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Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

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    Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

    Update: this has been reported in Launchpad

    I don't know if this is 64 bit specific, but in my fresh install of Kubuntu 9.04 the updates manager never worked well (it used not to respond at all if I clicked on it, now it pops up and it shows me that there are updates, but if I try to install them it tells me I am not root!).

    Please see the attached screenshots. Has anyone else seen this?
    Attached Files

    Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

    Forget the Update Manager. Open a terminal and copy and paste this.

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    Enter you password.

    Then every time you have updates, simply open a terminal and use the up arrow key until you get to this entry and hit enter. You are going to amazed at how fast and smoothly your updates get applied.


      Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

      Oh yes, I know how to use apt-get, I forgot to mention, thanks a lot! I actually use synaptic for most of my software needs. But I am afraid there are so many little things like this in Kubuntu ... it's ok for experienced users, but a new user is still much better off with regular Ubuntu Two years ago I thought this would change some time, but I am losing hope.

      Anyways, thanks, again!


        Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

        Yes, I know what you mean. I'm not even using KDE4, Ubuntu and Xubuntu for JJ and still running KDE3.5 on Hardy.


          Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

          Originally posted by lmilano
          Oh yes, I know how to use apt-get, I forgot to mention, thanks a lot! I actually use synaptic for most of my software needs. But I am afraid there are so many little things like this in Kubuntu ... it's ok for experienced users, but a new user is still much better off with regular Ubuntu Two years ago I thought this would change some time, but I am losing hope.

          Anyways, thanks, again!
          guys, i have read some posts that kubuntu is 'inferior' to ubuntu? its like a step child or something? do kubuntu developers visit this forum? can they weigh in?


            Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

            eh sorry... thats a new thread right?


              Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

              Originally posted by marcopl
              eh sorry... thats a new thread right?
              It simply receives a lot less resources. Originally, Mark S. decided to go with Gnome for Ubuntu, which created a lot of controversy because KDE seemed (IMHO) more popular and considered by many people technically better. So, a release or two later Mark gave official support to Kubuntu, which had already been started by the KDE community, and Canonical even hired a person or two to work on Kubuntu. Ubuntu still receives a lot, lot more resources than Kubuntu, and actually made Gnome more widely used, which doesn't bother me but simply shows the power of Ubuntu.

              Today, the Ubuntu family is going in the right direction from an engineering point of view, creating desktop agnostic applications and different front ends, like network-manager, and then network-manager-gnome and network-manager-kde. This modular approach is clearly a way to go, but still Kubuntu is unfortunately lacking.


                Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

                Originally posted by lmilano
                I don't know if this is 64 bit specific, but in my fresh install of Kubuntu 9.04 the updates manager never worked well (it used not to respond at all if I clicked on it, now it pops up and it shows me that there are updates, but if I try to install them it tells me I am not root!).

                Please see the attached screenshots. Has anyone else seen this?
                I don't use kpackagekit myself, but I recall it uses policykit to get root privileges, so I'd first check that you have policykit-kde (and dependencies) installed.


                  Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

                  I will, thanks for the (smart) pointer ! If it's not installed, then it's a bug in the packaging, this is just a fresh install. t would be nice to know if thsi _is_ working for anyone. I upgraded KDE to 4.2.4, but this shouldn't be an issue. We'll see!


                    Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

                    Now that you mention it, it does not ask for the password on my 64-bit Kubuntu system either. I had not thought of it -- I more often use apt-get update, but I have used the notifier a few times, and it did not require a password as I recall.


                      Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

                      Yeah, and i use that or synaptic. But this is a showstopper for a new Kubuntu user. If anyone hasa little time it would be nice to report it in Launchpad, and post a link here. I'll try to do it, but if anyone else can, great, too! Thanks!


                        Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

                        Update: this has been reported in Launchpad


                          Re: Software updates manager not asking for sudo password

                          We made some progress in Launchpad. If anyone is having this bug, could you please try the following proposed fix?

                          sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpolkit-dbus2 libpolkit-grant2 libpolkit2 policykit
                          See here for more:

