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There will be two KDEs

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    There will be two KDEs

    Originally posted by Fintan

    Personal note: I love it and will continue loving it
    Of course. Lots of people love New KDE, and no one want to take that away. It's what the developers ought to be doing now. I stopped attacking it a long time ago, and have since defended it against attackers. It's an amazing accomplishement that is only going to get better. I have personally compared KDE4 to the Apollo project and the Gutenberg Bible. It's the second best KDE I have ever used.

    Classic KDE doesn't need any further development, just a little mainainance. It's not going to take resources away from New KDE. There are going to be two KDEs in the future, that's all I'm saying. And when that's understood and acknowledged is when this conversation ends.

    Re: There will be two KDEs

    Originally posted by blackbelt_jones
    Originally posted by Fintan

    Personal note: I love it and will continue loving it
    Of course. Lots of people love New KDE, and no one want to take that away. It's what the developers ought to be doing now. I stopped attacking it a long time ago, and have since defended it against attackers. It's an amazing accomplishement that is only going to get better. I have personally compared KDE4 to the Apollo project and the Gutenberg Bible. It's the second best KDE I have ever used.

    Classic KDE doesn't need any further development, just a little mainainance. It's not going to take resources away from New KDE. There are going to be two KDEs in the future, that's all I'm saying. And when that's understood and acknowledged is when this conversation ends.
    It's spelled "maintenance".

    How far back to you mean when you say "I stopped attacking [KDE4] a long time ago"?

    Like 2 days ago:

    Or 4 days ago:

    Or 5 days ago, where you followed a blessing with a curse. In fact that is a constant theme with your KDE4 postings --- faint praise followed by withering criticism:

    Or 7 days ago:
    I can't take it any more. I've been obsessed with KDE4 for about a year. This is a very worthwhile project, but you don't push an immature default as the default, much less the only approved version because you're "confident that the problems will be worked out in time". You make it the default when the problems have been worked out. Someday the promise of KDE4 will be truly achieved-- and I promise you, there will legions of people who could not give a rat's ass. Now, when I login to KDE4, my stomach tightens and I start to feel a knot in my stomach. Just the sight of that cashew evokes a fight or flight response. I'm going to find me a nice XFCE distro with no KDE at all. Vector, or Zenwalk or something.

    Gave up on recompiling KDE3.5 ?

    Or maybe "a long time ago" means two weeks ago?

    In fact, the farther back one looks at your postings about KDE4 you've always posted criticisms, sometimes sprinkled with faint praise. Essentially just rants. You're hot, then cold, then hot, then cold. But even when hot there is always a negative inflection against KDE4. When you are cold your are vitriolic. Strange. Almost a year ago you posted that you had tried KDE4 "for a few weeks," but then say KDE3.5 could only be taken from you out of your "cold dead hands". Yet, over the last year, your anti-KDE4 rants continue to flood every forum I've read, even though you claim you are now running Slax with KDE3.5. So vitriolic are you that you will post a negative response against a positive KDE4 comment made a year ago!

    What I don't understand is how someone who find compiling software to be so easy has such a hard time learning how to use KDE4?

    I also noticed that most of your comments appear to be posted during the normal 8-to-5 working hours. Is someone paying you to FUD KDE4?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: There will be two KDEs

      No, but that would sure be my ideal job.

      I don't feel like I am opposed to New KDE, only to the lack of an alternative, and that colors everything. If someone were to tie me down and rape me with a corndog, I would not enjoy the experience, but it wouldn't be because I had anything against corn dogs. New KDE is the corndog in this analogy.


        Re: There will be two KDEs

        Originally posted by blackbelt_jones

        I don't feel like I am opposed to New KDE, only to the lack of an alternative
        WHAT? No alternatives

        Here are listed 99 OTHER Linux distributions:

        Please choose one (and go complain on THAT forum .....).


          Re: There will be two KDEs

          amen, dibl

          @bb_j, hell, you can go brain-dead on this one ...

          ... start with
          Kubuntu 8.04.2
          (yep, you guessed it: )

          'course, if one were to issue such O[bsessive]/C[omplusive] whining at sidux, well, they'd blow you right out of the sky over there, in just a post or two; you'd never know what the hell hit ya
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: There will be two KDEs

            It looks like Sidux is getting ready to jump onto the KDE 4 bandwagon.

            Aide from that, lets just drop the conversation, and agree to disagree. Feel free to igonore bb_j's posts, if they annoy you.
            The answers are out there...


              Re: There will be two KDEs

              "It looks like Sidux (sic) is getting ready to jump onto the KDE 4 bandwagon."

              -> yes, of course they are; but that's not the point per se;

              (Sidux <= sidux)
              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                Re: There will be two KDEs

                c'mon lets stop fanning the embers here


                  Re: There will be two KDEs

                  Originally posted by Qqmike
                  "It looks like Sidux (sic)..."

                  (Sidux <= sidux)
                  Spelling is correct.

                  Sidux is less than or equal to sidux.

                  I wonder if your not just trying to confuse me. If you want me to type "Sidux" as "sidux", just say so.

                  Originally posted by Qqmike
                  -> yes, of course they are; but that's not the point per se;
                  Perhaps I've missed the point.

                  Is Sidux going to continue to utilize KDE 3.x as its primary desktop, and keeping KDE 4.x as an option?

                  Has Sidux made any comment to the fact that they will continue to support KDE 3.x after the switch to KDE 4.x
                  The answers are out there...


                    Re: There will be two KDEs

                    @ Monster_user
                    sidux is spelled with lower case "s", always, as in the present sentence.
                    ("<=" in the present context => [implies] "replace.")

                    "Is Sidux going to continue to utilize KDE 3.x as its primary desktop, and keeping KDE 4.x as an option?
                    Has Sidux made any comment to the fact that they will continue to support KDE 3.x after the switch to KDE 4.x"

                    No clue, could care less, both Kubuntu and sidux work for me.
                    Check the news:

                    Details of KDE evolution/implementation are not at issue.
                    At issue is whining in the face of free will to exercise choices.
                    Ref.: dibl's post above.

                    claydoh: "c'mon lets stop fanning the embers here"

                    ----> agree

                    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                      Re: There will be two KDEs

                      Posted something fairly dumb in response to greygeek's paranoia, and then promptly lost my IP before I could take it back. That's all I have to say about that.

                      There will be two KDEs. That's pretty clear, so everybody will get what they need , problem solved, STFU blackbelt. Thank you very much.


                        Do I kontradict mysyself? Very well then I kontradict myself.

                        Unless I'm wrong. I thought I'd try Kubuntu Jaunty again; I'm running it now. It's running faster than just a couple of weeks ago, and that "quick access" widget has been needed for a long time. So what if I'm wrong? It breaks down like this: two KDEs not necessary, everybody gets what they need, problems solved, you're wrong, blackbelt, stfu, thank you very much.

                        Either way, it's all good.


                          Re: There will be two KDEs

                          Originally posted by GreyGeek
                          Originally posted by blackbelt_jones
                          Originally posted by Fintan

                          Personal note: I love it and will continue loving it
                          Of course. Lots of people love New KDE, and no one want to take that away. It's what the developers ought to be doing now. I stopped attacking it a long time ago, and have since defended it against attackers. It's an amazing accomplishement that is only going to get better. I have personally compared KDE4 to the Apollo project and the Gutenberg Bible. It's the second best KDE I have ever used.

                          Classic KDE doesn't need any further development, just a little mainainance. It's not going to take resources away from New KDE. There are going to be two KDEs in the future, that's all I'm saying. And when that's understood and acknowledged is when this conversation ends.
                          It's spelled "maintenance".

                          How far back to you mean when you say "I stopped attacking [KDE4] a long time ago"?

                          Like 2 days ago:

                          Or 4 days ago:

                          Or 5 days ago, where you followed a blessing with a curse. In fact that is a constant theme with your KDE4 postings --- faint praise followed by withering criticism:

                          Or 7 days ago:
                          I can't take it any more. I've been obsessed with KDE4 for about a year. This is a very worthwhile project, but you don't push an immature default as the default, much less the only approved version because you're "confident that the problems will be worked out in time". You make it the default when the problems have been worked out. Someday the promise of KDE4 will be truly achieved-- and I promise you, there will legions of people who could not give a rat's ass. Now, when I login to KDE4, my stomach tightens and I start to feel a knot in my stomach. Just the sight of that cashew evokes a fight or flight response. I'm going to find me a nice XFCE distro with no KDE at all. Vector, or Zenwalk or something.

                          Gave up on recompiling KDE3.5 ?

                          Or maybe "a long time ago" means two weeks ago?

                          In fact, the farther back one looks at your postings about KDE4 you've always posted criticisms, sometimes sprinkled with faint praise. Essentially just rants. You're hot, then cold, then hot, then cold. But even when hot there is always a negative inflection against KDE4. When you are cold your are vitriolic. Strange. Almost a year ago you posted that you had tried KDE4 "for a few weeks," but then say KDE3.5 could only be taken from you out of your "cold dead hands". Yet, over the last year, your anti-KDE4 rants continue to flood every forum I've read, even though you claim you are now running Slax with KDE3.5. So vitriolic are you that you will post a negative response against a positive KDE4 comment made a year ago!

                          What I don't understand is how someone who find compiling software to be so easy has such a hard time learning how to use KDE4?

                          I also noticed that most of your comments appear to be posted during the normal 8-to-5 working hours. Is someone paying you to FUD KDE4?
                          I don't think I've had problems learning how to use it, it just wasn't usable (for my purposes) . And you don't seem to make a distinction between criticizing KDE4 itself, and criticising the hasty, premature rollout. Well, I do. If you don't get what I'm saying, it's because you don't get that nuance.

                          I keep trying to make it work, and I keep getting frustrated, and the frustration turns me into a bit of a douchebag. Sorry about that. The guy who described me as obsessive compulsive nailed it pretty good. Anyway, I've been running KDE4.2.something for about a day now, and it's been working very cleanly. Like I said, the quick access widget makes a world of difference, and after the last upgrade, it's running much faster. I may be about to finally give it up.


                            Re: There will be two KDEs

                            Still Running KDE4. Opening up a few widgets slowed it down, do I closed them up again. After all, KDE3 doesn't have a bunch of widgets. So it's working very well, as long as I don't get greedy.


                              Re: There will be two KDEs

                              In the end there will be only KDE and that's KDE 4. All good things come to an end eventually. KDE 3 might not be dead just yet, but give it 6 months or so and it will be. I loved Windows 98 back in the day. However, the day came when it was time to move on because 98 just wasn't usable in the modern world any more.

                              When the major distros changed to KDE 4, it wasn't usable for me so I switched to Gnome. I like Gnome and I really grew to appreciate it but I will always be a KDE guy and I am so glad that the 4.2 series is finally ready for us normal users. 4.2.4 is simply amazing. I hear 4.3 will be even better. I may be wrong but I think KDE is the future of Linux. It can rival anything MS or Apple produces.

                              The thing is, don't spend time hating KDE. Learn to appreciate other DE. I could use Gnome and be happy. If you really want to use KDE 3, use it. You and that guy from Computerworld should get together and fork 3.5 and make your own DE. Be positive and constructive instead of negative and destructive.

