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Twinview - one widescreen, one normal monitor

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    Twinview - one widescreen, one normal monitor

    I'm trying to get my monitors and KDE setup to play nicely together in twinview.

    The quirk is that, because the monitors are different aspect ratios, there is no way to get the top and bottom of the monitors to align, and KDE seems to require that for some functionality.

    Specifically, I have an autohiding panel at both the top and the bottom of my regular (widescreen) monitor. Once I configure the second monitor as twinview, I lose access either one or the other panel.

    I'd prefer to keep both autohiding, and I'm just wondering if there's anyway to get that to happen, or will I just have to relent and leave the panels as always visible?

    KDE 4.3
    Primary monitor (1366x768)
    Secondary monitor (1280x1024)
    nVidia 190.09 driver.


    Re: Twinview - one widescreen, one normal monitor

    So, just to reply a bit to my own question:

    By setting the tops of the screens to align, the top panel behaves as normal.

    The panel on the bottom of the widescreen monitor doesn't appear when I bring the pointer downwards past the screen edge, but does appear when I being the pointer slowly up past the screen edge.

    Not ideal, but things certainly aren't as tricky as I though they'd be.


      Re: Twinview - one widescreen, one normal monitor

      i do exaclty that with my computer < that is dual screen one is 16:10 the one 4:3> but i have an ati card. and set it up w/ the ati driver tool.

      have you tired to set it up in the nvidia tool?, run 'kdesudo nvidia-settings' (no ' s)
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