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Just sickening ...

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    Just sickening ...

    At between 2 and 3 ppm LC50 kill rate, COREXIT is easily the MOST dangerous and LEAST effective dispersants BP could have used. Why did they use it? Because they were part owners of the company that made it and they got, in affect, a kickback on the cost. Anything to save BP a buck, or make one, but the environment and the "small" people? What's that? Who are they?

    It sickens us to see that video of the hundreds of thousands of fish of all species floating dead on the surface of the water. So thick that one could walk across or a mile down the bayou on them and never touch the water. Evan a baby whale.

    It may literally sicken us and/or cause a tremendous food shortage in the Gulf.

    Add to that the 800,000 gallons that flooded Michigan's upper region and you have both ends of the country getting polluted.

    IF these events aren't enough to cause a massive shift to alternate energy and away from Oil I can't imagine what or when that would occur, and still leave enough energy for us to make the shift.

    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: Just sickening ...

    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    Add to that the 800,000 gallons that flooded Michigan's upper region......
    Are you referring to the kalmazoo river spill? If you are, it was in the southwest part of michigan. I drove across the river several weeks ago and the stench of crude was quite surreal. Crazy part of this, was my brother was moving back to the area and was squatting here at my house for a month. One of his friends, that has political connections, new my brother needed some temporary work. So he(brothers friend) calls him and says that the company responsible for the kalamazoo river spill is looking to hire a spokesman from the area to address the peoples concern about the spill. I was just floored and was ranting for an hour. They were going to hire some temp working to stand in front of all the people and listen to the complaints in some kind of fictitious show of concern. Every damn thing that happens is solved by some kind of PR campaign. How low of a person do you have to be to accept this type or work? Of course my brother didn't do it and I couldn't believe his friend even asked. I think the friend has been in politics too long. I guess 3 years is long enough to get politically blinded. Sorry for the rant.. but I am sick of it!!!
    FKA: tanderson


      Re: Just sickening ...

      Ya, I just couldn't dredge the name of it out of my 70 year old brain. I just saw some news reports of it on our local TV station. 800,000 gallons! The Exxon Valdez was only 200,000 gal!

      Now I hear this evening on our news that TransCanada wants to run the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline through our state ... specifically through the Sandhills, which sets above the north end of the Ogallala aquifer.

      It was just dropped on us, complete with bogus poll results claiming that 69% of the citizens "support" the pipe line. But, the latest poll, not done by company pollsters, put the figure at:
      48% oppose the pipeline
      19% support
      33% undecided

      Just tonight our news caster reported that TransCanada claimed that the "Instant Shutoffs" would prevent any significant oil leaks. My first questions was "Why didn't those prevent the 800,000 gal leak in Michigan?" Another Blow Out Preventer fiasco.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Just sickening ...

        Originally posted by GreyGeek
        It was just dropped on us, complete with bogus poll results claiming that 69% of the citizens "support" the pipe line.
        I think this is the root of a lot of our problems. Opinions are shaped and molded to suit big money. If we stopped subsidizing oil keeping oil artificially cheap, we would see a major energy revolution. If we have to subsidize energy production, we should at least subsidize clean energy at the expense of dirty energy.
        FKA: tanderson


          Re: Just sickening ...

          Originally posted by tanderson
          Originally posted by GreyGeek
          It was just dropped on us, complete with bogus poll results claiming that 69% of the citizens "support" the pipe line.
          I think this is the root of a lot of our problems. Opinions are shaped and molded to suit big money. If we stopped subsidizing oil keeping oil artificially cheap, we would see a major energy revolution. If we have to subsidize energy production, we should at least subsidize clean energy at the expense of dirty energy.

          We pride ourselves on the separation of Church and State, but it seems like business as usual that we socialize business losses and privatize business profits. We need a separation of Corporation and State. That corporate owners, CEOs and managers can ride a revolving door between their corporate jobs and the upper management of Federal agencies created specifically to protect the American citizens from corporate abuses is just another of what are becoming countless examples of the poltical corruption of Congress.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: Just sickening ...

            Originally posted by GreyGeek
            We need a separation of Corporation and State.
            Agreed. I think we need to somehow limit the size/power of corporations.
            FKA: tanderson

