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New Desktop Issues

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    New Desktop Issues

    I just can't figure it out. I've been using KDE for a decade and well they finally made it bad enough that I need to switch. I installed the netbook 9.10 edition that could be the problem. I will try blowing that away and install the full version on my eeepc and see if that fixes it.
    No menu button and some news app running that I don't care about. When I start an app like firefox I don't know how to get out of the network tools box. The best way I found is from a new login to just start a terminal window and run things from the command line. I'd like to create buttons next to the menu button like in previous kde versions but I don't even see a menu button in this version. And I don't want the starter app or news app running. Its confusing using this version. Maybe time to go back to gnome or maybe even a slimmer trimmer desktop. All I used is buttons for maybe 8 or 9 apps and I liked how easy it was creating buttons in kde. Besides that I tried disabling my wireless using the wireless shut off button, that I got working in kubuntu 9.04 with warnings each time it comes back from suspend, to see if it would work better in 9.10 without having to add the hp module and nope it works worse, it crashed the kernel. Good thing I have it on a separate partition and installed grub in its partition so I can easily switch back to the older desktop for now. The wireless network app works better than the 9.04 version but I don't want to login to the kde wallet crap to start wireless and I want the default user to automatically login. Time to apply my wpa_gui fix again.

    Re: New Desktop Issues

    KDE4 takes awhile getting used to. I didn't like it at first but I have found there are ways to adjust most things.

    The menu button is a widget, so right-click on the desktop and unlock widgets (if it's listed). Then right-click again and add widgets. The menu button is called Application Launcher - there are two varieties, classic and new style.

    There is a way to put start buttons next to the menu button. I think if you unlock the widgets you can drag icons there.

    The news app is a widget as well - once you unlock widgets you can close it, or just remove it from the widget list.

    If you want icons on your desktop, you can either add a Folder View widget to contain them, or you can set your Desktop Activity View to Folder View, which makes it more like a classic desktop.

    I don't use a network manager, but you might try using the one from gnome instead of the KDE one. Uninstall the kde one first.

    And personally, I much prefer Synaptic for managing packages. I think the new PackageKit is FAR too noob-based - lacks any real functionality. It's an embarrassment to KDE. Funny how KDE can't seem to make a decent network manager or package manager. Best to try different ones and find one you like.

    Also, for auto login, go to System Settings|Advanced|Login Manager|Convenience.
    Check out my blog for useful scripts and tips...


      Re: New Desktop Issues

      And if Kwallet bothers you, set the password to nothing and it won't prompt you (at least in older versions). There also may be a way to tell the network manager not to use the wallet.
      Check out my blog for useful scripts and tips...


        Re: New Desktop Issues

        I installed the netbook 9.10 edition that could be the problem.
        yes that was the prob the netbook is a work in progress......and totaley diferent

        O and the KDE-wallet thing can be turnd off in system setings>advanced>KDE-wallet


        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: New Desktop Issues

          Yup that was most definatly the problem


            Re: New Desktop Issues

            i tried the netbook remix on my old hp laptop thats got karmic on it , i figured max res is 800*600 (its that old) why not try the netbook plasma... although the layout was very nice, it was no where near as useable as the desktop plasma on the same machine.i will give it a while to mature and try it again at some point.
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