Hi everyone. Just joined the other day. Hope you are all well. 
New to Kubuntu, but I've been using mainline Ubuntu for some years. I'm sure we're all familiar with the LTS support the distro enjoys, and this has been extended for KDE lovers to enjoy on Kubuntu. Nice! But how many of you intend to go the full term with the one release? I must admit, I've been used to fresh installs every so often for some time, but I have to say Kubuntu 12.04 has surprised me insofar as I can imagine leaving this on my PC for many years. So now I'm considering just that - going the full term. Has anyone else ever done this, or considering it? Do you get itchy feet after so long on the same release? What are the pitfalls of staying on the same release for so long? Thanks all.

New to Kubuntu, but I've been using mainline Ubuntu for some years. I'm sure we're all familiar with the LTS support the distro enjoys, and this has been extended for KDE lovers to enjoy on Kubuntu. Nice! But how many of you intend to go the full term with the one release? I must admit, I've been used to fresh installs every so often for some time, but I have to say Kubuntu 12.04 has surprised me insofar as I can imagine leaving this on my PC for many years. So now I'm considering just that - going the full term. Has anyone else ever done this, or considering it? Do you get itchy feet after so long on the same release? What are the pitfalls of staying on the same release for so long? Thanks all.