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Kubuntu 9.04 Questions

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    Kubuntu 9.04 Questions


    I just installed Kubuntu 9.04 in Parallels 4 for Mac. I also use Kubuntu 7.10 but have never used Kubuntu with KDE 4. I have some (hopefully) simple questions that I need answered so I can start using Kubuntu 9.04:

    1. I'm behind a corporate firewall the requires authentication. In Kubuntu, I went to "Network Settings - System Settings" and chose "Manually specify the proxy settings" and entered the proxy URL. However, in the "Authorization" section, I want to specify the username and password, but those options are disabled -- only "Prompt as needed" is available for selection. How can I enter the proxy username and password? I've never been prompted, even when I told the system to update the date/time automatically, which I assume it needs to get from the internet.

    2. Where is Synaptic and/or Aptitude GUI? Under Applications --> System I see something called KPackageIt, but I don't see Synaptic anywhere. KPackageIt doesn't seem to be picking up the proxy settings either as it never prompts me for the username/password.

    That should be enough to get me going. Thank you!!!!!

    Re: Kubuntu 9.04 Questions

    Hi o_swas

    Cannot comment on 1. off the top of my head but can help for 2.

    Its ill-advised to use KPackageKit in Jaunty (based on my experiences and reading other people's feedback here) . There are too many quirks and its unreliable for me.
    In the next release (Karmic) its apparently a lot better.

    I use Synaptic in Jaunty and am happy with it.

    I am guessing that you need to update your software sources to include the repositories which contain Synaptic.
    Presuming that you wish to use KPackageKit *once* to install Synaptic:
    - Load KPackageKit
    - Go into the Settings option
    - Click on Select Software Sources
    - Select Universe (& Multiverse if you like) - I recall that Synaptic is in the Universe repository but it may be Multiverse)
    - Select the Close button
    - It should then prompt you to Reload the package lists... so select Reload
    - Once its reloaded ... select Synaptic from the Admin Tools list & install it.
    - Exit KPackageKit & use Synaptic for any other software you require

    If Synaptic does not come up above in KpackageKit *after* you have updated/reloaded your sources, then do the following:
    On the command line (using a terminal program eg. Konsole):
    - sudo apt-get install synaptic (without the "-")
    - follow the prompts... and it should install Synaptic for you!

    Hope this helps



      Re: Kubuntu 9.04 Questions

      Thanks, but synaptic still doesn't show. The universe and multiverse options were already checked.

      If I do this:

      sudo apt-get install synaptic

      It says this:

      Package synaptic is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source.
      E: Package synaptic has no installation candidate

      I still think it might have something to do with the proxy, since I'm pretty sure it can't get out to the internet to read any installation lists.

      Does anybody know how I can set the proxy authorization like I ask in question #1 in the first message? BTW, I'm using the 64 bit version of Kubuntu.


        Re: Kubuntu 9.04 Questions

        If you still have a gear wheel icon in the system tray right after installation, click on it to do all necessary upadates before installing Synaptic. Then try install Synaptic again.
        Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


          Re: Kubuntu 9.04 Questions

          Originally posted by o_swas
          1. I'm behind a corporate firewall the requires authentication. In Kubuntu, I went to "Network Settings - System Settings" and chose "Manually specify the proxy settings" and entered the proxy URL. However, in the "Authorization" section, I want to specify the username and password, but those options are disabled -- only "Prompt as needed" is available for selection. How can I enter the proxy username and password? I've never been prompted, even when I told the system to update the date/time automatically . . .
          o_swas seems to be correct about this. No matter how I fiddle with the widgets, the username and password fields seem to be permanently disabled. Perhaps a command line solution is in order.
          Welcome newbies!
          Verify the ISO
          Kubuntu's documentation


            Re: Kubuntu 9.04 Questions

            Hi o_swas

            I checked in Ubuntu Forums and have the following from
            Its based on a good primer in the "HOW-TO" 's:

            to set up apt-get:
            sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf
            add the following:
            ACQUIRE {
            http::proxy "[url]http://user[/url] name:passw@host:port/"
            to set up Synaptic:
            fill the fields with something like
            user name:passw@host
            (no http:// in front, no :8080 at the end)
            then fill the port field with the correct port number (8080, in my case)

            - You need to fill in the appropriate fields above (user, password, host).

            - Once you have set up the apt-get environment variable, download Synapatic for your updates. It appears that KPackageKit (in Jaunty) does not allow for authentication directly within the application.

            Unfortunately I cannot test this as I do not require authentication in my setup.

            Hope this helps


