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GREAT Work Gutsy Team

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    GREAT Work Gutsy Team

    I was just reading a Thread about how Forums in general as well as Linux is a JOKE...

    I couldn't "DISAGREE" More....

    But this is not why I started this Thread...

    I recently had my PC Give up the Ghost, So I had the chance to get a PC with a VIA C3 CPU Samuel Core that is GREEN Friendly...

    Instead of using 40-50 watts TOP END on the CPU, It only uses 20 watts Top End. 4 watts bottom at idle...

    I'd been Winblows Free for almost 3 years...

    But when I tried to run Ubuntu it wouldn't even Load same with Kubuntu.
    Mandriva would'nt even try too boot, as well as Freespire or Linspire 5.0.
    A few others as well...
    Mepis Worked but Mepis wasn't my Best Choice, remembering Mepis was based on Dapper which I helped Test, So I downloaded Dapper again but it still Wouldn't work.

    I was stupid and bought Linspire 6.0 it'll install but Freezes either Live or installed...

    So I went back to Winblows XP to wait out the New release of Gutsy in Hopes I'd be able to run Linux again...

    GUESS What it works Just GREAT!!!!
    Thanks Gutsy Team, Yes I've got a Post to figure out why Kpowersave won't Throttle my CPU like it does in Windows and will in Linspire, If it worked longer then 45 seconds after desktop load...

    But at least it works IS MY POINT..
    I'm not going to let Kpowersave make me Leave Linux because it don't work.

    Gutsy now automattically loads my Ati Drivers a big plus.
    A step I always hated installing my Graphics Drivers...
    Now I don't have to...

    I guess my point is this, Ubuntu/Kubuntu are my Favorite Linux Distro's...
    Mepis worked but I didn't go to it and Give up on my Fav's of Distro's...
    I kept trying until a version that came out that worked.
    Did I give up on Linux NO!!!!

    Learning about Linux is an Ungoing process, it changes everyday..
    Always new things to learn... BIG DEAL this is Life...

    I've messed with Vista on a friends PC and the learning Curve from it to XP is plain out ridiculous...

    As coming from Winblows to Linux was for me....
    But I didn't give UP...

    If you Love something that much, and are convicted to get away from something that much, You won't give up, Until you win the fight....

    Many may not agree with me but It's your choice you can either give up or you can keep going... But to remain Winblows free will take work and always learning...

    You have to in Winblows as well, it's just alot slower....
    Between releases...

    I could keep going but I won't.
    I don't want to start a FLAME War, but just to express my Opinion...
    And to empress the Fact that Linux is all about choice....

    Once again THANKS Gutsy Team, For giving me My Distro of "CHOICE" back as well as giving me the Choice to use it...

    KEEP UP THE Great Work...
    I look Forward to the next release.... 8)

    Re: GREAT Work Gutsy Team

    Not that im one that the message is for, but Its good to hear that you got it running and almost working to all your needs. I have used linux for around 7 years at home and tryed many distos. But I have to say the past year using Kubuntu has been one of the most enjoyable. Anyway I could rant on, but will leave it there!

    and from me also to anyone who has contributed to Gutsy Gibbon, Great Work!


      Re: GREAT Work Gutsy Team

      Good on you, BlackKnight.

      I help a little bit, here and there when I can with my minimal knowledge of Linux, on these forums. Very happy to do so as my own little (very little) contribution to this wonderful distro. I get a little bit annoyed reading the "this is cr@p" type of posts.

      For me, it works wonderfully well. When something doesn't, you only have to do a bit of a search of the forums or google and you can always get an answer to your problem. I'd rather spend a little time fixing things than paying through the nose so I can use Bill's O/S.

      Glad you seem to be as happy with Kubuntu as I am. If you ever have a problem, just click your heels twice and say " I............" well, you know!


      I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


        Re: GREAT Work Gutsy Team

        Thanks everyone for your Support...
        I'm Grateful for all everyone has ever put into this OS, as well as any other Linux based OS... Have a GREAT DAY.... 8)

