I had a fairly comfortable Hardy (8.04) system, but I thought an upgrade to Jaunty would give me better support for bluetooth, Kontact syncing with my mobile, Wine and some other things.
I upgraded to Intrepid fairly easily. I used it for a few days to sort out any kinks.
I went for the Jaunty upgrade. Oops. Firstly it wouldn't complete - 'broken pipes', files used by two packages at once, etc... Also there were overlapping packages, e.g. Kpowermanager and guidance-power-manager, update manager and synaptic. Got that sorted out with much info gleaned from the ubunt forums and elsewhere on apt-get and dpkg forcing and purging. Learned a bit about command line Debian.
Jaunty finally seemed to be working when Synaptic started hinting that there were further updates available and also some orphaned and incomplete packages. Fought my way through those brambles, only to find that I had no access to my network. Wifi was not connecting. Wired I could not define.
I discovered that there was a copy of wpa_supplicant running that could not connect to my wifi card, nor could wpa_cli find it. There was no use running wpa_supplicant from the command line while it was there, and if I did a kill on it somebody just fired up another one.
In desperation I used apt-get to remove and purge wifi-radar, knetworkmanager, network-management, update manager, synaptic and I don't know what else. Now at least I can connect to my wifi manually.
I am now wondering how to rebuild smooth, automated networking. Or "if it's not broke, don't fix it?"
- Erny
I upgraded to Intrepid fairly easily. I used it for a few days to sort out any kinks.
I went for the Jaunty upgrade. Oops. Firstly it wouldn't complete - 'broken pipes', files used by two packages at once, etc... Also there were overlapping packages, e.g. Kpowermanager and guidance-power-manager, update manager and synaptic. Got that sorted out with much info gleaned from the ubunt forums and elsewhere on apt-get and dpkg forcing and purging. Learned a bit about command line Debian.
Jaunty finally seemed to be working when Synaptic started hinting that there were further updates available and also some orphaned and incomplete packages. Fought my way through those brambles, only to find that I had no access to my network. Wifi was not connecting. Wired I could not define.
I discovered that there was a copy of wpa_supplicant running that could not connect to my wifi card, nor could wpa_cli find it. There was no use running wpa_supplicant from the command line while it was there, and if I did a kill on it somebody just fired up another one.
In desperation I used apt-get to remove and purge wifi-radar, knetworkmanager, network-management, update manager, synaptic and I don't know what else. Now at least I can connect to my wifi manually.
I am now wondering how to rebuild smooth, automated networking. Or "if it's not broke, don't fix it?"
- Erny