there is a start up option in knoppix, bootfrom=<disk_to_boot_from> (first you have to set up a partition/directory and you use go bootto=<disk_to_boot_from>), used to what it says which I love because it avoids the wear and noise from the DVD/CD player, in fact it frees it for whatever else you may need it
Last time I checked (k)ubuntu it needed a whole partition for itself instead just a directory (a bit like Windows assuming they are the only OS ;-))
I tried finding kubuntu's cheat codes to see if it has the functionality
Is it there?
Thank you
there is a start up option in knoppix, bootfrom=<disk_to_boot_from> (first you have to set up a partition/directory and you use go bootto=<disk_to_boot_from>), used to what it says which I love because it avoids the wear and noise from the DVD/CD player, in fact it frees it for whatever else you may need it
Last time I checked (k)ubuntu it needed a whole partition for itself instead just a directory (a bit like Windows assuming they are the only OS ;-))
I tried finding kubuntu's cheat codes to see if it has the functionality
Is it there?
Thank you