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Wakawa's intro page pretty kewl

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    Wakawa's intro page pretty kewl

    If they have expended THIS MUCH ENERGY on just the intro page this might be a distro to watch....

    ANNNNNND it would say something about moving Kubu to a Debian base:

    (the below image does NOT ANIMATE... but in the need to click the screeny to activate the animation)


    Looking at their website really DID bring something up about Linux adoption.

    I think that we all...........really...........alll.....know that a country, such as the U.S. will have a hard time adopting Linux because of the whole thing about DRM, both dems and repubs, including Pres. Obama, relying on the coveted support of Microsoft and cronies and the "media" and the "film people".... the whole RIAA thing...

    But........... it really did just really GET INTO MY HEAD....

    If the "people" and businesses of a country are not ALREADY imprinted on Microshaft, and does not have a vested interest in keeping the "support" of the film crowd, and media crowd.....

    THAT country really could.... just buy into Linux completely.

    Afterf all..............the U.S. is doing a great job "keeping people out" at least digitally, and this has ACCELERATED under the present admin.

    Apparently, a couple of years ago Microsloth was almost giving away liscences and hardware in South America, don't know how well it worked...but...

    why would "another country" either it's people, businesses, or government.....even CARE what Microsith or RIAA do...or want....


    just some thoughts.

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Dec 05, 2013, 06:32 PM.


      Remastersys provides the .iso Wakawa review

      Sooo I thought that I'd install the thing:

      a) only .iso is an AMD64 bit
      b) Keyboard was initially Brazil: Portugese, but, by then selecting "other" one is taken to a monster list of languages and U.S. English was chosen.
      c) another screen QWERTY was selected.
      d) There was a slightly confusing screen when one must use GParted to select a partition but mainly, if one already has a Linux OS on the hard drive one exits and then uses those partitions.
      e) ROOT password must then be established.
      f) UTC was used but local can be selected and it the local time zone was correctly found .
      g) download of files to the computer( on an AMD 2.4 gig hz dual core ) took 8 minutes.
      h) even though the wireless was initially found automagically, it then had to be set up manually, since it was encrypted the password was needed, but it was a three window process. very simple.
      h) Overall colours a rather silvery gray and light lime green
      i) Software install took 7 minutes.
      j) dropped to a terminal and.......


      Remastersys was doing the job........what Canonical could NEVER use, seems to be just truckin' right along.......good job TONY!!

      k) Software, couple of odd names; Engrampa archive software, GPrename, Pluma text

      Iceweasal default internet, got on fine but would not do the YouTube thing, as usual. It offered to download shockwave, but then one is presented of the neverending looping of changing sources, etc, and it never did run a you tube video, that is ok. no biggie for this author but a BIGGIE for a "kid in the U.S." but since it is a Brazilian distro then again, no biggie for them maybe.

      Installed Chroma but samo samo.

      Font is a VERY CRISP: sans-serif,Tahoma,Calibri,Verdana,Geneva

      Clementine seems to work "completely" it immediatly provided a bunch of streaming radio stations and played SOMAFM w/o a hitch.

      A few different screensavers and some that are updates of the normal ones.


      a) pleasant to the eye
      b) Fast

      I'll be glad to answer any questions about which I would be competent to reply.

      Last edited by woodsmoke; Dec 18, 2013, 12:56 PM.


        Install flash Debian Jesse (Ubu also probably)

        Here's how to enable playing a video in YouTube which seems to be sine' qua non holy grail for the younger generation:

        (Note, experience people can stop reading here since you can do it from CLI and already know what to do.)

        This “should” generally work for Debian and Ubuntu based systems.

        Open Synaptic, go to Settings/Repositiories/Other Sources/add.

        copy and paste the below line:

        For some reason the forum software makes the middle part of the line an active link. You MAY have to manually remove the "" from the line after pasting, or you can type it in leaving out the .

        deb stable main contrib non-free

        Close the Repositories box and then hit the reload/refresh button

        Open a root terminal, if this is on a Debian Jesse system it may be in the panel, anyway, open a root terminal, and type in this line, probably won't be able to copy and paste with a “provided” root terminal, I think that is an homage to security, saying IN EFFECT that if you really want to do it then you can expend the effort to type in a command which may bork your system.

        sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

        It will do some churning around and then ask if you really want to do that, and enter “yes”.

        It will then do a LOT of churning around and stop.

        Close the terminal.

        If you have Chrome, or FF or anything else, open you will have to restart Firefox.

        The simple test of whether it worked is to go to YouTube and click the main, banner, video on the site.

        If it plays, it plays, if it does not, it does not and the above was of NO HELP AT ALL!



          An unusual thing.

          Chromium, does, indeed, run YouTube videos etc.

          However, now an odd thing has occurred.

          I can get into the forum, I can go to "unread posts", I can go to a thread, but when I click "reply" all I get ia a rotating cursor.

          Please remember that I am now typing on IceWeasel.

          A previous post in this thread goes through how I got them to work with YouTube.

          I searched using a variety of terms to see if I could find a question that is like this but could not. However, there were quite a few questions/threads about "Firefox on Debian"... and very recent ones.

          I completely uninstalled IceWeasel "along with all it's other stuff" and surprisingly, got my four pinned tabs when I re-installed ! lol

          So there may be something in the innards of Debian Jesse etc. don't know.

          So...........comments....... might this be a bug or just a fluke.



            Who cares for IP?


              25 minute download, 5 minute burn. No md5sum available. Will boot it tomorrow and play awhile.

              I am running Wakawa as I type this.
              First problem - wrong time zone
              Second problem -- the wicd control panel allows me to connect to my wireless, the system panel network icon says I am connected, but the wicd control panel randomly says I am connected or not connected. The 3.10 kernel doesnt do will with my AR9462 wifi chip.
              Third problem -- the keyboard doesnt quite match the language, which is English, but now sure which version. apostrophes and such dont show
              Fourth problem -- wrong local.
              FIFTH and BIGGEST problem --- I have no clue about how to run Gnome2. I am just floundering around. But, I have no desire to learn it either. So, if Wakawa doesnt come up with a KDE version ......
              Other than that Wakawa is OK. So far no crashes. I will probably play with it for another 30 minutes and then chuck it.

              I wasn't able to locate an administration application that would allow me to change the local so that my accent keys would work properly. That was the last straw. The LiveDVD is now resting comfortable in my trash can.
              Last edited by GreyGeek; Dec 22, 2013, 10:24 AM.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                I decided to install KDE and it will not install "alongside", it "replaces", "Mate" is removed".

                HOWEVER..... to go to "the other session" one must hit the F1 key and, either there is not a driver for my particular form of the MS ergonomic keyboard, several are listed, my particular one is not, or then I borked GRUB or something.

                Anyhow, I'm not going to spend any more time on it, it was just to check out Debian Sid with Kubuntu anyway.

                And, I did that a year or so ago, installed KDE over Debian Sid and it worked fine.

                But, it is a good implementation of "Mate".


