Download glables and anything else that is associated with it, except .dev files from synaptic.
Open it and choose business card.
One is presented with various sizes; choose the one for the card at hand.
Select from view: zoom in to 200 percent.
One is presented with a business card template with a grid.
Open a text box and type in what one wishes for text.
One can only have one font per box so if different fonts "in a line" are desired, one will have to make an appropriate number of boxes.
One can adjust the boxes by dragging.
If one wants a graphic, open the appropriate menu item and navigate to said item.
It is recommended that the graphic have a transparent background.
Since there are differences between "translation" of the sizes from European to U.S. one will have to fiddle a little with the selection thereof.
One should print several test pages on plain paper to ascertain that the "cards" do not start "running off the bottom" of the page.
This may take several tries.
Print as desired.
SAVE THE "title-glables" to BOTH the computer AND a cd.
Since I have started, and stopped, several businesses, and worked for various schools, I have had several versions of a business card.
The same card, on the same cd, has served well over MANY distros.... one just changes the appropriate text.
If there are questions, please ask.
Open it and choose business card.
One is presented with various sizes; choose the one for the card at hand.
Select from view: zoom in to 200 percent.
One is presented with a business card template with a grid.
Open a text box and type in what one wishes for text.
One can only have one font per box so if different fonts "in a line" are desired, one will have to make an appropriate number of boxes.
One can adjust the boxes by dragging.
If one wants a graphic, open the appropriate menu item and navigate to said item.
It is recommended that the graphic have a transparent background.
Since there are differences between "translation" of the sizes from European to U.S. one will have to fiddle a little with the selection thereof.
One should print several test pages on plain paper to ascertain that the "cards" do not start "running off the bottom" of the page.
This may take several tries.
Print as desired.
SAVE THE "title-glables" to BOTH the computer AND a cd.
Since I have started, and stopped, several businesses, and worked for various schools, I have had several versions of a business card.
The same card, on the same cd, has served well over MANY distros.... one just changes the appropriate text.
If there are questions, please ask.