Firestarter is a simple-to-use Linux firewall and Moblock is an IP filter, mostly used by peer-to-peer file sharing users. Moblock should always be run after other firewalls start, otherwise it won't work correctly. This tutorial explains how to set up the correct autostart sequence for both programs. I use a plain text editor for terminal called "nano", but you can use other GUI editors, such as Kate, Kwrite, etc.
1) With text editor open the file sudo nano /etc/sudoers:
2) At the end of the file add the following two lines and save the file:
note: substitute "<user>" with your username.
3) In terminal execute this command:
4) Change permissions for firestarter shell script:
5) With text editor open the file ~/.kde/Autostart/firestarter:
and change it so it will look like this:
6) With text editor open the file /etc/blockcontrol/blockcontrol.conf
search for the line INIT. It has to look like this: INIT="0"
7) Restart you computer and it should work.
Note: If you don't run the latest Moblock versions, you may have to use the following parameters instead:
1) With text editor open the file sudo nano /etc/sudoers:
sudo nano -w sudo nano /etc/sudoers
<user> ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter <user> ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/blockcontrol
3) In terminal execute this command:
echo -e '#'\!'/bin/sh\nsudo firestarter --start-hidden' > ~/.kde/Autostart/firestarter
chmod a+x ~/.kde/Autostart/firestarter
nano -w ~/.kde/Autostart/firestarter
#!/bin/sh sudo firestarter --start-hidden & sleep 15 && sudo blockcontrol start &
sudo nano -w /etc/blockcontrol/blockcontrol.conf
7) Restart you computer and it should work.
Note: If you don't run the latest Moblock versions, you may have to use the following parameters instead:
- /usr/bin/blockcontrol --> /usr/bin/moblock-control
- sudo blockcontrol start --> sudo moblock-control start
- /etc/blockcontrol/blockcontrol.conf --> /etc/default/moblock