Back when I was in elementary then high school and for the ensuing decade or more; there were cardboard dingus's on teacher's desks wherein students placed nickles, dimes, quarters and fifty cent pieces to finance the fight against polio. This has now become "Jerry's Kids".

We all lived in mortal, yes MORTAL fear of contracting polio. Something that is quite beyond the ken of the present, and past few, generations.
The present generations, live in a very false cocoon of smarmy goodness.

Whilst in high school I had the very great privilege to date a beautiful young woman who walked with a "limp", so she was called, by the bullies, mainly boys... a "gimp".
And thus, she was an outcast.
But, to my great good luck, and I still muse about this, our Spanish teacher "set us up".
The bullies did not know how they erred. She was beutiful both inside and out. Unfortunately, I was very stoopid and "broke it off" with her when I went to college because she was a soph at the time.
But.... she had been helped greatly by the Sister Kenny Institute.


We all lived in mortal, yes MORTAL fear of contracting polio. Something that is quite beyond the ken of the present, and past few, generations.
The present generations, live in a very false cocoon of smarmy goodness.

Whilst in high school I had the very great privilege to date a beautiful young woman who walked with a "limp", so she was called, by the bullies, mainly boys... a "gimp".
And thus, she was an outcast.
But, to my great good luck, and I still muse about this, our Spanish teacher "set us up".

The bullies did not know how they erred. She was beutiful both inside and out. Unfortunately, I was very stoopid and "broke it off" with her when I went to college because she was a soph at the time.
But.... she had been helped greatly by the Sister Kenny Institute.
