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Big Thumbs Up for Oshunluvr...

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    Big Thumbs Up for Oshunluvr...

    Hardly have any problems with (Kubuntu) Linux. So I ‘m not a frequent writer on the forum. But I read almost daily. Some years ago I started with btrfs cause it was “promising”. It was with OpenSuse. I installed and restarted. The system almost immediatly “crashed”. That was not what I was used to with Linux and ext4 as being rather stable. So I dumped the system at once.

    Some time later I read the articles here at the Kubuntu Forums written by Oshunluvr. And those articles, being detailed and practical inspired me a lot! So I started again with btrfs. This time with more succes. I use btrfs now on almost all my sytems. That ‘s why I want to say:

    Big Thumbs Up Oshunluvr!

    Thanks Oshun you inspired me a lot! (And probably many many others as well.)

    Now I have a box (among others) that I use for experimenting , reviewing and testing. Running about 7 Linux Os-ses from several partitions at the moment (on a ssd, so their all rather fast). The setup is about this: On one partition I run Manjaro (Kde) ,which I use as my main sytem on this box. On another partition I have at the moment 5 subvolumes which are 5 different Os-ses. Also there is a partition that I use as “Install-partition”. (All btrfs parttions) (And somewhere in a corner there ‘s also some Redmond stuff). All is handled by one Grub sytem that I organise, as “teached” by Oshunluvr, with: “40_custom”. All systems run great and fast. When you know the “knacks”, just a little maintenance is needed now and then.

    This maintenance has been done mainly via the terminal. Which works fine and efficient.
    But.., a few days ago I read here on KF a topic where Oshun explained (and blatant promoted :-) a script system he wrote as a Dolphin context menu , being a Subvolume Manager , which makes the maintenance even more a piece of cake… Wonderful! Thank you Oshun for the Christmas surprise!!...
    I installed and checked out the functions of the Subvol Manager. In general it works great! Although I have a question about it. But that’s a case for another topic…
    Thís topic is for a big : Thanks Oshun!

    Thank you for the kind remarks and I'm glad you have found value in my posts.

    Mostly, it's an effort on my part to learn - keeping my aging brain active - and a place to get feedback on my "projects." I look forward to our future discussions

    Please Read Me


      +1 ManGo !!!
      Oshunluver got this Btrfs padwan going in the right direction two years ago. He's the best Btrfs Jedi around, IMHO.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        (Note that I have not read Oshun's posts and know nothing about btrfs.) Can anyone tell me why I would want to dump my current ext4 for btrfs? Or will that start an already-fought war?!
        Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


          Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu View Post
          (Note that I have not read Oshun's posts and know nothing about btrfs.) Can anyone tell me why I would want to dump my current ext4 for btrfs? Or will that start an already-fought war?!
          Short answer: Roll-back capability, ease of backups, shared drive space (no partitions required).

          No need to fight. If you're comfortable where you're at, then stay there. If you're looking for something newer, better, easier, then read up.

          Please Read Me


            Big TUP for OSHLUVR...well YEAH!!



              Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu View Post
              (Note that I have not read Oshun's posts and know nothing about btrfs.) Can anyone tell me why I would want to dump my current ext4 for btrfs? Or will that start an already-fought war?!
              With failing mental abilities and shaky hands I hit the enter key on a command to delete an old snapshot of @home and succeeded in blowing away my file system. I booted a LiveUSB that I always carry in my watch pocket and copied my most recent copy of @ and @home (prev day) back onto /dev/sda1mounted To /mnt and the rebooted.
              I was back in business. Total time: about 5 minutes.
              Nothing lost
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

