but:

    * instead of naming it "file.txt", for example, it names it number.number."file.txt"
    (i.e., the local copy)

    * if I try to save it, it says "The file 'file:///var/tmp/kde-cache-jvilares/krun/number.number.file.txt' was deleted by another program. Do you really want to save this unmodified file? You could overwrite changed data in the file on disk"

    * changes are saved in the local copy, but not in the remote file

    * nevertheless, if I don't use konqueror, but only kate (by typing 'kate sftp://..../file.txt'), it works perfectly

    I'm quite desperated, since I use quite a lot Kate for remote editing in my work, and I have not been able to find any solution.

    does anybody knows how to solve this?

    Thanks a lot for your time,