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PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

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    PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

    Saw a notice that the subject's beta 2 for their first KDE 4.4.x release was available. Downloaded, burned and booted it.

    First impression: I saw HAL leave a note on the screen about detecting my Intel GM45 chip, setting up its parameters, and configuring the AGP aperture. The result was that when KDE 4.4.1 came it it was lightening fast. Installed Stellarium and got 50-60 fps, which is unprecedented for this GM45 chip in any version of Kubuntu, Mandriva, or several other LiveCDs I've tried in the last year and a half. The best Lucid gives me in Stellarium is about half, 25-40 fps. Turning on Desktop effects had NO noticeable slowdown in PCLOS. In Kubuntu it drops my fps to 10-15 fps. Kubuntu's 3D gives me an occasional tearing over the bottom panel. PCLOS's 3D is rock solid stable.

    Second impression: nice boot screen, splash screen and background screen, which are PCLOS trademarks. Both KDE's Systemsettings and the former Mandrake SysConfig Center are there. Systemsettings is set as a tree, making it look more like KDE 3.5's control panel. The fourth tab in Systemsettings is supposed to contain the old Mandrake control center, but it never showed up. The classic KMenu tree is default.

    All in all, TexStar's hand on the wheel is obvious, as PCLOS seems back on course to its former quality, prior to the hurricane chasing TexStar out of Huston two years ago, and then him following that with about a year's sabbatical. The only weakness I noticed was that the PCLOS repository shows about 12,000 RPM based applications, only 40% of those present in Kubuntu's repositories. But, if it has everything you need the others are superfluous. I ran PCLinuxOS for about two years before I moved to Mandriva in August of 2008 to enjoy the benefits of KDE 4.1 because PCLOS wasn't going to it any time soon. I moved to Kubuntu because Mandriva wasn't going to KDE 4.2.

    Since moving to Kubuntu I've enjoyed the pleasures of a LARGE repository full of apps, an excellent codecs support site, the glories of apt-get, which I hadn't known about, to supplement Synaptic, the joys of the deb package system, and this fine forum (not to disparage the excellent forum at PCLOS).

    The things about Kubuntu I like the least, which PCLOS made stand out like sore thumbs, are:
    1) lack of xorg.conf, or an xorg.conf creation or adjustment tool, leaving one to the whims of HAL or whatever. Not bad if HAL figures out your video the way PCLOS did mine, but not so good if it does no better than what Kubuntu does. PCLOS had DrakeX.

    2) GRUB2. Grub's menu.lst is MUCH easier to configure than Grub2's grub.conf.

    3) The absence of a separate password for root be default. Even though I am comfortable with sudo, I still much prefer the old root paradigm. I don't reestablish that paradigm because I have no way of knowing how Kubuntu and all of its activities will react if I do so.

    4) Upstart. I still prefer the inittab paradigm and the method of user control it offers. Probably just old habits.

    None of these four problems are sufficient to make me move to another distro, but the fifth, if it becomes a problem is ... that because Kubuntu is built on top of Ubuntu, when MONO becomes inseparable from Ubuntu, and hence from Kubuntu, then I shall leave. Probably to Debian, despite how good PCLOS is.

    But, PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 is an EXCELLENT release, and will be even better when it goes gold.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

    I tried pclinuxoc 2010 kde4.4.1 Beta2 over the weekend on my desktop as well and come to the same conclusions.

    I used pclinux before switching to kubuntu and was not really too surprised with the stability.

    The speed gain with 3d turned on did surprise me quite a bit. Especially considering I was using the live cd.

    I hope the kubuntu devs can cut off a chunk or two for us

    I will probably give this guy a partition and see how it really pans out. I would especially be interested in how it treats akonadi & co with Kontact.

    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

      Good Review. Thanks!


        Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

        Yeah, GreyGeek, nice review. (Like to see one in that style/slant done for the most recent sidux, if you really get bored sometime ). The comments about MONO would also apply--I'm assuming--to distros based right off of Ubuntu like Mint, right?
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

          Still 32bit?

          Please Read Me


            Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

            Yes, I forgot to mention that.

            More accurately, it is i586 (not x86 or i686 and no 64bit is available, that I could find.

            That's what I find so amazing. It's 32bit, not 64bit like my Lucid, but it runs circles around Lucid. More correctly configuring the GM45 video chip doubled not only the 3D speed of my box, but also the average use of the desktop. To be frank, the PCLOS i586 runs faster on my box than the x86_64 Kubunu Lucid.

            Who ever is doing the HAL detection and configuration setup on PCLOS is a master. I suspect TexStar is the magician.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

              I'll have to check it out on my media box - the one with the 945gm chip in it.

              I believe they have a pae kernel for those with more RAM too, right?

              Anyway - my media box has only 2gb RAM anyway.

              Too bad we can't get that Intel support ported over to 'buntu!

              Please Read Me


                Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

                Found this while @ PClinuxOS. Thought it interesting and seems co corroborate GG's testing.



                  Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

                  PCLOS was where I was before going to Kubuntu back in the Warty days. Their LiveCDs have always been the best performers out there IMO. Interesting to see if that translates to a full install.

                  As for 64 bit, I was running 64bit Karmic on my Boxee box, and was having some problems with that so I tried out 32 bit. The installer automatically installed the pae kernel as I have 4gb ram in that one, and I think it feels a bit snappier, and Boxee seems to run better there as well. Not scientific, but I got the same feeling from trying out fedora on it the same way 32 vs 64 bit.

                  I wonder if the intel video driver used in PCLOS is the older version that worked better. I think I heard that Ubuntu and others may be reverting to that to help with these gpu's


                    Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

                    I copied the xorg.conf from PCLOS into my /etc/X11 directory to see if that helped Kubuntu LL. Then I rebooted.

                    Half and half. The speed in Stellarium went up to PCLOS's speed, but activated desktop effects cut my avg acceleration from 40fps to 20 fps, so I disabled desktop effects.

                    Some sides notes about PCLOS: The repository has libdvdcss2, mp3 stuff and other "restricted" multimedia capabilities, but they were not installed by default, at least not on the beta I ran. The repository also held the static version of Skype 2.0.81 (with "show my screen"). Qt-Creator (not QtCreator) was there, i.e., the 1.21 version. PostgreSQL 8.4, bzr, but not Bazaar Explorer. So, over all, the PCLOS repository is a mixed bag. Lots of multimedia stuff but lots of old stuff, too.

                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

                      Do they have any community- or member-created repositories?


                        Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

                        GG please can you describe how you actually measure your frame rate. I saw somewhere that you don't think the rates given by running glxgears actually measure any real property. You mentioned using Stellarium if I remember correctly. My current box (using Radeon HD 3650 card) clocks 13,000 in 5 seconds with 3D effects turned on; what would that be using your more accurate frame rate measure? - which presumably Phoronix used in their tests.

                        I'd just like to know how to get the real number!

                        Thanks for any pointers.


                          Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

                          I think GLXGears is said to be "inaccurate" because it doesn't test any real world usage. One advantage to it is the tool exists in every distro so I think it is very useful if you are comparing multiple systems with using same distro, comparing several distros on one computer, or making adjustments to your config or setup and want "before and after" data.

                          As far as your "Real" number - it's going to vary with the load presented. Many hi-res games have framerate counters built-in for fine tuning, or you could just d/l and install

                          Please Read Me


                            Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

                            Originally posted by claydoh
                            Do they have any community- or member-created repositories?
                            No - In fact it's frowned on, at least from the forum stand point. If you go on their official forum and mention a hack or edit you've done or admit to installing from outside the official repos, they'll delete your post and lock you out.

                            There are several community projects but they're either "official" - meaning they follow the rules - or are totally outside the developers scope.

                            There is a "Hack my PClos" forum, but if you go there and mess up your system, the mods at the official forum will not allow you to post about it or ask for help.

                            Having said that - as a former forum member there and still current pclinuxos user - it's a very stable and well done distro. Just don't expect any help on the forum [correction] don't bother going on the forum if you install from outside the repos.

                            Please Read Me


                              Re: PCLinuxOS 2010 KDE 4.4.1 Beta 2

                              Originally posted by oshunluvr
                              No - In fact it's frowned on, at least from the forum stand point. If you go on their official forum and mention a hack or edit you've done or admit to installing from outside the official repos, they'll delete your post and lock you out.
                              Well, if it is that draconian, I won't even bother checking them out again. I was a user myself around 2004/5 - Texstar used to provide external packages for my previous distro at the time - Lycoris. I cannot remember why I chose Kubuntu over pclinuxos or Mepis way back when, but as a former Debian hater (RTFM you idiot!) I am glad I am here.

