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Why is Koffice not included in the Kubuntu cd/dvd?

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    Why is Koffice not included in the Kubuntu cd/dvd?

    Being on the Precise machine, I haven't "used" it that much, I've been "testing" it.. I found the need to produce a document, and without thinking, I do that a lot, not thinking that is..., I went to the office sub-menu to open Kwriter and ....hmmmm not there.... L.O. instead.....

    Okaaay..... maybe it is because it is an I went to the Kubuntu downloads page and checked out the regular distribution .iso download and there is a big ballyhoo about L.O., and a funny about not having to deal with "Mr. Clippy"....but nary a mention of Koffice.

    Now....Calligra...I can see that... Calligra is under heavy development...but... Koffice?

    Well, I'm sittin' and thinkin'....don't do much of that, ....but anyway...sittin' and thinkin'.....and with every OTHER distro I have to install Koffice..and I can see that... after all the "complaint" is...."What if I have to interact with MS Office...whine, whine... " so I can see it on OTHER distros.... and.. so I have just become "used to it"....having to install Koffice that is... come it is that the "flagship distro" for KDE does not include Koffice, and instead has a funny about Mr. Clippy?

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 16, 2012, 11:23 PM.

    KOffice's future appears to be in doubt.


      Calligra, the revamp/fork/whatever of koffice is coming along, and inches closer to being a viable option. It's MS Office importing has improved , but even I, KDE to the core (mostly), still think LibreOffice. We keep looking at it regularly but for now it is not going to be default. I think in a couple of releases it may well be the stock office suite


        Ok, then one must ask a rather simple question.

        Why even have Kubuntu since, as opposed to Lbuntu, or Xbuntu, "K" in KDE buntu was "supposed" to be the "flagship" for displaying KDE on Ubuntu.

        "flagship display" implies that ALL of the applications would be displayed.

        That would, it would seem, to include Koffice, or at least a stepchild of it, but that is not going to happen, apparently,

        Koffice gone...probably, replaced by Calligra....possibly....of not even a "K" name....Calligra "could" have been named...."Kalligra" I mean we have SO MANY OTHER plays on words.....with a K why not one more? ...and that all due to the "developers getting into a snit" over "something"....possibly they KNEW that Koffice was going to be dropped.

        So.... don't let the door hit you on the butt while goin' out the door to develop Calligra.... the way.....we're just gonna drop Koffice also.... no reason....except "lack of interest"....

        THAT puts the lie to the thesis of the book the Cathedral and the Bazaar. The only reason the author of that book got to get his nice app developed was because of his rep....people flocked to him when he said here kitty, here here kitty.....

        But... oh well.........all those cats decided that Koffice is a ho hum so they go elsewhere....and Koffice dies....

        OH MY GOLLY.....If I had only had a V-8 juice drink!......I heard the EXACT SAME ATTITUDE AT all the pettifoggers who did not produce a line of code themselves......fawning of the aloof attitude of the developers......I only work on what I WANT to work on.... can't MAKE a volunteer volunteer.....soo Koffice gone.

        What about Kontact.

        Akonadi is FINALLY working.....

        But guess what......through no fault of Akonadi...."supposedly".... one STILL cannot make a recurring event if one wants to hook to Google and anybody who wants to also keep their stuff on the phone HAS to basically hook to Google....

        So..........I guess next......Kontact is so.............boring........and the devs go elsewhere.....

        So.....what then is the point of Kubuntu?

        It could be maybe renamed to "PARKbuntu"......PARtlyKubuntu....Parkbuntu... ...

        Amarok is designed from the ground up to NOT play anything that is DRMd.....

        So.....let seee......

        There have been multiple posts here at the forum by people who are "supposedly" KDE fans.....and they say....

        a) Sorry, I have to use L.O. because it works.
        b) Sorry, I don't use Amarok because it doesn't do what Clementine does.
        c) Sorry, I don't use Kontact because Evolution does a better job....

        That leaves....ummmm that leaves....... showcase except the Plasma desktop.....

        Well that works....except....hmmmm here is an article that appeared day before yesterday that I had decided to NOT post because it says....

        A) the "Linux distro" AS A dead....
        B) That the "user interface" is not what "the people want".....they want to be able to "just use it"...
        C) the platform is more important than the OS.

        I quote:

        More and more, it’s no longer about “I run Fedora” or “openSUSE rocks”… now the conversations have shifted to things like how much better Cinnamon is than Unity, or how Trinity kicks mainline KDE’s butt.
        So.....And please remember that I am the guy who wrote multiple articles at Linux Forums about Koffice, and have posted stuff at KDE about Kontact.... and generally been a rabble rouser for KDE....thinking that eventually there would be a great overarching "paradigm" that would "be" KDE....

        remembering that....again, one must opposed to Lbunutu which was never about "showcasing" but "enabling".....

        if Kubuntu is supposed to "showcase" KDE and half of KDE is gone.....then what is the point...

        Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 16, 2012, 11:52 PM.


          How much smoke would a woodsmoke smoke if a woodsmoke could smoke wood?

          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
            How much smoke would a woodsmoke smoke if a woodsmoke could smoke wood?
            Probably depends on the amount of KDE in the smoke...


              There is more to our woodsmoke than meets the eye. So, here, for the first time, our woodsmoke, de-constructed for all to see.

              [HTML]Chemical Composition of woodsmoke
              Species g/kg wood
              Carbon Monoxide 80-370
              Methane 14-25
              VOCs (C2-C7) 7-27
              Aldehydes 0.6-5.4
              Formaldehyde 0.1-0.7
              Acrolein 0.02-0.1
              Propionaldehyde 0.1-0.3
              Butryaldehyde 0.01-1.7
              Acetaldehyde 0.03-0.6
              Furfural 0.2-1.6 1.6
              Substituted Furans 0.15-1.7
              Benzene 0.6-4.0
              Alkyl Benzenes 1-6
              Toluene 0.15-1.0
              Acetic Acid 1.8-2.4
              Formic Acid 0.06-0.08
              Nitrogen Oxides (NO,NO2) 0.2-0.9
              Sulfur Dioxide 0.16-0.24
              Methyl chloride 0.01-0.04
              Napthalene 0.24-1.6
              Substituted Napthalenes 0.3-2.1
              Oxygenated Monoaromatics 1 - 7
              Guaiacol (and denvatives) 0.4-1.6
              Phenol (and denvatives) 0.2-0.8
              Syringol (and derivatives) 0.7-2.7
              Catechol (and denvatives) 0.2-0.8
              Total Particle Mass 7-30
              Particulate Organic Carbon 2-20
              Oxygenated PAHs 0.15-1
              Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)
              Fluorene 4x10-5 - 1.7x10-2
              Phenanthrene 2x10-5 - 3.4x10-2
              Anthracene 5x10-5 - 2.1x10-5
              Methylanthracenes 7xl0-5 - 8x10-5
              Fluoranthene 7xl0-4- 4.2xl0-2
              Pyrene 8x10-4 - 3.1x10-2
              Benzo(a)anthracene 4x10-4 - 2x10-3
              Chrysene 5x104- 1x10-2
              Benzofluoranthenes 6x10-4- 5x10-3
              Benzo(e)pyrene 2x104 - 4x10-3
              Benzo(a)pyrene 3x104- 5x10-3
              Perylene 5x10-5 - 3x10-3
              Ideno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 2xl0-4- 1.3x10-2
              Benz(ghi)perylene 3x10-5- 1.lx10-2
              Coronene 8x10-4- 3x10-3
              Dibenzo(a,h)pyrene 3x104- lx10-3
              Retene 7x10-3 - 3x10-2
              Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 2x10-5 - 2xl0-3
              Trace Elements
              Na 3x10-3 - 1.8xl0-2
              Mg 2x10-4 - 3x10-3
              Al 1x10-4 - 2.4x10-2
              Si 3x10-4 - 3.1x10-2
              S 1x10-3 - 2.9x10-2
              Cl 7x10-4 - 2.1xl0-2
              K 3x10-3 - 8.6x10-2
              Ca 9xl0-4 - 1.8x10-2
              Ti 4x10-5 - 3x10-3
              V 2xl0-5 - 4x10-3
              Cr 2x10-5 - 3x10-3
              Mn 7xl0-5 - 4x10-3
              Fe 3x10-4 - 5x10-3
              Ni lxl0-6 - lx10-3
              Cu 2x10-4 - 9x10-4
              Zn 7xl0-4 - 8x10-3
              Br 7x10-5 - 9x10-4
              Pb lx10-4 - 3x10-3

              Particulate Elemental 0.3 - 5
              Normal alkanes (C24-C30) 1x10-3 - 6x10-3
              Cyclic di-and triterpenoids
              Dehydroabietic acid 0.01 - 0.05
              Isopimaric acid 0.02 - 0.10
              Lupenone 2x10-3 - 8x10-3
              Friedelin 4x10-6 - 2x10-5
              Chlorinated dioxins 1xl0-5 - 4x10-5
              Particulate Acidity . 7x10-3 - 7x10-2
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                Why even have Kubuntu since, as opposed to Lbuntu, or Xbuntu, "K" in KDE buntu was "supposed" to be the "flagship" for displaying KDE on Ubuntu.
                Well, I'm not sure whether that was the true intent of Kubuntu. Has the KDE SC ever claimed it was looking for a flagship distro? I'm not sure.

                Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                That would, it would seem, to include Koffice, or at least a stepchild of it, but that is not going to happen, apparently
                Unfortunately, we're stuck in the midst of a bit of drama regarding the KOffice/Calligra split. Such is the nature of open source, I've noticed.

                Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                Koffice gone...probably, replaced by Calligra....possibly....of not even a "K" name....Calligra "could" have been named...."Kalligra" I mean we have SO MANY OTHER plays on words.....with a K why not one more?
                Actually, I think the move away from "K"-ing everything is good. KDE apps should exhibit sufficient quality to attract attention without the crutch of an intentional and goofy misspelling.

                Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                But guess what......through no fault of Akonadi...."supposedly".... one STILL cannot make a recurring event if one wants to hook to Google and anybody who wants to also keep their stuff on the phone HAS to basically hook to Google....
                Is it fair to lay blame for this at the developers of Akonadi? I ask because I actually don't know. What if the fault lies with Google, and their CalDAV is buggy? We'll have to wait for the developer of the Google plugin to figure out a workaround.

                The point is, most of us here don't have enough knowledge to assign blame.


                  two comments,


                  I can see the humor in your post but..

                  There is a big article on the web about how Electric cars are actually "putting more pollutants" into the air than the gas guzzler because F=M * A. The energy to push the car has to come from somewhere and in China it is coal fired power plants. And something has to push all that "free electricity" through the wires and it is called MORE energy than was needed to move the fuel through pipelines.


                  Two items.

                  There is an old film comedy by the Marx Brothers about how a country in Europe gets embroiled in a war because a woman sang a song.

                  ZD net and all the other "nattering nabobs of negativism" have a lot of readers. The article behind the article says that, basically, the "layer we see" is what is more important than anything else.

                  So....lets run with that idea and another story.

                  Back when I shined shoes as a kid this guy came in one Saturday morning in a very bad mood and his "regular barber" asked him why. He said, and I'm going to clean this up, that he "always watched the fights on Friday night".

                  The Barber replied "yes...and..."

                  "Well, I allus have a few beers during the fights and last night had a coupla extra, so, before the main event, I stepped out on the porch to relieve myself by watering the flowers."

                  The barber replied..."and...."

                  "So while I was watering the flowers my wife come out and all she can do is 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$.'"

                  "So, I step out in the yard, turn around and am watering the porch and all she can do is 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$'"

                  Welll all shoe shining and cutting of hair ceased for a while to clean our tearful eyes from the laughter.

                  But....back to the situation....

                  Since I discovered Kubuntu, all I have seen is:

                  a) 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' about "what IS THAT THING"...on the desktop....."Where is the desktop"...whine whine whine....

                  and a sub bit#$...... nobody ever just went to the trouble to explain in a SHORT COMPREHENSIBLE that any new user could understand the plasma desktop "worked"...... In Precise.....the desktop folder has disappeared except for one short peek on initial boot.....the 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' worked.

                  b) 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' about the "cashew" we have a generic....what....up there and what does it do....the same thing it always did... so..the 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' worked.

                  i) as a side trip.... the guy in the article proclaims how Cinnamon is kicking KDE's mainstream butt...and guess what... there was a litttle infinity symbol up topside to do a "kind of" Gnome 3 / maybe Cashew thing and again..... at Cinnamon...'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' and it went away....and what has it been replaced with.... a locked(for now) lower panel that has a FEW widgets locked into it... hmmmm almost a Microsoft clone way of doing things.

                  But....back to the topic at hand...

                  c) 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' about how Koffice "didn't work with Microsoft....whine, whine, whine.".....

                  Okaaayyyyyy I could see that THEN.....but Koffice has been FULLY FUNCTIONAL for anyone who cared to USE it for several YEARS....and NOW it WORKS WITH MS.....but..... apparently the 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' worked....because Koffice is going away....POSSIBLY to be replaced by Calligra...don't know...

                  d) 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$'....about Kontact..... Akonadi..... well...Kontact has always worked, in and of itself, with a few exceptions where there was "extreme stuff" going on......but I saw the same complaints going all the way back to FIDONET.... ooops....Fidonet is gone...hmmm

                  But....Kontact is now fully functional INCLUDING Google....with the exception of "recurring events" and that is NOT a Kontact "problem" as I showed in another post.... Kontact makes the recurring event.....Akonadi SENDS the recurring event.....and Google only "sees" the first event....kind of only "showed" the first calendar....

                  So.....Kontact is now fully functional......and it is nothing but 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' and most of the people here at the forum SAY in no uncertain terms that they use another PIM....welll the only "other" just a wrapper for ....Google Calendar....there is no other way to say it...

                  So.....again..... the guy in the article hit that one on the nailhead...... he says that the "OS thing" is not so important when one wants the "web thing".

                  So..... the 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' worked again.... When will Kontact not appear in "git"?

                  e) Nothing but 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' about Amarok.....bloated..... clunky..... doesn't do this, doesn't do that.... not "lightweight"...A poll of the regular users, by your own little ol' woodsmoke shows that more users do NOT use Amarok than use it...

                  Why is it that the old woodsmoker has articles at Linux forum pushing KDE apps that have thousands of reads and I do not see articles by the people who supposedly are/were so invested in KDE that....actually EXPLAINED..... how to use the interface?

                  I have had a person of substance at another HUGE forum ask me to "integrate" my articles on "how to do stuff" and post them....because there "is not much information about how to do that"....

                  Okaaayyyyyy.....(btw I am going to do it, and look forward to the opportunity) but....the overarching question is......Why was it not done before?

                  Welll now we can cut to the chase about the article..... much ballyhoo about the spark tablet and the.....plasma interface....

                  Ok.....just what IS the plasma interface.....?

                  Is it KDE's plasma interface? Maybe, maybe not... but it ain't runnin' on anything that is near Kubuntu ....

                  a) first it is on an ARM processor, which.....I have been saying for a couple of YEARS now....will be the wave of the future, I mean when Microsith is getting into the game on ARM, it has at least some small potential...

                  And I was roundly laughed at....

                  ooops..... the "group think" was wrong on THAT one!

                  It is going to run MER.....which is a variant of Meego....


                  Again.... something that was roundly ignored by the Linux community for several YEARS now...because it was "just" an "embedded" Linux...

                  And last but not is going to run the KDE PLASMA .....ACTIVE......interface....


                  So now we come full circle..... for Kubuntu itself.....we, apparently have the tens of thousands of users happily using Kubuntu......although nobody ever provides numbers...

                  But...will .the 'bit#$, bit#$, bit#$' ers eventually become what Spiro Agnew called.....the nattering nabobs of negativism...

                  And will Amarok be the next thing to not appear in git?

                  But, again, to move the thought forward:

                  The .KDE Plasma active....a "touch screen" is where the developers are going....

                  And if Kubuntu "goes away"....then an os that just has a panel at the bottom, and a little eye candy....

                  and..... a weather applet that opposed to the things in Widgets.... will be the OS that "everybody talks about and runs to".

                  Type in "spark linux tablet".....into google search and the first hit is...ZDnet....

                  And think about how the woman singing a song in the Marx movie started a war....

                  Maybe Kubuntu should go on the OFFENSIVE.... like the brand new sporty forum/website......and start trying to ATTRACT PEOPLE instead of letting them wander off because " doesn't do this or I'll go over there."

                  Just a thought.


                  Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 17, 2012, 06:34 AM.


                    @Mr. woodsmoke
                    Amarok IS bloated. Using 300MB Debian Squeeze KDE uses ~200MB 'bit#$ 'bit#$ 'bit#$...

                    "The amount of change is directly proportional to the amount of 'bit#$in".
                    Hmmm... you've made the greatest discovery since Murphy's laws.
                    Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


                      Plans are like...

                      By: jriddell
                      Calligra office suite...Not the default yet but the signs are good for fixing the "we don't have a KDE office suite by default" bug in the next year...
                      Have you tried ?

                      - How to Ask a Question on the Internet and Get It Answered
                      - How To Ask Questions The Smart Way


                        I would respectfully submit that 100 mb more in 2 gigabytes of RAM is not that pressing a situation in today's computing environment.

                        If one likes the "rest of the package" and one has appealed to the people who put the package together....notice one environment has a number that you like and the other does not.... and the people who put the package together have given good and valid reasons why the situation cannot be ameliorated then possibly other options can be found.

                        One option might be to reduce the number of items indexed by Nepomuk/strigi. Or increase the interval at which the weather widget updates, or reduce the number of times that Akonadi/Kmail checks for updates on the mail system and trade clicking on the weather applet manually before going to work, or clicking on mail update before taking a nap.

                        The problem with that is, that if one looks at the processes, unless the index is first being built, or unless one has added a lot of "stuff" in the past few minutes .....Nepomuk/strigi are usually "sleeping", at least they are for me, because I purposly tweak them to do that instead of leaving them at a default situation which fits no-one. In similar vein to that is a post on Akonadi elsewhere in which the fellow has Akonadi eating all of the CPU cycles all of the time.

                        Since it does not happen for me, and apparently not for a lot of other people, then it is probably a unique situation in the person's OS and it might be fixed by interaction with people who are much smarter than myself.

                        But, the point is, if the total package is what one "wants" and one part of it is not to one's liking then possibly there is a "workaround" to the situation, until the situation CAN be addressed.

                        So, to take the analogy back to Nepomuk/strigi. If they are going berserk in the china shoppe they seem to eat ALL of the RAM which is two gigabytes then that is certainly more serious than 100 mb.

                        If one like the end result of Nepomuk/strigi and also wants Amarok then possibly one can turn off Strigi which would save possibly part of a gigabyte and then the 100 mb is not so significant.

                        Or, if one likes eye candy and wants to use a weather applet then one could change the setting on the weather applet to update possibly every hour instead of every fifteen minutes which would, again, save some cpu cycles and RAM so that one could run another app which would use those cycles/RAM.

                        An example is the smart cell phone. There are, on the Android, two settings for when e-mail is checked. It is defaulted to "continuous". When I first got my Samsung Galaxy the students were e-mailing things quite often because of it being a new semester. The battery was tanking. I mentioned it to a guy, NOT the Verizon rep, who said, oh....just go WAAAAYYYYY DOWN IN THERE.....and change the two time frames, peak and off peak, to check every fifteen minutes.

                        Woah!!! I bought the guy a drinky!!! Brilliant fellow!! saved the battery big time. However, when the new semester started I reset it to constant and the battery tanked then I had an idea....

                        I changed my signature from "sent from my Verizon" to...."To save the battery, your message will not go to my phone for fifteen minutes, but I will then answer as quickly as possible." So the students then ....count the minutes!!! lol and are checking me to see if I am good to my word!

                        But, what I am getting at is that a hundred megabytes for a modern computer is not "that" big of a deal for the average person, but for you it apparently is so, possibly there is "tweakage" that can be done elsewhere to ameliorate the situation until the next release appears.

                        AND again..... the developers might actually EXPLAIN to you why they can't fix the bloat. But the developers do NOT do that.....they don't even seem to read bug reports... if they at least ACTED as if they read them then maybe some of the complaints would not be such a big complaint.

                        But....If Amarok can't be fixed and the devs won't explain why then I am one hundred percent behind you in your complaint. And Songbird or some other such would be the solution.

                        I, personally, have espoused xmms and xmms2 for almost a decade now, I was very outspoken in my criticism of the people "upstream" "dropping" such a dinkus small item....I mean compare xmms to Amarok and it is truely chump change.... but they did....and I raised a ruckus.

                        It did no good.....but a couple of very kind souls actually put together the xmms package and sent it to me as a .deb... I still have it to this day on a cd.

                        But I use Amarok and report on it because I would rather have Amarok available for when I want it than not have it and be stuck "with only" xmms or xmms2 or mpd or Clementine.

                        In fact I would go along with you from a different tack.......

                        Why is it that Amarok does not "skin"? This has been a bugaboo for YEARS......there are thousands of posts all over Linuxdom about wanting just ONE skin....ANY skin......

                        What would be the overhead in computing cost for a couple of skins?

                        Maybe having a couple of skins would have outweighed the 100 mb overhead for you five years ago and you would discount the 100 mb today and be using Amarok more often.

                        I don't know.

                        We all have complaints about this or that....but just as with global warming. If global warming is occuring, and I am not saying it is.... and the oceans did rise a millimeter on average every four many more mosquitos would that allow to breed, which might cause the extinction of a small herd of water buffalo that have a single genome that is distinct from the rest?

                        How many little straws have to be pulled out of the stack before the rest of the stack collapses?

                        So....I know I didn't answer your complaint, which is a valid complaint and this was all a waste of server space, but possibly we all could get together and find some way for all of the people at the forum to actually see the operating processes of Amarok and try different things to reduce the overall cpu useage and then report that to the developers and they could then say...

                        HEY, if we had known we would have done that...and then they DO it and address your complaint.

                        Don't know, don't know..

                        Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 17, 2012, 01:33 PM.


                          rms please read my below, but.... I just noticed the post about the Precise feature freeze and noticed a BIG commendation to the "testers" that got their feature tests in "on time"....etc...etc..

                          That got me to thinking about YOUR complaint.....

                          I have many times offered to "at least" write manuals for different apps and continually been blown off and the manuals still don't get written. That may be for any of many reasons one of them being that I offended a developer by being right about some topic that they were wrong about. They say that they are open to all information but really aren't and take it out on the messenger. Or...b) they don't think I could actually write a real handbook and do it efficiently. c) or.....they don't want to lose control.... don't really know....

                          But, apparently, there are a lot of "in crowd" that do, indeed "test things",

                          Well, I must restate what I posted before....It would SEEM that if the Amarok developers would let ALL OF THE MEMBERS OF KUBUNTU with say...more than twenty posts ....."test stuff"..... particularly and only Amarok......then they could have a lot of development in a very short period of time...but...

                          Aside from the rathar "non-chalant"...."do as you may"....offering on an obscure website that...."we need eyes on"....about testing a widget....

                          How many people here have ever actually been offered the opportunity to....

                          TEST SOME DOOF LITTLE THING....just so the people who COMPLAIN ABOUT NOT HAVING TESTERS....could maybe develop a cadre of "trusted" testers.

                          I hereby offer a challenge.

                          There are THREE weather applets in widgets. NONE of them work anywhere near as well as the weather applet that comes STOCK in Cinnamon.

                          The CHALLENGE TO ANY DEVELOPERS READING THIS.....

                          Offer to the WHOLE KUBUNTU COMMUNITY.....the change to do whatever they can to "test" even ONE of the weather applets to get it so that it can be used world wide, instead of being Eurocentric....and make it even a SMALL amount the user....

                          And let the chips fall where they may...

                          a) .if no one tests even that small thing....then the devs should go right ahead and do what they want and to heck with the users
                          b) if no opportunity is given on even a SMALL THING.... then the users know where they stand in the scheme of things...

                          I'll offer even another challenge....

                          Lets make a Kubuntu version of "teatimer".... the.."Kteatimer"......that blue...maybe with the choice of two different fonts for the time.. . and let the community see the code, or check the code, or check the processes, and "test it" according to some criteria... or WHATEVER it would take for the "community" to feel like.....golly......I....lil' ol' to test something....maybe I could help out in some other way...

                          Ooops....sorry....I forgot that "Linux" has forgotten about teatimer....for all you new folks....check the used to be on every panel in every that is gone by the by...

                          but, maybe just for the Kubuntu community.....teatimer could be resurrected.... and the community could actually be given a chance to be involved instead of people complaining that nobody gets involved...

                          and maybe we would not have the very last straw in the stack pulled in the near, or not so near, future.



                            Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                            I would respectfully submit that 100 mb more in 2 gigabytes of RAM is not that pressing a situation in today's computing environment.
                            100mb? Actually it uses 300 as that screen shot points. It's the topmost process. Maybe you were looking at Firefox in the very good second place as I was reading some info at Amarok's home page at the time.
                            All that goodness merely because I was listening to a dozen songs
                            Last edited by rms; Feb 17, 2012, 02:55 PM.
                            Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


                              KDE does not have a 'flagship' distro, probably for good reason ,,especially with the politics of distro related passions. But look at what a lot of the KDE devs run, you may get a picture.

                              Koffice was never good enough to replace Libreoffice, Calligra is still in beta, but moving along. It has always been a wish to have a full-on KDE distro using kde's own tools, etc. We do come close.

                              No, I did NOT read all the smokey, hazy, woodsmoke rambles

