The documentary that changed me, unequivocally, from a lifelong believer that the official versions of Kennedy's assassination were nonsense, to understanding why Oswald was the lone gunman, is on today. It's starting at 5:00 and again at 8:00 [pm, my time, west coast], on the Military Channel [287 on DirecTV]. I can't say enough about how this show conclusively proved, to me anyway, that Oswald acted alone. It's called JFK: Inside the Target Car.
I'm not, and never have been, a conspiracy person, so it was never that I thought THAT. But I thought I understood the physics, logistics, and trajectories involved in the assassination--based on films I'd seen (no, definitely NOT the Oliver Stone movie--never saw it) and things I'd read. Once I watched this documentary, however, it all changed.
Ditto for my husband. On one of his trips here we watched it [I had DVRed it], and he totally changed his mind, too. We actually couldn't believe that after spending our whole lives believing one thing we now believed the opposite, but there you go!
YMMV, of course, so watch, don't watch, agree, disagree, whatever.
I'm not, and never have been, a conspiracy person, so it was never that I thought THAT. But I thought I understood the physics, logistics, and trajectories involved in the assassination--based on films I'd seen (no, definitely NOT the Oliver Stone movie--never saw it) and things I'd read. Once I watched this documentary, however, it all changed.
Ditto for my husband. On one of his trips here we watched it [I had DVRed it], and he totally changed his mind, too. We actually couldn't believe that after spending our whole lives believing one thing we now believed the opposite, but there you go!
YMMV, of course, so watch, don't watch, agree, disagree, whatever.
