Re: The principals are revolting against testing in NY
Great minds must think alike! 
Making rockets was part of a unit on the laws of motion in my 9th grade general science class! It was always a blast! (sometimes literally!). In my physics classes we analyzed the design of a rocket to learn the relationship between the diameter and drag, impulse and altitude, and how each rocket achieved maximum altitude for a specific payload. More or less would result in a lower maximum altitude.
I wrote a program for the TI SR-52 hand calculator, my first computer, because it had the ability to store programs made up of 224 steps of what was essential assembler instruction. on a magnetic strip of plastic. I wrote a program that computed the maximum altitude for a multi-stage rocket given the diameter, drag coeff, thrust and duration of the engine, weight of rocket and engine and payload, etc. It required three magnetic strips but worked very quickly. TI published it. On the last day of spring finals it grew legs and walked away.
Originally posted by woodsmoke

Making rockets was part of a unit on the laws of motion in my 9th grade general science class! It was always a blast! (sometimes literally!). In my physics classes we analyzed the design of a rocket to learn the relationship between the diameter and drag, impulse and altitude, and how each rocket achieved maximum altitude for a specific payload. More or less would result in a lower maximum altitude.
I wrote a program for the TI SR-52 hand calculator, my first computer, because it had the ability to store programs made up of 224 steps of what was essential assembler instruction. on a magnetic strip of plastic. I wrote a program that computed the maximum altitude for a multi-stage rocket given the diameter, drag coeff, thrust and duration of the engine, weight of rocket and engine and payload, etc. It required three magnetic strips but worked very quickly. TI published it. On the last day of spring finals it grew legs and walked away.