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upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10+KDE4.2

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    upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10+KDE4.2

    I considering upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04. The thing I'm a bit worried about is that I'm already running KDE4.2 ... this was a beta version that I installed some two month ago, I think... (and totally broke my desktop in the process...). It's not from the intrepid repositories. I'm wondering if an upgrade to jaunty is going to break something again...
    Also I don't want to loose my current desktop configurations (widgets etc.)...
    If I make a backup of .kde4.2 it should save my configuration, right? But in case I have to use my backup, is overwriting the new .kde4.2-folder not going to cause problems?
    I'm running kubuntu (64 bit, btw.) on a Thinkpad-laptop (T60p), are there any known issues, e.g. with the ATI graphics card (that are specific to jaunty)?
    Any thoughts on this?

    Re: upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10+KDE4.2


    I did this morning the upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04.

    Everything works fine. Be sure you do the upgrade from a wired connection...

    If you should have troubles with broken packages type after reboot:

    sudo dpkg --configure -a

    Annyway there is nice information at the website from Kubuntu with screenshots! You need just to follow them.

    The only thing for this moment I was verry disappointed was the "New Amarok", this is really a pain in the*ss...

    See mine post from how you can replace the new Amarok to the older amarok if you also don't like the new one!

    I don't have not troubles at moment after the update

    Greetz & succes
    The diamond can not be polished without friction, <br /> nor a man perfected without trials.


      Re: upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10+KDE4.2

      Thanks for your opinion. Apparently you had more luck than me...

      I upgraded after a kernel-problem with 8.10 made my system effectively unusable. The Kernel-problem was solved, but I'm quite disappointed for the following reasons:

      I have an older ATI graphics card, which is no longer supported. The new X-server requires new drivers, which are no longer provided by ATI so I have to resort to the open-source driver (which effectively means no desktop effects...)
      The thing that annoyed me most is that there is apparently no warning or anything: apt-get simply installed the new ATI driver, without checking whether my card is supported at all...

      Also, the new network manager is apparently broken: WPA2 encryption does not work. But this can be circumvented by installing the WICD network manager, which works fine. (just 'apt-get install wicd' will remove the broken network manager and install wicd)

      If I had the choice (and no Kernel-problem), I'd go back to 8.10.

      But I'm OK with the new amarok... although apparently it does not have an equalizer, which may be a problem if you combine bad recordings with bad speakers...

