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suspend to RAM screws up KDE

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    suspend to RAM screws up KDE

    Please help!!!

    I have a Toshiba A305-6837 laptop and just installed Kubuntu 9.04.
    Everything worked flawlessly until I tried suspending to RAM. First
    time it worked, but when I tried suspending for the second time,
    I was unable to resume and had to do a hard reboot. Somehow
    this caused some of the programs to loose the ability to repaint
    their components For example, sometimes when I open up
    Konqueror or Kile (latex frontend) I would see portions of the
    toolbars jumbled up with random pixels.

    Re: suspend to RAM screws up KDE

    It might be that you don't have enough ram to do suspend to ram? I'm not an expert on this but try suspend to disk and see if the problem persists.


      Re: suspend to RAM screws up KDE

      I've the same problem, however there's nothing wrong with the programs after my hard reboot.

      Check your log:

      Check for any non-successful actions - maybe it will show you what's wrong

      I found this entry:

      However I still don't know how to fix it...

