Since my original thread went wildly off topic and got moved, and I still need input/ideas, let's try again. 
System76 is working on building my new 17.3" Gazelle laptop right now. Here's a reminder of its specs, one of which--CoreBoot--made GG drool, but since I don't even know what that is, I don't know why!
Bottom line: it will arrive with Ubuntu 20.04LTS pre-installed. Everything will be on one partition. It will have a 1TB NVMe drive.
Given my COPIOUSLY DESCRIBED problems with the original, the 'lemon' as we're calling it, one of the excellent suggestions I got was to do everything one change at a time, documenting each change, so if something goes wrong I'll know which step caused it. With that in mind, but also keeping in mind that I do *not* like GNOME (or whatever U uses these days), I want to install K the moment I get it. Okay, a few moments after I get it--and verify that everything, like Wi-Fi, works properly.
Now, those of you who followed my year-long saga especially, what would you suggest? I'm using Pop on this identical Gazelle loaner and feel completely lost. I want K back ASAP.
To reiterate my preferred partitioning scheme, I want separate /, /home, /data, and [swap] partitions.
Please help me map out a game plan before the replacement arrives. If you did not follow my saga and/or have forgotten anything (and, like me, are too lazy to look it up!
), feel free to ask any questions about what happened with it.

System76 is working on building my new 17.3" Gazelle laptop right now. Here's a reminder of its specs, one of which--CoreBoot--made GG drool, but since I don't even know what that is, I don't know why!
Bottom line: it will arrive with Ubuntu 20.04LTS pre-installed. Everything will be on one partition. It will have a 1TB NVMe drive.
Given my COPIOUSLY DESCRIBED problems with the original, the 'lemon' as we're calling it, one of the excellent suggestions I got was to do everything one change at a time, documenting each change, so if something goes wrong I'll know which step caused it. With that in mind, but also keeping in mind that I do *not* like GNOME (or whatever U uses these days), I want to install K the moment I get it. Okay, a few moments after I get it--and verify that everything, like Wi-Fi, works properly.
Now, those of you who followed my year-long saga especially, what would you suggest? I'm using Pop on this identical Gazelle loaner and feel completely lost. I want K back ASAP.
To reiterate my preferred partitioning scheme, I want separate /, /home, /data, and [swap] partitions.
Please help me map out a game plan before the replacement arrives. If you did not follow my saga and/or have forgotten anything (and, like me, are too lazy to look it up!
