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Kubuntu Karmic problems with Radeon Dual-Head

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    Kubuntu Karmic problems with Radeon Dual-Head

    I have been unable - despite significant hours of googling and experimenting - to get a satisfactory dual-head setup running with Kubuntu Karmic, where "not satisfactory" has the following conditions:

    1) If I use the radeon or ati drivers (are those the same thing with different names?) All I get is a mirrored display at 1152 x 864 on both monitors (this is native resolution for neither). OpenGL doesn't work. Xrender does. In GNOME, I can use the display control to get the monitors set up correctly (but no 3D acceleration) but that setup doesn't stick when I got back to KDE.

    2) If I use the proprietary fglrx driver, I can configure it correctly and get OpenGL, but there's one fairly large fly in that ointment: the KDE panel always goes on the wrong monitor (the 19" 1440 x 900 one) instead of the 24" 1920 x 1200 one, and I can find no way to make it move. I believe this may be because the driver sees this monitor as CRT-2 (it's attached to a DVI cable with a DVI->VGA adapter) and kephal seems to want to put them in alphabetical order or somethign, so it comes after DFP-1 (the 24") and I can find no way to influence kephal, either.

    However, I can work around the panel positioning issue by enabling Xinerama in amdcccle. Then everything is correct WRT appearance: the panel is on the left (large) monitor and the smaller monitor to the right is also available. However, neither OpenGL nor Xrender work, graphics performance is horrible, and windows stagger around the screen like jerky zombies.

    My hardware:

    - Lenovo ThinkCenter (basically some model of ThinkPad stuffed into a desktop case, I suspect) with Radeon HD2400XT PCI-E graphics, Core2 vPro CPU, 4 GB RAM, 1 250 GB SATA disk.

    -Dell E248WFP 24" DVI LCD monitor attached to connector 1 of dual-head cable

    -Lenovo L192 analog LCD monitor attached to conenctor 2 of dual-head cable with DVI->VGA adapter

    In 10 years of using Linux, this is the toughest X problem I've come across. I thought this stuff was supposed to be getting easier <g>

    Thanks in advance for any ideas.

    Re: Kubuntu Karmic problems with Radeon Dual-Head

    Oops, forgot to attach my xorg.conf and Xorg.log files. Here they are.
    Attached Files


      Re: Kubuntu Karmic problems with Radeon Dual-Head

      to get multi head using the fglrx driver , use there tool.

      [code=run in konsole/ or run box]kdesudo amdcccle[/code]
      on the left select displays and set your desired settings.

      i am currently using 2 monitors (on a ati readon 4830HD w/ fglrx from ati's page) . set in multi-desktop mode one display is 1650x1080 the other is 1280x1024
      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
      (top of thread: thread tools)

