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There is evil and there is EVIL...

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    There is evil and there is EVIL...

    The Washing Times posted a "news" article:
    By Scott Cleland The Washington Times 7:34 p.m., Monday, May 9, 2011
    , titled "CLELAND: E-totalitarianism at Google". What follows is a blatant, over the top smear campaign orchestrated by Microsoft. How do I know Microsoft is behind this? I did something that the editors of the Washington Times apprently never do -- I checked the credentials of the author.

    Scott Cleland:
    In 2009, Cleland "also signed on as a hired gun for Microsoft," reported National Journal. Some have questioned whether Cleland's being "a frequent critic of Google" is encouraged by his corporate backers. [3]

    In 2008, Cleland released a controversial report "alleging that Google 'is by far the largest user of Internet bandwidth,' the company's share of bandwidth usage is rising rapidly, and its bandwidth use 'is orders of magnitude greater than its payment for its cost.'" Not surprisingly, Google disputed the report, but independent voices like Free Press' Tim Karr also faulted what he called Cleland's "payola punditry."
    Scott Cleland served President George H.W. Bush as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for telecom trade matters, and served as a Senior Policy Advisor for Legislative Affairs to then Secretary of State James A. Baker III. In addition, he has served as Director of Legislative Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Treasury and as a Budget Examiner for OMB in the U.S. Executive Office of the President.

    Cleland has a Masters of Public Affairs from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and a BA in Political Science from Kalamazoo College.

    Cleland is currently a Member of the United States Department of State, Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy
    ... which explains more about Microsoft than Cleland smears about Google.

    In a similar vein, is this interesting information about another agent of evil trying to persuade a journalist to appear as an author of another Google hit piece:
    Mr. Soghoian,

    I wanted to gauge your interest in authoring an op-ed this week for a top-tier media outlet on an important issue that I know you’re following closely.

    The topic: Google’s sweeping violations of user privacy. Google, as you know, has a well-known history of infringing on the privacy rights of America’s Internet users.
    Besides the obvious question of how someone can "author" an article they didn't write, the concepts of truth and ethics are totally lost in the request. In response Christopher Soghoian asks "Who is paying for this? (not paying me, but paying you)" The reply he gets is:
    Thanks for the prompt reply. I’m afraid I can’t disclose my client yet. But all the information included in this email is publicly available. Any interest in pursuing this?
    Soghoian rejects the offer as unethical. Who is John Mercurio? A journalist who apparently lost his real journalism job and went over to the dark side as a gun for hire. He's not alone. Apparently there are a lot of "former top journalists" devoting their time to spinning faux truth out of thin air.

    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

    The politically correct are going to condemn you to their version of non-hell for this post you know.



      Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

      It seems as if there are no longer any true journalists in the country. Only paid hacks with an agenda.


        Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

        I get that same feeling at times.


        As a freshman or sophomore in college I had to take class in civics. Part of the class assignments was to read three news sources daily for the entire semester, one from each point of view: Dem, Rep and "Independent". I remember reading Time, Life, but don't remember the third. Life was supposed to be neutral. We also had to watch the daily news on the three TV broadcasts we had at the time, CBS, ABC and NBC. That was in the early to mid 1960s.

        Around 1983 or so, I was setting up a satellite dish and had a small TV monitor connected to it so I could tweak its settings to maximize the signal strength. I was using an ABC news feeder on Weststar B, IIRC. At that time the news feeders were not encrypted. Unexpectedly I heard "Hail to the chief". ABC's feeder was giving me a LIVE feed of Pres Reagan's visit to the NOW convention in New Orleans. I watched him walk on stage and receive about a 15 MINUTE standing ovation. He gave about a 20 minute speech and cracked about a dozen jokes. Only one didn't receive any laughter and he moved on as smoothly as he usually did. After his speech he received another 5-10 minute standing ovation as he left the stage. I watched the entire speech. As a feeder it was without interruption or commercials.

        Then the feeder switched and became a private pipeline between Harry Reasoner and Max Robbins. I listened in STUNNED silence as they discussed which words to use to convey an certain idea. They weren't creating a news report in which they wanted to accurately portray the facts of what occurred at the NOW convention. About 45 minutes later, at 5:00PM the commercial ABC news broadcast came on. The lead line in the lead story was "Pres. Reagan received MIXED reviews at NOW!" They dropped in a video byte showing Reagan giving that one joke that few laughed at. Then they gave Eleanor Smeal (sp?) 1 minute and 45 seconds to exclaim with frothing mouth that Reagan was going to drag women back into the stone age by their hair. For then on till they encrypted the feeders I only watched them. It was like having several people with cellphones recording what they saw without comment or manipulation. One of the final distortions I saw was CNN reporting that only 80,000 people attended a march in Washington. The feeder camera, from a park helicopter, was showing the Lincoln mall totally filled up and pouring out into six avenues surrounding the mall. A park ranger on the helicopter estimated that at least 600,000 were in the mall. I called Ed Turner (no relation to Ted) at CNN and asked how he could report that there were only 80,000 at the mall when their own feeder was showing 600,000. He replied that when his reporter showed up at 8:00AM that was all that there was in the mall. The event was scheduled for 1:00PM. I was calling at 3:30PM CST.

        As part of my consulting business I installed satellite dishes in rural settings or for rural community networks. A LOT of rural farmers and communities got their news from unencrypted news feeders for a couple years, before the MNM wised up and encrypted the satellite transmissions. A lot continued to watch the encrypted feeder news because they got decryption chips through the mail. IMO that is why a lot of rural people are so anti-MNM.

        Coming from a view in the 1960s that MNM were trustworthy to one in the 1980s and beyond that they had an agenda was the biggest political turnaround of my life. ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, FOX ... I trust none of them. When a national story breaks I search for as many local news outlets in that region as I can and compare their reports. Citizens providing cellphone videos is the best news of all.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

          Talking about smear campaigns against Google


            Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

            Scott Cleland, gun hired by MS, smeared Google in the Washington Times, as I wrote above. My guess was the the client was probably MS because of Cleland's smear. But, FaceBook's creator doesn't surprise me, considering all that was revealed about him in that movie. He is just a younger version of Bill Gates. Just as arrogant, too. Gates, Jobs and Zukerberg ... all three of them fit together like peas in a pod. They are cut from the same cloth, and it should be prison strips.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

              Originally posted by GreyGeek

              Gates, Jobs and Zukerberg ... all three of them fit together like peas in a pod. They are cut from the same cloth, and it should be prison strips.
              Sorry, cannot agree. Imagine the history of the past 30 years with NO Jobs, Gates, and Zuckerberg. We would not be having this conversation on an Internet forum, because we would not have personal computers. Computers would still cost $250,000 each. :P


                Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

                Odd how I've posted some of this at other forii and basically was told to leave because it went against the belief systems.

                My very first intro to media bias was when I spent three years as a night and weekend dj at a local FM station, also did "production" ....that was when one had to have an FCC class 3 liscence!

                All of the sheen of "unbiased reportage" that I had learned at my college radio station, again, as a night dj, was forever tarnished.

                What I really find ludicrous is that I can watch "one side" of t.v./radio and "that side" sees and reports on bias on the OTHER and It's OWN side......

                But the..."other side" can only bitch about the "other side" and does not see the logs in it's own eyes.

                a sad situation.




                  Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

                  Originally posted by dibl
                  Sorry, cannot agree. Imagine the history of the past 30 years with NO Jobs, Gates, and Zuckerberg. We would not be having this conversation on an Internet forum, because we would not have personal computers. Computers would still cost $250,000 each. :P
                  Wozniak was responsible for making the Apple technically better than other computers at the time. A better, smaller and cheaper HD driver card, better video, smaller mobo and BIOS using the 6502 cpu. Gates didn't write MSDOS, he bought it from a guy in Seattle for a pittance. He had been hired by Jobs to write the OS for the Macintosh but stole from Jobs what Jobs took from Xerox. He released Win 1.0 in Japan one day before Apple announced the Mac. It has been made clear that Zukerberg stole his college classmates applications and then used his connections and rapidly acquired wealth to bury them in court.

                  When I bought the first Apple sold in the state of Nebraska in 1978 I had several other commercial versions of computers to choose from: A couple of Radio Shack offerings, Apple, Rex, Sphere, Z80, IMSI 8080 and a few whose names I can't recall right now but I have mental images of what they looked like. There were several CPU types and OSs available as well. I *almost* went with the CPM OS, considered RS's Xenix, etc...

                  What distinguished the computers that broke out of the pack in the early 80s was not their technology, but the PR & Crooksmanship of their promoters. The "Pirates of Silicon Valley" isn't talking about technology as much as it was about the lack of ethics and morals of their promoters. If Jobs and Gates hadn't stifled competition by their often illegal and certainly unethical and immoral tactics we'd be farther along the technology curve than we are now.

                  Over the years I've seen one fact repeated over and over. PR & money trumps superior technology. In 1982 I flew myself and two farmers to a computer show in Springfield, Il. It was held in a gym. Over 100 vendors circled the gym floor with their computers & software displays. We walked from display to display. My job was to test the apps and evaluate the hardware. They would evaluate the apps I didn't crash for suitability to handle their farming operations. I crashed most of the computers on display merely by entering values in text boxes that were contrary to what was supposed to be entered ... letters in fields that were supposed to contain numbers, etc... I came to one machine, called "David", which had a form of artificially intelligent software. I couldn't crash the software because it was designed to ask questions about what it didn't understand and thus to "learn" from what was entered. It also communicated with the user in ordinary English. Since I couldn't crash the software I asked what would happen if there was a power failure. The guy showing David said "Like this?" and pulled the plug of the computer out of the wall. There was no UPS attacked. He turned it back on and within a minute it was displaying on the screen what was there before, with the cursor setting in the correct text box on a partially entered record. I completed the form and saved it. The OS/database/devtool/desktop became the core of a peripheral card for the Apple and IBM computers called "Savvy". My business partner and I bought a 12 state marketing rights for it. It was phenomenal. It remains the easiest to use AI device I have ever seen. In 9 months I sold about 1,000 of the cards at $1k each. Costs were about $100 each. My share of the profits during those 9 months were about $300,000 which would be equivalent to about $2 to $3 million today. Savvy never took hold for reasons that had nothing to do with technology. But, that is a story for another time.

                  Short answer: progress in computer technology, IMO, has been HAMPERED, NOT ENHANCED by those three "gentlemen" and their kind. There are a LOT of people who could have done what they did but the crooks cut them off at their knees with ethical, immoral, political and financial dirty tricks.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

                    Originally posted by dibl
                    Originally posted by GreyGeek

                    Gates, Jobs and Zukerberg ... all three of them fit together like peas in a pod. They are cut from the same cloth, and it should be prison strips.
                    Sorry, cannot agree. Imagine the history of the past 30 years with NO Jobs, Gates, and Zuckerberg. We would not be having this conversation on an Internet forum, because we would not have personal computers. Computers would still cost $250,000 each. :P
                    All is hard to speculate. Had Commodore been run with R&D as more of a focus along with their pricing at that time, they could have very well been the shapers of modern tech. We'll never know. If Gates and Jobs not been there someone would have been and I still believe we would have what we do today in some form or another. This to me is more of the Corporate @#%@ that goes on daily at the expense of users/consumers/workers. How's that for a soapbox!


                      Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

                      Originally posted by GreyGeek
                      Short answer: progress in computer technology, IMO, has been HAMPERED, NOT ENHANCED by those three "gentlemen" and their kind. There are a LOT of people who could have done what they did but the crooks cut them off at their knees with ethical, immoral, political and financial dirty tricks.
                      I agree with that 100%.


                        Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

                        I'd have to agree with GG on this one. I wouldn't assume no one else in the US or world could have been able to create a low cost computer or an O/S.

                        Gates and Jobs excel in controlling the marketplace and preventing innovation, which is the primary reason I use linux and would never buy an Apple or MS product. The two of them exchanged their morals for money long ago.

                        Please Read Me


                          Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

                          Originally posted by GreyGeek
                          PR & money trumps superior technology.
                          @GG, I think you just proved my point (far better than I did ....).

                          We only have these phenomenally powerful $750 computers because it is a mass-produced commodity for a mass market. Why is that? Because tens of millions of common people of average technical proficiency, i.e. zero actual understanding of computing, were convinced by very crafty marketing and PR that they could use a personal computer. What kind of a con man in the 1980s would attempt to sell such a scam? None other than your Jobs and Gates! No one can really say what "woulda-shoulda-coulda" happened in their absence, but I have trouble imagining anything resembling today's consumer computing technology if the competitive offerings of the 1980s were limited to technical features and functions. Someone had to convince the masses, and that's exactly what your scammers did for us.

                          Or, maybe I just lack imagination ...


                            Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

                            Good point dibl.

                            Please Read Me


                              Re: There is evil and there is EVIL...

                              I mentioned "SAVVY" in a previous post.
                              A link with a photo copy of a magazine article is here. The pages are indicated by a counter between the left and right arrows. The article starts on number 99.

                              The method for pattern recognition given in the article is a bogus misdirection. SAVVY was written using a variation of FORTH called PolyForth. People didn't realize it but when they instructed the computer to do something they were actually using a FORTH editor which was trained to use a set of ordinary English key words which, when put together to form a sentence, with auto-completion help, formed an English request which read almost identical to natural English pseudo code. Since is was a user interface to a computer database it has a free form text entry box 80 characters wide and 25 rows deep, with dynamic wrap around.

                              If it had been programmed to handle the business of a company (and that is not by programming in what you think is the ordinary use of the word) and data had been entered, one could generate reports by asking, for example, "How many employees work here?" or, "Hoow manny employes work here". The first request would return an immediate reply. The second one would respond:
                              "I do not understand what you mean by "Hoow" and offer you several things it found in its pattern matching that might apply. One of the offered items might be "How". IF it is you would choose it. The machine would make a link between "How" and "Hoow" and never ask you about 'Hoow" again. It would do the same thing for "manny".

                              If you asked "How does Jane Doe get her mal" it would respond by asking:
                              "Do you mean: Male or Mail"? You click on the right one and it would give you the street address (email wasn't around then). If it hadn't been taught "Mail" or "Male" it would ask you to define it..

                              You could ask it "List the customers who live in Lincoln and Omaha, and are past due on more than $500 and sort them by zip code and last name". Even if you misspelled some words it generally figured out what you meant. If it got stumped by a word it would ask you to teach it what the word meant.

                              Obviously the key to the system was the pattern recognition. Take "How does Jane Doe get her mail?" All the spaces were removed and the letters were sorted alphabetically. "aadeeeeeghijlmnoors" Then redundant letters were replaced by a letter and a number: "2ad5eghijlmn2os" . That pattern was hashed by a proprietary alogrithm and stored in a data base and linked to the sentence, which was also stored. Moving the words around wouldn't make a difference. Using "Where" instead of "How" would hash to a slightly different pattern but it would link to the program which actually ran the query on the database.

                              I had one client in Kearney who never knew how to program computers in a tradition sense but uses Savvy on an apply for over 15 years to run his various business. He still doesn't know how to program computers.

                              The problem with Savvy was two fold. First, James Dowe III (great grandson of the outlaw Bell Starr) didn't trust anyone except one very good friend. Only those two knew the proprietary algorithms, and two people could only do so much in a 24 hour day. That led to the second problem. Savvy was created when computers were 8 bits, memory was 512KB and HDs were only 10MB. Savvy could not run in a bigger space because of the way data storage was linked to tract and sectors, bypassing DOS IO, for speed. I know from attempts that it won't run under qemu on a 10MD virtual drive or smaller. Business needed Savvy to be a multi-user system. Two programmers could not modify Savvy quickly enough to capitalize on the buzz Savvy created. Business moved on, Savvy struggled on but those two guys did not have the technical ability to solve the problems. Savvy was sold to some people who used it for educational purposes. They eventually sold it to some guys who used it as a business to cover cocaine distributions schemes. Someone in Japan bought it for awhile, then someone in Virginia. I lost track of it 20 years ago.
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

