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the SHEER POWER of "RIAA" AND the "nod" present administraion

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    the SHEER POWER of "RIAA" AND the "nod" present administraion


    I know.......I'm just the old woodsmoker.........reviled of the Linux Cognoscenti........



    A ONE USE............................................

    UMM...ONE USE...............FU#$%^& LEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES OF 1984..............

    Nickelback's "Hero"......... because.......ummm Spiderman........ummm MUTATED....




    And guess what....................

    I tried one that was pretty good.......I wanted to "inspire" my students to actually maybe "ACCEPT" the idea of evolution........

    I'm filling in for another teacher, biology, i don't teach biology now I teach physics....

    but any way..........I downloade.................

    ONE.......................... version

    nope it had a bunch of miscellaneous stuff..........

    another one............







    your cookies.........

    I tried that...........

    cleared the cookies..........

    You Tube...............

    now records............


    UMMMMMM THAT IS...................FU@#$*G...........YOU>....... ..........



    for a ..........piece of S@#$ music

    woodformerlycastlecopsmovingfurtheroffthegridasIca nsmoke

    Read it 3 times, still don't understand what you are saying :/


      Originally posted by eggbert View Post
      Read it 3 times, still don't understand what you are saying :/
      That's OK, I think he is just trying to use up all the dots available in the universe.


        Pills ?

        I think that you need to eat all the pills....

        then you will 'MINDBOGGEL' and see the message.

        (image is from: )
        A good place to start: Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
        Searching FAQ's: Google Search 'FAQ from Kubuntuforums'


          people think that I am "conservative' in the United States

          But....since I do "not come across" as.........hyper the United States useage........I am therefore......."conservative............

          This is about "big" whatever..........big government.......big business...........encroaching on "YOUR/MY" "raison d'tre"...".........

          The liberal elites despise the conservatives because they don' accept the liberal dogma...

          The conservative elites despise the liberals becaue they don't accept the conservative dogma........

          But.............which "philosophy" dominates............"Linux fora"........?? "liberal in terms of the U.S. and Europe"..........or "conservative in terms of the U.S. and Europe".......


          RUSSIA........does not care.........

          MAINLAND CHINA ........does not care..........

          PERU...........does not care..........

          EASTER ISLAND ..........does not care.............

          MAYBE THE BOTH OF THEM/BOTH OF US........need to get OFF OUR AGENDA HORSES and start "doing what is right because it has worked for a thousand years........"

          Otherwise we are all carrying faggots in the brother of the King's forest.

          wood.............."I'm dam# mad and won't take it any more" buff smoke........
          Last edited by woodsmoke; Nov 04, 2014, 12:35 AM.


            Yep its true, you can't just steal music like you could in the old days.
            BTW, there is a way in firefox. Try out the add-on "media stealer" there are also other ways too.

            I agree with your general sentiments on the subject, one use and all, it is a ridiculous situation. Especially when you consider that almost all parties involved are already $$$ loaded and still getting rich off of every minute of everything covered under RIAA.

            This reminds me of a guy I met a couple of weeks ago, after some minutes of conversation he looked at me and said "You can understand me, hmmmm, that doesn't usually happen".

            @ rog132, that is hilarious. lol
            Last edited by anika200; Nov 06, 2014, 11:20 AM.


              Originally posted by claydoh View Post
              That's OK, I think he is just trying to use up all the dots available in the universe.
              hehehehee, I like your sig on that post too....... Ahhh, thank goodness for humor in the world.



                KUBUNTU FORUMS . . . . . does not care ... if YOU are conservative or liberal ...
                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                  AT LAST!!!!

                  President Obama In a two-page statement and a two-minute online video Monday, Obama has spoken on "net neutrality".

                  And he has, apparently, come down on the side of "the folks"!

                  In a two-page statement and a two-minute online video Monday, Obama came out in favor of the toughest possible regulation of Internet service providers on an issue that has flooded the Federal Communications Commission with a record of about 4 million public comments.

                  "Ever since the Internet was created, it's been organized around basic principles of openness, fairness and freedom," Obama said in the video posted on the White House website.

                  "There are no gatekeepers deciding which sites you get to access. There are no toll roads on the information superhighway," he said. "Abandoning these principals would threaten to end the Internet as we know it."

                  FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said Monday that he was "grateful" for Obama's input and called the president's statement "an important, welcome addition" to the agency's deliberations.

                  But Wheeler said the legal issues involved with crafting the rules are complex and the FCC had "more work to do."
                  Of course "the devil is in the details" as they say........He seems to want the "corporations" to be regulated like "the phone company"... how that would be done in a way that would give all the present stakeholders a relatively level playing field financially I have NO CLUE......

                  Notice that he gets to "be tough on corporations".... talk about threading a needle......... the same corporations that financed the Dem's political runs...

                  But, he's now beyond running etc, and can "take the blame" so that the rest of the Dems "don't get the blame" from the corporations...

                  And of course, the CLUELESS Republicans are saying that this can "affect" the corporations.... I mean....really? Are these people REALLY that clueless ...?? :0

                  But, it seems that on this his heart is in the right place.

                  WHAT does this have to do with RIAA etc. ?? ??

                  Maybe it is a "little leak in the dam"......maybe the Dems will get a clue and work with SOME of the Repubs and do something to actually create copyright laws which are logical and finally get rid of the ability of the RIAA etc. to be actors.

                  Maybe....... just hopin' !

                  And see...........I really am an equal opportunity basher and promoter!



                    Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post

                    And of course, the CLUELESS Republicans are saying that this can "affect" the corporations.... I mean....really? Are these people REALLY that clueless ...?? :0 ...
                    Yes. And like most Congressmen and women, they go for the easy route, taking talking points from their donors, and even voting on bills that they have not even read.

                    From Wikipedia, [url=]A leaked set of draft documents indicated that public concern had little impact on the negotiations. [url]

                    Wikileaks' exposure of the Intellectual Property Rights and Environmental chapters of the TPP revealed "just how far apart the US is from the other nations involved in the treaty, with 19 points of disagreement in the area of intellectual property alone. One of the documents speaks of 'great pressure' being applied by the US." Australia in particular opposes the US's proposals for copyright protection and an element supported by all other nations involved to "limit the liability of ISPs for copyright infringement by their users." Another sticking point lies with Japan's reluctance to open up its agricultural markets.

                    Political difficulties, particularly those related to the passage of a Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) by Congress, within the US present another cause of delay for the TPP negotiations. Receiving TPA from Congress is looking especially difficult for Obama since members of his own Democratic Party are against them, while Republicans generally support the trade talks. "The TPP and TPA pose a chicken-and-egg situation for Washington. Congress needs to pass TPA to bring the TPP negotiations to fruition, but the Obama administration must win favorable terms in the TPP to pull TPA legislation through Congress. Simply put, the administration cannot make Congress happy, unless it can report on the excellent terms that it has coaxed out of Japan."
                    United States Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) asserted:
                    The majority of Congress is being kept in the dark as to the substance of the TPP negotiations, while representatives of U.S. corporations—like Halliburton, Chevron, PHRMA, Comcast, and the Motion Picture Association of America—are being consulted and made privy to details of the agreement. [...] More than two months after receiving the proper security credentials, my staff is still barred from viewing the details of the proposals that USTR is advancing. We hear that the process by which TPP is being negotiated has been a model of transparency. I disagree with that statement.
                    All the talk about creating "tiers" or dual tracks on the Internet are, IMO, just a smoke screen to hide the real damage that the TPP will do to freedom on the Internet. Not that they wouldn't try it if they thought they could get away with it. Corporations are claiming for their own, just because they have the financial and legal muscle to do so, copyrighted works that have passed into the public domain, some of them decades ago. The "complex legal issues" are those relating to the legalization of theft. Works placed under open source could become targets. Copyright in a work created on or after January 1, 1978, subsists from its creation and endures for a term consisting of the life of the author and 70 years after the author's death. In addition, prior to the 1976 Copyright Act, Congress enacted a series of nine interim extensions for works whose copyright protection began between September 19, 1906, and December 31, 1918, if they were in their renewal terms. Without these interim extensions, copyrights commencing during that time period would have otherwise expired after 56 years, at the end of their renewal terms, between September 19, 1962, and December 31, 1976.

                    Thanks Sonny Bono.

                    Check out the latest "terms" in the TPP:

                    Are Obama's hands clean?
                    The latest TPP leak confirms that the US Trade Representative is not backing down from exporting the most severe interpretations of US copyright law. As we’ve reiterated for years, TPP is just the latest cycle of policy laundering that takes advantage of the secretive, special-interest dominated negotiating forum of trade agreements in order to continue heightening copyright standards around the world. The only way to make practical, public-interest driven digital policy is for our policymakers to be held accountable. Backroom trade negotiations are the epitome of a defective, undemocratic rulemaking system. As long as special corporate interests dominate the agenda of our international digital policymaking fora, Internet users will not stand for such illegitimate regulations.
                    The promise of the "most transparent" administration in history turned out to be the exact opposite. I suspect that all public announcements about the TPP are just the opposite of what will actually happen.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

