Just thought I'd toss out an "atta boy!" (or girl) since it's been a long time since I last did that. I've used Kubuntu since 5.04, Hoary Hedgehog if memory serves. I love it as much now as I did back then.
You may [or may not] be aware that I had a ton, I mean a $hitload! of problems even getting 20.04 up and running on my new laptop. But despite that, once everything was sorted out and it was running smoothly, I couldn't be happier. Its features, its look and feel, its beauty, its limitless customization possibilities, all of it just make me very, very happy.
I have no big complaints. I'm irked by the fact that it's (apparently) no longer possible to set per-desktop wallpaper, but as I haven't delved deeply into that yet, I can't really make a judgment.
Why everyone isn't using Kubuntu is beyond me! I really feel kind of sorry for clueless windows users--I mean people who don't even know that there's a whole other world out there. One that doesn't involve proprietary, buggy, crash-prone software. One in which you're free to pick and choose to your liking how your desktop looks, and which programs you use, and all the other stuff that goes with using Linux instead. To say nothing of the security, stability, and so on that's built-in to Linux and then Kubuntu. I often hear "but I NEED such-and-such" windows program, and I just roll my eyes. Think about this: I've ALWAYS used *nix, and ONLY *nix, and I've gotten along just fine!
So there you have my $0.02 worth. I'm in awe of what the Kubuntu developers do for us, and wanted to say so.
You may [or may not] be aware that I had a ton, I mean a $hitload! of problems even getting 20.04 up and running on my new laptop. But despite that, once everything was sorted out and it was running smoothly, I couldn't be happier. Its features, its look and feel, its beauty, its limitless customization possibilities, all of it just make me very, very happy.
I have no big complaints. I'm irked by the fact that it's (apparently) no longer possible to set per-desktop wallpaper, but as I haven't delved deeply into that yet, I can't really make a judgment.
Why everyone isn't using Kubuntu is beyond me! I really feel kind of sorry for clueless windows users--I mean people who don't even know that there's a whole other world out there. One that doesn't involve proprietary, buggy, crash-prone software. One in which you're free to pick and choose to your liking how your desktop looks, and which programs you use, and all the other stuff that goes with using Linux instead. To say nothing of the security, stability, and so on that's built-in to Linux and then Kubuntu. I often hear "but I NEED such-and-such" windows program, and I just roll my eyes. Think about this: I've ALWAYS used *nix, and ONLY *nix, and I've gotten along just fine!
So there you have my $0.02 worth. I'm in awe of what the Kubuntu developers do for us, and wanted to say so.