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Should I switch to Debian 7 using KDE?

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    Should I switch to Debian 7 using KDE?

    I would like your opinions please on whether you think I should install Debian 7 with KDE. From what I've seen of Debian 7 it is much like Kubuntu 12.04.

    It is up to you - Wheezy ~ Precise

    A good place to start: Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
    Searching FAQ's: Google Search 'FAQ from Kubuntuforums'


      Debian's kde packages (even in "sid") tend to lag behind kubuntu...especially during freezes, but otherwise you won't run into major differences.


        Originally posted by NickStone View Post
        I would like your opinions please on whether you think I should install Debian 7 with KDE. From what I've seen of Debian 7 it is much like Kubuntu 12.04.
        Before answering that question, you would need to answer "What are you trying to accomplish?" or put differently, "What is motivating you to want to switch?"


          Originally posted by NickStone View Post
          I would like your opinions please on whether you think I should install Debian 7 with KDE. From what I've seen of Debian 7 it is much like Kubuntu 12.04.
          Definitely not. KDE is getting worse all the time and sound problems are abundant. I booted up my Debian w/ LXDE and sound is working fine and settings/controls all okay. Kubuntu, I also have crashes. KDE is getting too bloated. I really liked the DE and it was my main one but soon, that won't be.

          Edit: Sorry...but, I'm tired of crashes.... especially, with firefox. Also, why is kmixer (KDE's version of Pulseaudio - the appearance and settings/controls) so inferior? I don't have the same convenience and the sound always seems so much quieter despite what level the volume is at. I'm just tired of it.
          Last edited by kdeputer; Jul 29, 2013, 01:15 AM.


            About KDE

            KDE is getting worse all the time and sound problems are abundant. I booted up my Debian w/ LXDE and sound is working fine and settings/controls all okay. Kubuntu, I also have crashes. KDE is getting too bloated.
            Here the KDE/Qt/plasma desktop is stable - the low point was the KDE 4.0. After that, every new release has been better and better.

            At here - I get what I want - that is: I can pick small KDE or big KDE desktop.

            About sound

            Also, why is kmixer (KDE's version of Pulseaudio - the appearance and settings/controls) so inferior? I don't have the same convenience and the sound always seems so much quieter despite what level the volume is at...
            The KMIx /1/ is an audio device mixer - The PulseAudio /2/ is a sound system for POSIX OSes, meaning that it is a proxy for your sound applications.

            With the KDE/KMIx you could enable or disable things.

            It you have the MPris /3/ capable media players:

            If you want more sliders:

            The KMix is a the default mixer but you don't have to use it - other options:

            veromix -
            pavucontrol -


            1. KMix -
            2. PulseAudio -
            3. MPris - http://specifications.freedesktop.or...s-spec/latest/
            A good place to start: Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
            Searching FAQ's: Google Search 'FAQ from Kubuntuforums'


              I've gone Debian. Thanks for your opinions.
              Attached Files


                Hi NickStoneFan

                There is a thread buried somewhere down in the dungeons about the experience that I had when I installed Debian, and then added KDE over it.

                That was way back when, but I really didn't see much difference, however, I did have to set new repos for some items.

                The "interface experience" however, for me was what I called.....don't know......."harsh looking". It was, kind of "glassy, brittle"..."looking"...

                When I commented thereupon I was very bruskly told that KDE is KDE is KDE ....

                It was exactly the same gui, theme, etc. but, still i guess it might have been the "effect" of the video drivers...don't know.

                I ran it for maybe a month and didn't see any stability problems, etc.

                However, that was several years ago so that may have changed.



                  Kubuntu on smart phone

                  I have both Kubuntu and Debian / KDE.

                  What I dream about is Kubuntu on smartphones and tablets. It's probably more likely to happen with Ubuntu than Debian.


                  Right now the killer is being surrounded by a web of deduction, forensic science,
                  and the latest in technology such as two-way radios and e-mail.


                    Originally posted by perspectoff View Post
                    What I dream about is Kubuntu on smartphones and tablets.
                    Plasma Active on the Nexus 7



                      Thanks Woody for your insight in to Debian. I've been using Debian 7 with KDE 4.8.4 for a few days now and overall it is quite stable, however, they only problem I've experienced so far is when using Kmail to set up my email account with myopera and for some reason it causes it to freeze. Every thing else is working fine. I don't have a problem with X11 (graphics) as I only have a bog standard intel graphics chip and the generic graphics drivers available usually work without problems on my aging Dell Optiplex pc.

                      Perspectoff: I don't give a [CENSORED] about "smart phone" or tablets I'm a proper computer geek who loves playing with laptops / desktops so I don't care about Canonical and its development of their mobile devices.


                        Originally posted by NickStone View Post
                        they only problem I've experienced so far is when using Kmail to set up my email account with myopera and for some reason it causes it to freeze
                        KDE PIM in Debian is still version 1.0, IIRC. So you're using the very old KMail and associated bits. If you like the Debian route, you might like Siduction even better. It's based on Debian Unstable, with newer packages: KDE, KDE PIM, newer kernel, and others. Dibl uses it and regularly sings its praises.


                          Originally posted by NickStone View Post
                          I don't give a [CENSORED] about "smart phone" or tablets I'm a proper computer geek who loves playing with laptops / desktops so I don't care about Canonical and its development of their mobile devices.
                          Your words sting me.

                          Please Read Me


                            Originally posted by NickStone View Post
                            Perspectoff: I don't give a [CENSORED] about "smart phone" or tablets I'm a proper computer geek who loves playing with laptops / desktops so I don't care about Canonical and its development of their mobile devices.
                            Ok. As a "general" g33k, i find hacking mobile devices cool.


                              Originally posted by Nayar View Post
                              Ok. As a "general" g33k, i find hacking mobile devices cool.
                              Indeed. Partly because they can still be a challenge, and partly because it just feel good to reclaim ownership over something the big guys would prefer to control.

