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Microsoft seeks legal action against Barnes & Noble for patent infringement

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    Microsoft seeks legal action against Barnes & Noble for patent infringement

    M$ apparently owns a patent for "natural ways of interacting with devices by tabbing through various screens to find the information they need; surfing the Web more quickly, and interacting with documents and e-books."

    When is this madness going to end? So if I think of a nice way of surfing the Web more quickly, they sue me? Get real...

    HTC actually PAID for this. Glad now I didn't get an HTC phone.

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    Re: Microsoft seeks legal action against Barnes & Noble for patent infringement

    We definitely need an overhaul of our patent laws as pertains to "intellectual properties". This is ridiculous.


      Re: Microsoft seeks legal action against Barnes & Noble for patent infringement

      Right -- this is Exhibit #1 in support of patent reform.


        Re: Microsoft seeks legal action against Barnes & Noble for patent infringement

        Now that Zune and Winphone 7 have failed it is becoming obvious that Microsoft's new economic model is that of a patent troll.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Microsoft seeks legal action against Barnes & Noble for patent infringement

          Originally posted by GreyGeek
          Now that Zune and Winphone 7 have failed it is becoming obvious that Microsoft's new economic model is that of a patent troll.

          I believe it is common practice to squeeze money out of competitors that way, especially in the software business.

          I am just amazed at the wording of this patent...
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            Re: Microsoft seeks legal action against Barnes & Noble for patent infringement

            Originally posted by toad
            M$ apparently owns a patent for "natural ways of interacting with devices by tabbing through various screens to find the information they need; surfing the Web more quickly, and interacting with documents and e-books."

            When is this madness going to end? So if I think of a nice way of surfing the Web more quickly, they sue me? Get real...

            HTC actually PAID for this. Glad now I didn't get an HTC phone.

            the wording is WAY to broad and all allmost eney thing you do in a GUI is a use/violation of their patent .......that's krazzey

            as bad as monsanto patenting seed ............thars no way in 4311 that a patent should be so all encompassing..................just my humble opinion of coarse ........ but really :P

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              Re: Microsoft seeks legal action against Barnes & Noble for patent infringement

              The way that reads, you could not even publish a hard book for research without violating the patent. Turning the pages would be a natural way of tabbing between screens.


                Re: Microsoft seeks legal action against Barnes & Noble for patent infringement

                Originally posted by Detonate
                The way that reads, you could not even publish a hard book for research without violating the patent. Turning the pages would be a natural way of tabbing between screens.
                +1 & LMFAO.......but it's really not a laughing mater

                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                16GB RAM
                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

