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A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

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    A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

    If a moderator wants to delete this PLEASE DO SO....

    Ask anyone who has taken a course on "writing for newspapers".....

    You will be informed that "the U.S. population reads on a FOURTH GRADE level..."


    that means that "the rest of the world"....reads on a "lower level"....

    One merely needs to recall the DERISION HEAPED by the ELITES of the U.S. and EUROPEAN scientific communities...

    of Alfred Wegener....(continental drift)

    HE WAS SPAT the ELITES of the U.S. and European Scientific Community as.....

    STUPID....NOT EVEN WORTHY OF CONTEMPT....because.....he was.....

    you know..... one of those..... "other people"....


    THE ELITES....and that means MANY PEOPLE READING THIS......

    THE ELITES.....think that....

    "the rest of the people"

    YOU.....(not the elitists reading this)

    are just....wellllll......not worthy of even explaining things to....

    YOU....ARE NOT INTELLIGENT have something to explained to you....

    Here is the "straight skinny"

    The guy who came up with "global warming" has said....that global warming does not exist.... we have "climate change".......


    if the world is "cooling" we could "do something" right? I think maybe yes...

    if the world is "warming" we could "do somthing" right? I think maybe yes....

    BUT "change" implies....

    AN INFINITE number of possibilites....


    HOW can any ONE ....."thing" ...address an INFINITE number of possibilites...?

    THINK ...THINK...about that... REALLY.....

    THINK ABOUT can ANYBODY..... suggest a SINGLE ANSWER to an INFINITE NUMBER of possiblities...


    welll solar cycles say that "things go up and things go down"....

    THE cutting the Brazilian Rain Forest......

    If the "ELITES"....did not have the attitude that YOU ARE STOOOOOOOOPID


    all of those WASTED BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.....could have been targeted to...stop the cutting of the Brazillian Rainforest.....

    Instead of lining the pockets of certain politicians and corporations which have "the ear" of the president of a certain country.

    Please notice that I did not capitalize the word president.(woodsmoke....ban me )

    Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

    When I was taking English in college I was told that news papers were written to an 8th grade level.

    That's almost 50 years ago. Now it's the 4th grade level? I suspect it is in America that the educational level is so low. The rest of the 1st world and most of the 2nd probably reads at the 8th grade or higher, because they value education. One of the first uses I made of my computer while teaching in high school and college was to use the grammar checker to evaluate what I wrote for grade level. I adjusted my writing to the level I was teaching at. LOo doesn't have a good one.

    My son and his wife had a foreign exchange student from Netherlands living with them. His biggest surprise was how, in America, sports dominated and control high school education. In his country they don't have "extra curricular sports" in their high schools. He was also surprised to learn that corporations seem to control the government and the agencies created to protect the citizens against them. In his country corporations are not allowed to donate or contribute to the political process in any way.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

      Hi GG...yep...similar experiences for moi!

      a) I've had many "foreign exchange" students and they all were amazed at "the sports"....sports, to them was "after school" and "school" at the most did "calesthenics"....

      b)....I actually had a student in school who participated in the experiment that proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that "sugar" in "schools" lead to: a) fights b) chasing the other sex c) lower grades....

      when the school eliminated "corporate" sugar.....

      a) grades normalized
      b) fights almost stopped
      c) interest in the other sex was "able to be sublimated" to "after school".....but....

      that was...politically incorrect....



        Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

        While I as teaching at college a French foreign exchange student tested out of all of the HS classes, so they brought him to the college. He enrolled in my Physics and Calculus classes. He dominated both classes, earning tops grades. I invited him to my home during the xmas break and one evening I asked him what his college major would be when he returned to France. He told me he wasn't going to college. "What?", I asked. He replied, "I'm not good enough to get in." I was stunned. Here is a kid who blew my American students out of the water in intellect and science ability and he wasn't good enough to get into the French college/University system. He was going to what would be, in this country, a voc tech school.

        At another time a foreign exchange student from Germany also tested out of HS and into the college. His interest was in Biology. I was teaching Microbiology and Anatomy & Physiology at the time. (I was a professional college student and graduated with certifications in 5 areas). He was the top kid in both classes, and although the same age his maturity and intellect was several years above the American students. When he returned to Germany he earned a PhD inEntomology (Insects) .
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

          Nice post there GG. It does indicate the differences in things.

          I had two Russians back to back years and a curious thing that happened there was that one was brilliant at the "knowledge" but could not do the laboratory work while the other was good at both.

          Ummmmm with FIVE specialties, maybe you should change your monniker to the most inteesting Kubuntu person in the world and use dos eques for an avatar!



            Perfect example: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID


            Of course there is ANOTHER show.......which the smarter than thous says is so stooopid.....and has such a stooopid viewership.....

            and that show....puts up a word at the end of every issue...... that is a LOT harder than the one she used.....

            and they DO NOT give the definition because they think their audience is either learned enough to know it or....gosh....might have that strange book called a DICTIONARY nearby!

            yep..... a lot of people in the media and a lot of people that are now "in control".....have been taught that therefore must think....on a fourth grade level.



              Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

              Well, I won't argue with ABC. They apparently know the educational and intellectual level of their audience.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

                Originally posted by GreyGeek
                I adjusted my writing to the level I was teaching at.
                According to my grammar checker, (the one in my head) I think you meant to say "I adjusted my writing to the level at which I was teaching".


                  Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

                  See! Ya just can't trust them grammar checkers!
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

                    Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.

                    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                    -- anais nin


                      Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

                      I admit I always had to have a dictionary at hand when reading William Buckley.


                        Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

                        You read Buckley?

                        You're a braver man than I am! I could listen to him but not read his writings.

                        He would never use a one syllable word when a three syllable word would do nicely!
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                          Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

                          I liked Buckley


                            Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID


                            I like this foreign exchange student from the Netherlands! It bothers me the corporations have so much power here. Their job is to simply make a good product and sell it. Ugh!


                              Re: A lot of people "in control" think YOU ARE STUPID

                              Ya. With corporate heads in revolving door exchanges with the heads of government agencies, and the US Supreme Court giving more rights to fake people (corporations) than real people, the corruption of the USTPO, along with bribes (a.k.a. "campaign donations") to Congress ... it's becoming difficult to distinguish the kind of government we have evolved into from a Fascist government. That the gov can arrest, imprison, try, and convict citizens without their being able to tell anyone, or to see the evidence that is used to accuse them, or face their accusers (PATRIOT Act rules), all to protect our "security", in my mind makes it impossible to distinguish.
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

