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Yoga can wreck your body

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    Yoga can wreck your body

    I merely post the article


    Re: Yoga can wreck your body

    I didn't read the whole article, but my personal belief is that just about ANYTHING can be bad if not done correctly, including yoga. But classic yoga done gently--instead of competing with classmates to see who can do the most incredible variation of a difficult pose--I don't think is dangerous.

    A good friend of mine ruptured a disc when he was in his 30s--and all he did was lean down to pick something up from the closet floor. Not something heavy. He was fit. He knew how to lift things the correct way. He is an Air Force buddy of my husband's. The last thing he expected when he bent over to pick up that item was a ruptured disc that would change his life forever. My point being that anyone, any time, can get hurt, and vilifying yoga, which is something that's benefited millions of people just seems silly.
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

