I agree, most of what I gripe about is eye-candy.
. If I may insist: System monitors are not eye-candy. They are quite useful. To me, essential.
And, in reply to your question as to what did Karamba have over Conky, well, my Karamba monitor looked like this:
My conky one looks like this.
Much the same, you can say... but as network monitoring goes, the Karamba one...
. The Marble Wallpaper. It looked like this, but you could zoom, rotate and configure it to show more things. And the clouds were updated every six hours.
Boy, by having it there all day, I did better weather forecasts than the met office
So, not quite total eye-candy
. The Elegance clock:
On KDE4, it looked like this.

On KDE5:

OK, total eye-candy, but, it has its value, does it not? And, can you find a prettier clock than that?
And, how did such a beautiful thing turn so... well, not ugly, but, well...
Anyway, I'll get used to Plasma 5, and my clunky conky, (or I'll find a way to make it nicer) but... until someone brings the Marble wallpaper back, I'll be quite disappointed with it
. If I may insist: System monitors are not eye-candy. They are quite useful. To me, essential.
And, in reply to your question as to what did Karamba have over Conky, well, my Karamba monitor looked like this:
My conky one looks like this.
Much the same, you can say... but as network monitoring goes, the Karamba one...
. The Marble Wallpaper. It looked like this, but you could zoom, rotate and configure it to show more things. And the clouds were updated every six hours.
Boy, by having it there all day, I did better weather forecasts than the met office

So, not quite total eye-candy

. The Elegance clock:
On KDE4, it looked like this.
On KDE5:
OK, total eye-candy, but, it has its value, does it not? And, can you find a prettier clock than that?

And, how did such a beautiful thing turn so... well, not ugly, but, well...
Anyway, I'll get used to Plasma 5, and my clunky conky, (or I'll find a way to make it nicer) but... until someone brings the Marble wallpaper back, I'll be quite disappointed with it
