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Upcoming bad news for VMware users, FYI

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    Upcoming bad news for VMware users, FYI

    I think you are still on a 3.xx kernel compiled with gcc 4.9 on Kubuntu 15.04, right? FYI, as soon as you upgrade to a kernel compiled with gcc 5.1, you will be finished running VMware until their developers update the module compiler and release a new version. I would suppose the newer compiler and kernel will come to Kubuntu with the 15.10 release.

    Here is more about the problem:
    Last edited by dibl; Jun 28, 2015, 08:21 AM.

    VMware's code is always so fragile and brittle. I can't think of any more evidence to this fact than that compiling with a certain version of GCC causes such havoc.

    Meanwhile, Virtualbox never seems to exhibit these problems. What I'd really like to see is a nice Qt/KDE GUI that integrates well with KVM and libvirt.


      Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
      VMware's code is always so fragile and brittle.
      So true.

      Meanwhile, Virtualbox never seems to exhibit these problems. What I'd really like to see is a nice Qt/KDE GUI that integrates well with KVM and libvirt.
      Yep. Last weekend I started down the path of converting my 30G win8.vmdk virtual disk to one for vbox. I ran out of time before I ran out of kubuki moves to get it done. It was faster and easier just to throw a spare hdd into my desktop rig and install Debian 8 on it, and then set up VMware (and skype, etc.). I have no doubt the VMware devs will eventually get around to catching up with Linux, but this is the second time I find myself (with Debian unstable) orphaned and resorting to semi-desperate measures to keep my Windows VM operational.


        All I've ever used is Virtualbox. Note one issue ever. But now that I say that!!

