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an app for your erotic collection

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    an app for your erotic collection

    Whilst reading the KDE web site I discovered called PorDB3 which according to the description "is a collection application for managing your erotic video collection."

    I was very surprised to read it's description and what it was developed for. Of course it is a database for managing your video collection but I was surprised that it used the term "erotic video collection" in its description. It's has if it was specifically designed for this one person.

    Video's in a database who would have thought...

    Besides, once the strigi-baloo transition is fixed you can use the standard search.
    If that's the problem the maker tries to solve.


      You've never come across the classic Linux image viewer program pornview

      Descriptions vary, but from the debian one you get the idea

      Sent from my Droid DNA using Tapatalk, like that really matters


        Yeah I know, a similar design as for the single-handed around the world sailing


          This is probably a situation of somebody that kind of "sneakily" wanted to stick his thumb in the eye of anybody with whom he disagreed.

          Kind of like............ Damn Small Linux...........that had a "devil" for a symbol...........sticking their thumb in the eye of the "Christian/conservative/somebody not them".........

          which has got rid of "the devil" and is now DSL to try to

          of course the "Christians" stick their thumb in the eye of the "devil worshiper"........

          maybe they BOTH need to just let well enough alone.

          Single handed around the world sailing........

          hate to say it........

          but there was a book entitled "Around the World in the Sloop Spray"...........a guy sailed around the world alone back in the twenties.......

          very ROMANTIC.................VERY............LIBERAL.. .......VERY...........UBER........................

          doing ANYTHING that would put a thumb in the eye of the detested conservative.........right...........


          except..........because of the WORLDWIDE experiences that he collected........

          hands he shook..........

          people he met..........

          bonds he forged..........

          allll that LIBERAL "stuff"...........

          His name was...........Haliburton.

          beware of your prejudices.


          Last edited by woodsmoke; May 10, 2014, 10:59 PM.


            Yes a true liberal, someone who wants the freedom to run his life his way.
            A little problem with the present day Halliburton is they want to tell us how to live our life.
            Like here in the Netherlands the Liberals are the right wing side of politics, pro-enterprise and such. (forget about the nationalist en xenophobes, they are right nor left)
            The American language has given birth to a lot of words with a political/moral concoction, like Lavatory, washroom, men/women, restroom and powderroom, all to describe what is essentially a toilet or WC.

