Just read this article about Android's market passing 10 billion downloads and have to admit to feeling a bit smug after reading this paragraph:
Late last year and early this year that number was 300,000. I hadn't seen a statistic recently but somehow assumed that the number had probably DROPPED since then. So imagine my surprise when I read that it's practically doubled.
OF COURSE I know that many [most?] Android users have no idea they're using Linux but, still, it's gratifying to see "my" OS leapfrogging over all others. I've been a staunch Linux supporter since its earliest days and right now, yeah, I'm feeling slightly smug.
More than 200 million Android smartphones and tablets have been sold and about 550,000 new Android activations take place each day, Google has said.
OF COURSE I know that many [most?] Android users have no idea they're using Linux but, still, it's gratifying to see "my" OS leapfrogging over all others. I've been a staunch Linux supporter since its earliest days and right now, yeah, I'm feeling slightly smug.
