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Desktop Folder question.

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    Desktop Folder question.

    I am trying to get the Desktop Folder to just show Home and Trash like earlier releases but I keep getting all of the folders in Home displayed. How can I change this? I know this is probably something simple that I am overlooking.

    Re: Desktop Folder question.

    Here's the deal. When you add the Folder View widget, it is going to show whatever folder you point it toward, and all the contents of that folder. So, if you only want it to show /home/exploder/Desktop then you have to click the little wrench and change it to that, in the dialog. And if you have a clean desktop folder, it won't show junk, but if you junk up your desktop folder, then ....


      Re: Desktop Folder question.

      Ok, I have a clean desktop folder. How can I get my Home folder and trash to show up?


        Re: Desktop Folder question.

        OK, on the Cashew in the upper right corner, you click "Unlock Widgets".

        Then, you hover your mouse cursor on the right edge of the folder view. Do you see the wrench? You click it, and you change the path to /home/exploder and you're done. Then you click "Lock Widgets" on the Cashew.

        If you want to get fancy with selecting certain things to show, there is a "Filter" capability in the left pane -- I have not worked with that.


          Re: Desktop Folder question.

          Thanks, I get what you are saying and I can get it to show my desktop but not trash and my home folder. I can live with the contents of Home being displayed for now. I will have to check out the filter and see what I can do. Thanks again!

          Edit: I figured it out! I just had to create links to what I wanted to show, now it is displaying what I want.


            Re: Desktop Folder question.

            I'm not sure there is a trashcan associated with the Desktop. Of course there is for the user's /home/user folder. But that is where a lot of other stuff is too. So if you want to show only /home/explorer and its trashcan, but not all the other stuff in there, I think you're going to have to become a filter guru.


              Re: Desktop Folder question.

              Check out my above post where I edited it. I set it up like you suggested and created links to what I wanted to display. Now I have Home and Trash showing like in previous releases.

