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weird firefox problem

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    weird firefox problem

    -ok so first i click the firefox icon.
    -next the little bouncing icon on the bottom right of mouse works but its not the firefox icon, its that blue gear like the one for "run command" in the menu.
    -next firefox opens up no problem except there seems to be another firefox in the taskbar trying to open up after the first.
    -blue gear icon next to mouse continues to bounce
    -hour glass in second firefox tab continues to turn
    -original firefox is already completely open while the bouncing and spinning is still occuring.
    -fifteen or twenty seconds later, second firefox tab disappears and bouncing icon stops.
    -NO i did not click it twice.

    the problem is, ITS SO ANNOYING! btw it only happens in firefox. i probly will reinstall firefox, plugins, etc. but im just kinda curious, anyone know whats causing this? and how do i backup my favorites?

    Re: weird firefox problem


    I've seen this behaviour also but never for firefox, I guess it's because it's not based on qt, so kde is behaving in a strange way with it launching, no sure...
    For your reinstallation, I'm not sure it will solve but you can try. For info all information related to you and firefox are in : ~/.mozilla/firefox



      Re: weird firefox problem

      It will certainly not help by reinstalling firefox. I've seen it for years, well probably since they added that "launch feedback agent" functionality.

      The problem lies in launch feedback agent not being able to tell when firefox has loaded. It probably happens with all non-kde/qt apps, but I'm not sure.

      Not sure what the solution might be, but in regular kde (as opposed to kubuntus customized kde) you can configure launch feedback to timeout after say 5 seconds or disable it all together. The default timeout is 20 seconds I believe.

      I found on solution that disables lauch feedback for a given application here:

      Also, this may be of interest:

      by running "kcontrol" you can apparently start kde's standard control panel.

